Retief! By Keith Laumer

“Captain, tell your friend to keep its distance. It looks brittle, and I’m tempted to test it.”

“Don’t start anything with Skaw; he can clip through steel with those snappers.”

“Last chance,” said Retief. Skaw stood poised, open pincers an inch from Retief’s eyes.

“Show him your papers, you damned fool,” the captain said hoarsely. “I got no control over Skaw.”

The alien clicked both pincers with a sharp report, and in the same instant Retief half turned to the left, leaned away from the alien, and drove his right foot against the slender leg above the bulbous knee-joint. Skaw screeched, floundered, greenish fluid spattering from the burst joint.

“I told you he was brittle,” Retief said. “Next time you invite pirates aboard, don’t bother to call.”

“Jesus, what did you do! They’ll kill us!” the captain gasped, staring at the figure flopping on the floor.

“Cart poor old Skaw back to his boat,” Retief said. “Tell him to pass the word; no more illegal entry and search of Terrestrial vessels in Terrestrial space.”

“Hey,” Chip said. “He’s quit kickin’.”

The captain bent over Skaw, gingerly rolled him over. He leaned close, sniffed.

“He’s dead.” The captain stared at Retief. “We’re all dead men. These Soetti got no mercy.”

“They won’t need it. Tell ’em to sheer off; their fun is over.”

“They got no more emotions than a blue crab—”

“You bluff easily, captain. Show a few guns as you hand the body back. We know their secret now.”

“What secret? I—”

“Don’t be dumber than you gotta, Cap’n,” Chip said. “Sweaties dies easy; that’s the secret.”

“Maybe you got a point,” the captain said, looking at Retief. “All they got’s a three-man scout. It could work.”

He went out, came back with two crewmen. They circled the dead alien, hauled him gingerly into the hall.

“Maybe I can run a bluff on the Soetti,” the captain said, looking back from the door. “But I’ll be back to see you later.”

“You don’t scare us, Cap’n,” Chip called as the door closed. He grinned at Retief. “Him and Mr. Tony and all his goons. You hit ’em where they live, that time. They’re pals o’ these Sweaties. Runnin’ some kind o’ crooked racket.”

“You’d better take the captain’s advice, Chip. There’s no point in your getting involved in my problems.”

“They’d of killed you before now, mister, if they had any guts. That’s where we got it over these monkeys; they got no guts.”

“They act scared, Chip. Scared men are killers.”

“They don’t scare me none.” Chip picked up the tray. “I’ll scout around a little and see what’s goin’ on. If the Sweaties figure to do anything about that Skaw fella they’ll have to move fast; they won’t try nothin’ close to port.”

“Don’t worry, Chip. I have reason to be pretty sure they won’t do anything to attract a lot of attention in this sector just now.”

Chip looked at Retief. “You ain’t no tourist, mister. I know that much. You didn’t come out here for fun, did you?”

“That,” said Retief, “would be a hard one to answer.”

* * *

Retief awoke at a tap on his door.

“It’s me, mister: Chip.”

“Come on in.”

The chef entered the room, locked the door. “You shoulda had that door locked.” He stood by the door, listening, then turned to Retief.

“You want to get to Jorgensen’s pretty bad, don’t you, mister?”

“That’s right, Chip.”

“Mr. Tony give the captain a real hard time about old Skaw. The Sweaties didn’t say nothin’; didn’t even act surprised, just took the remains and pushed off. Mr. Tony and that other crook they call Marbles—they was fit to be tied. Took the cap’n in his cabin and talked loud at him fer half an hour. Then the cap’n come out and give some orders to the mate.”

Retief sat up and reached for a cigar.

“Mr. Tony and Skaw were pals, eh?”

“He hated Skaw’s guts. But with him it was business. Mister, you got a gun?”

“A 2mm needler. Why?”

“The orders Cap’n give was to change course fer Alabaster; we’re by-passin’ Jorgensen’s Worlds. We’ll feel the course change any minute.”

Retief lit the cigar, reached under the mattress and took out a short-barreled pistol. He dropped it in his pocket, looked at Chip.

“Maybe it was a good thought, at that. Which way to the captain’s cabin?”

“This is it,” Chip said softly. “You want me to keep a eye on who comes down the passage?”

Retief nodded, opened the door, and stepped into the cabin. The captain looked up from his desk, then jumped up. “What do you think you’re doing, busting in here—”

“I hear you’re planning a course change, Captain.”

“You’ve got damn big ears.”

“I think we’d better call in at Jorgensen’s.”

“You do, huh?” The captain sat down. “I’m in command of this vessel. I’m changing course for Alabaster.”

“I wouldn’t find it convenient to go to Alabaster. So just hold your course for Jorgensen’s.”

“Not bloody likely.” The captain reached for the mike on his desk, pressed the key. “Power Section, this is the captain,” he said. Retief reached across the desk, gripped the captain’s wrist.

“Tell the mate to hold his present course,” he said softly.

“Let go my hand, Buster,” the captain snarled. With his eyes on Retief’s, he eased a drawer open with his left hand, reached in. Retief kneed the drawer. The captain yelped, dropped the mike.

“You busted my wrist, you—”

“And one to go,” Retief said. “Tell him.”

“I’m an officer of the Merchant Service—”

“You’re a cheapjack who’s sold his bridge to a pack of back-alley hoods.”

“You can’t put it over, hick. The landing—”

“Tell him.”

The captain groaned, keyed the mike.

“Captain to Power Section. Hold your present course until you hear from me.” He dropped the mike, looked up at Retief. “It’s eighteen hours yet before we pick up Jorgensen control; you going to sit here and bend my arm the whole time?”

Retief released the captain’s wrist, turned to Chip. “Chip, I’m locking the door. You circulate around, let me know what’s going on. Bring me a pot of coffee every so often. I’m sitting up with a sick friend.”

“Right, mister. Keep an eye on that jasper; he’s slippery.”

“What are you going to do?” the captain demanded.

Retief settled himself in a chair.

“Instead of strangling you, as you deserve, I’m going to stay here and help you hold your course for Jorgensen’s Worlds.”

The captain looked at Retief. He laughed, a short bark. “Then I’ll stretch out and have a little nap, farmer. If you feel like dozing off some time during the next eighteen hours, don’t mind me.”

Retief took out the needler and put it on the desk before him.

“If anything happens that I don’t like,” he said, “I’ll wake you up with this.”

“Why don’t you let me spell you, mister,” Chip said. “Four hours to go yet; you’re gonna hafta be on yer toes to handle the landing.”

“I’ll be all right, Chip. You get some sleep.”

“Nope. Many’s the time I stood four, five watches runnin’, back when I was yer age. I’ll make another round.”

Retief stood up, stretched his legs, paced the floor, stared at the repeater instruments on the wall. Things had gone quietly so far, but the landing would be another matter. The captain’s absence from the bridge during the highly complex maneuvering would be difficult to explain . . .

The desk speaker crackled.

“Captain, Officer of the Watch here. Ain’t it about time you was getting up here with the orbit figures?”

Retief nudged the captain. He awoke with a start, sat up. “Whazzat?” He looked wild-eyed at Retief.

“Watch Officer wants orbit figures,” Retief said, nodding toward the speaker.

The captain rubbed his eyes, shook his head, picked up the mike. Retief released the safety on the needler with an audible click.

“Watch Officer, I’ll . . . ah . . . get some figures for you right away. I’m . . . ah . . . busy right now.”

“What the hell you talking about, busy?” the speaker blared. “You ain’t got the figures ready, you’ll have a hell of a hot time getting ’em up in the next three minutes. You fergot your approach pattern or something?”

“I guess I overlooked it,” the captain said, looking sideways at Retief. He smiled crookedly. “I’ve been busy.”

“One for your side,” Retief said. He reached for the captain.

“I’ll make a deal,” the captain squalled. “Your life for—”

Retief took aim, slammed a hard right to the captain’s jaw. He slumped to the floor.

Retief glanced around the room, yanked wires loose from a motile lamp, trussed the man’s hands and feet, stuffed his mouth with paper and taped it.

Chip tapped at the door. Retief opened it and the chef stepped inside, looked at the man on the floor.

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Categories: Keith Laumer