Retief! By Keith Laumer

“Diplomats and other liars require good memories,” Retief said. “But, as you point out, small wisdom to small minds. I’m here to effect a settlement of certain differences between yourself and the planetary authorities. I have here a Note, which I’m conveying on behalf of the Sector Under-Secretary. With your permission, I’ll read it.”

“Go ahead.” The Aga Kaga kicked a couple of cushions onto the floor, eased a bottle from under the couch, and reached for glasses.

“The Under-Secretary for Sector Affairs presents his compliments to his Excellency the Aga Kaga of the Aga Kaga, Primary Potentate, Hereditary Sheik, Emir of the—”

“Yes, yes; skip the titles.”

Retief flipped over two pages.

” . . . and with reference to the recent relocation of persons under the jurisdiction of his Excellency, has the honor to point out that the territories now under settlement comprise a portion of that area, designated as Sub-sector Alpha, which, under terms of the Agreement entered into by his Excellency’s predecessor, and as referenced in Sector Ministry’s Notes numbers G-175846573957-b and X-7584-736 c-1, with particular pertinence to that body designated in the Revised Galactic Catalogue, tenth edition, as amended, Volume Nine, reel 43, as 54 Cygni Alpha, otherwise referred to hereinafter as Flamme—”

“Come to the point,” the Aga Kaga cut in. “You’re here to lodge a complaint that I’m invading territories to which someone else lays claim, is that it?” He smiled broadly, offered dope-sticks, and lit one. “Well, I’ve been expecting a call. After all, it’s what you gentlemen are paid for. Cheers.”

“Your Excellency has a lucid way of putting things,” Retief said.

“Call me Stanley,” the Aga Kaga said. “The other routine is just to please some of the old fools—I mean the more conservative members of my government. They’re still gnawing their beards and kicking themselves because their ancestors dropped science in favor of alchemy and got themselves stranded in a cultural dead-end. This charade is supposed to prove they were right all along. However, I’ve no time to waste in neurotic compensations. I have places to go and deeds to accomplish.”

“At first glance,” Retief said, “it looks as though the places are already occupied and the deeds are illegal.”

The Aga Kaga guffawed. “For a diplomat, you speak plainly, Retief. Have another drink.” He poured, eyeing Georges. “What of M. Duror? How does he feel about it?”

Georges took a thoughtful swallow of whiskey. “Not bad,” he said. “But not quite good enough to cover the odor of goats.”

The Aga Kaga snorted. “I thought the goats were overdoing it a bit myself,” he said. “Still, the greybeards insisted. And I need their support.”

“Also,” Georges said distinctly, “I think you’re soft. You lie around letting women wait on you, while your betters are out doing an honest day’s work.”

The Aga Kaga looked startled. “Soft? I can tie a knot in an iron bar as thick as your thumb.” He popped a grape into his mouth. “As for the rest, your pious views as to the virtues of hard labor are as childish as my advisors’ faith in the advantages of primitive plumbing. As for myself, I am a realist. If two monkeys want the same banana, in the end one will have it, and the other will cry morality. The days of my years are numbered, praise be to God. While they last, I hope to eat well, hunt well, fight well, and take my share of pleasure. I leave to others the arid satisfactions of self-denial and other perversions.”

“You admit you’re here to grab our land then,” Georges said. “That’s the damndest piece of bare-faced aggression—”

“Ah, ah.” The Aga Kaga held up a hand: “watch your vocabulary, my dear sir. I’m sure that `justifiable yearnings for territorial self-realization’ would be more appropriate to the situation. Or possibly `legitimate aspirations for self-determination of formerly exploited peoples’ might fit the case. Aggression is, by definition, an activity carried on only by those who have inherited the mantle of `Colonial Imperialism.'”

“Imperialism! Why, you Aga Kagans have been the most notorious planet-grabbers in Sector history, you—you—”

“Call me Stanley.” The Aga Kaga munched a grape. “I merely face the realities of popular folk lore. Let’s be pragmatic; it’s a matter of historical association. Some people can grab land and pass it off lightly as a moral duty; others are dubbed imperialist merely for holding onto their own. Unfair, you say. But that’s life, my friends. And I shall continue to take every advantage of it.”

“We’ll fight you!” Georges bellowed. He took another gulp of whiskey and slammed the glass down. “You won’t take this world without a struggle—”

“Another?” the Aga Kaga said, offering the bottle. Georges glowered as his glass was filled. The Aga Kaga held the glass up to the light. “Excellent color, don’t you agree?” He turned his eyes on Georges.

“It’s pointless to resist,” he said. “We have you outgunned and outmanned. Your small nation has no chance against us. But we’re prepared to be generous. You may continue to occupy such areas as we do not immediately require until such time as you’re able to make other arrangements.”

“And by the time we’ve got a crop growing out of what was bare rock, you’ll be ready to move in,” the Boyar Chef d’Regime snapped. “But you’ll find we aren’t alone!”

“Quite alone,” the Aga Kaga said. He nodded sagely. “Yes, one need but read the lesson of history. The Corps Diplomatique Terrestrienne will make expostulatory noises, but it will accept the fait accompli. You, my dear sir, are but a very small nibble. We won’t make the mistake of excessive greed; we shall inch our way to empire—and those who stand in our way shall be dubbed warmongers.”

“I see you’re quite a student of history, Stanley,” Retief said. “I wonder if you recall the eventual fate of most of the world-be empire nibblers of the past?”

“Ah, but they grew incautious; they went too far, too fast.”

“The confounded impudence,” Georges rasped. “Tells us to our face what he has in mind . . .”

“An ancient and honorable custom, from the time of Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto through the Porcelain Wall of Leung. Such declarations have a legendary quality; it’s traditional that they’re never taken at face value.”

“But always,” Retief said, “there was a critical point at which the man on horseback could have been pulled from the saddle—”

“COULD have been,” the Aga Kaga chuckled. He finished the grapes and began peeling an orange. “But they never were. Hitler could have been stopped by the Czech Air Force in 1938; Stalin was at the mercy of the primitive atomics of the West in 1946; Leung was grossly over-extended at Rangoon. But the onus of that historic role could not be overcome. It has been the fate of your spiritual forebears to carve civilizations from the wilderness, and then, amid tearing of garments and the heaping of ashes of self-accusation on your own confused heads, to withdraw, leaving the spoils for local political opportunists and mob leaders, clothed in the mystical virtue of native birth. Have a banana.”

“You’re stretching the analogy a little too far,” Retief said. “You’re banking on the inaction of the Corps. You could be wrong.”

“I shall know when to stop,” the Aga Kaga said.

“Tell me, Stanley,” Retief said, rising. “Are we quite private here?”

“Yes, perfectly so. None would dare to intrude in my council.” He cocked an eyebrow at Retief. “You have a proposal to make in confidence? But what of our dear friend Georges? One would not like to see him disillusioned . . .”

“Don’t worry about Georges. He’s a realist, like you. He’s prepared to deal in facts. Hard facts, in this case.”

The Aga Kaga nodded thoughtfully. “What are you getting at?”

“You’re basing your plan of action on the certainty that the Corps will sit by, wringing its hands, while you embark on a career of interplanetary piracy—”

“Isn’t it the custom?” the Aga Kaga smiled complacently.

“I have news for you, Stanley. In this instance, neck-wringing seems more in order than hand-wringing . . .”

The Aga Kaga frowned. “Your manner—”

“Never mind our manners!” Georges blurted, standing. “We don’t need any lessons from goat-herding land-thieves!”

The Aga Kaga’s face darkened. “You dare to speak thus to me, pig of a muck-grubber—”

With a muffled curse Georges launched himself at the potentate. The giant rolled aside, grunted as the Boyar’s fist thumped in his short ribs, then chopped down on Georges’ neck. The Chef d’Regime slid off onto the floor as the Aga Kaga bounded to his feet, sending fruit and silken cushions flying.

“I see it now!” he hissed. “An assassination attempt!” He stretched his arms, thick as tree-roots—a grizzly in satin robes. “Your heads will ring together like gongs before I have done with you . . . !” He lunged for Retief. Retief came to his feet, feinted with his left, and planted a short right against the Aga Kaga’s jaw with a solid smack. The potentate stumbled, grabbed; Retief slipped aside. The Aga Kaga whirled to face Retief.

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Categories: Keith Laumer