Riptide by Catherine Coulter


She gave him another aspirin for good measure, and since she

had no brandy, she gave him a diet Dr Pepper.

“Close,” he said and downed a huge drink.

They both froze when there was a knock on the front door.

Then they heard the front door slam open, voices low and muffled.

Becca grabbed her Coonan and crept toward the kitchen door.

“Stay put, Adam. I don’t want you to get hurt again.”

“Becca, I’ll be all right. Just hold it a second.” Adam was right on

her heels, his voice low, his hand on her gun arm.

“Who is it?” he called out.

A man yelled out, “You guys all right? This door looks like an

army tried to shoot its way in.”

“I don’t know who it is,” Adam said. “Do you recognize his


She shook her head.

“Who the hell is out there? What are your damned names? Tell

me or I’ll blow your heads off. We’re a bit on the cautious side


“I’m Savich.”

“I’m Sherlock. Thomas sent us. Said we needed to meet Adam

and Becca, talk to them, get all the facts straight and together. Then

maybe we can nail this stalker.”

“I told him not to,” Adam said and slipped his gun back onto the

kitchen table and walked out into the hallway. A big man stood

there, a 9mm SIG pistol held snug in his hand. A woman stood just

behind him, as if shoved there for protection. She stepped around

the man and said, “Don’t be alarmed. We’re the good guys. As Dillon

said,Thomas sent us. I’m Sherlock and this is my husband, Dillon

Savich. We’re FBI.”

It was the man Thomas wanted to save his daughter’s butt. His

friend’s son, the computer hotshot at the Bureau. Adam didn’t like

it, any of it. He stood there frowning at the two of them. A man

brought his wife to a possible dangerous situation? What kind of an

idiot was he?

Becca stepped forward. “You’ve got a neat name, Sherlock.

You’re Mr. Savich? Hello. Now, I don’t know who this Thomas is,

but he’s probably Adam’s boss, only Adam refuses to tell me anything

about who hired him and why. I’m Becca Matlock. The man

who’s been stalking me and shot the governor, he was just here. He

called me and then he tried to kill us. I hit him, I know it. Adam

found some blood, but he’s gone, covered his trail, and I had to

bandage Adam up and so–”

“Now we understand everything,” Sherlock said and smiled at

the young woman facing her. Sherlock thought she was pretty, but

she looked like she’d been ground under for a long time now. She’d

been pushed over the line. She said to the big man, Adam, who was

standing beside Becca, “Dillon here is great with wounds. Do you

want to have him look at your arm?”

Adam was pissed and he felt like a jerk for feeling pissed. If the

guy really was a genius with computer tracking programs, or whatever

it was he did, maybe it could help. He shook his head. “No,

I’m fine. I hope to heaven the sheriff doesn’t show up here, what

with all that gunfire.”

“This place is set way back from its neighbors,” Savich said.

“And all those thick trees, it’s doubtful anyone heard the shots unless

he was real close.”

Becca blinked up at him, then said, “I hope you’re right. This is

Adam Carruthers. He’s here as my cousin. He’s here to help clean

up this mess, and to protect me. As I said, I guess he works for this

Thomas character. I told the guy down the street that he’s gay because

I’m afraid he’s jealous of Adam, but he’s really not.”

Sherlock said, “He’s really not jealous?”

“No, Adam really isn’t gay.”

Savich, that big guy who’d been standing very still until this instant,

looking solemn and mean, began to laugh. And laugh.

The woman with the beautiful bright red curly hair looked up

at her husband, cocked her head to one side, sending all that hair to

bouncing around her head, and began laughing herself.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter