Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

shot at the nut and hit him they think on the left

arm. When the weirdo grabbed his arm, the gun

dropped out of his hand. The hospitals and the

doctors have been alerted and all the borders all

over the place are being checked, every tucking

American male passport made to roll up his sleeves,

and anyone looking anywhere’s near like him hauled

off to a customs tank.”

“They’re being thorough,” said Joel, not knowing

what else to say,-feeling only the pain of his wound.

“I’ll say this for the creep,” continued the

salesman, eyes wide and nodding his head in some

obscene gesture of respect. “He’s got ’em chasing

their asses from the North Sea to the Mediterranean.

They got reports he was seen on planes in Antwerp,

Rotterdam, and back there in Dusseldorf. It only

takes forty-five minutes to get from ‘Dussel’ to

Brussels, you know. I got a friend in Munich who

flies a couple times a week to have lunch in Venice.

Every place over here’s a short hop. Sometimes we

forget that, you know what I mean?”

“Yes, I do. Short flights . . . Did you hear anything


“They said he could be heading for Paris or

London or maybe even Moscow he could be a

Commie, you know. They’re checking the private

airfields, too, figuring he’s got friends who are

helping him some friends, huh? A regular happy

group of drooling psychos. They’re even comparing


him to that Carlos, the one they call ‘the jackal,’

what do you think of that? They say if he does go to

Paris, the two of them might link up and there

could be a few more executions. This Converse,

though, he’s got his own regular trademark. He puts

bullets in their heads. Some kind of Boy Scout,


Joel stiffened, feeling the tension throughout his

slumped body, a sharp hollow pain in the centerof

his chest. It was the first time he had heard his

name spoken casually by a stranger identifying him

as the psychopathic killer, an assassin hunted by

governments whose border patrols were scrutinising

everyone at every checkpoint private airfields

watched, a dragnet in progress. The generals of

Aquitaine had done their job with precision, right

down to his fingerprints on a gun and a flesh wound

in his arm. But the timing how could they dare?

How did they know he was not in an embassy some-

where asking for temporary asylum until he could

make a case for himself? How could they take the


Then the realisation came to him, and he had to

dig his fingers into his wrist to control himself, to

contain his panic. The call to Mattilon! How easily

Rene’s phone could have been tapped, by either the

Surete or Interpol, and how quickly Aquitaine’s

informers would have spread the word! Oh, Christ!

Neither one of them had thought of it! They did

know where he was, and no matter where he went

he was trapped! As the offensive salesman had

accurately phrased it, “Every place over here’s a

short hop.” A man could fly from Munich to Venice

for lunch and be back in his office for a three-thirty

appointment. Another man could kill in Brussels

and be on a train in Dusseldorf forty-five minutes

later. Distances were measured in half-hours. From

ground-zero in Brussels, “a couple of hours ago”

covered a wide circle of cities and a great many

borders. Were his hunters on the train? They might

be, but there was no way they could know which

train he had taken. It would be easier and far less

time-consuming to wait for him in Emmerich. He

had to think, he had to mow.

“Excuse me,” said Converse, getting up. “I have

to use the men’s room.”

“You’re lucky.” The salesman moved his heavy

legs, holding his trousers as he let Joel pass. “I can

hardly squeeze into those boxes. I always take a leak

before . . .”

Joel made his way up the aisle. He stopped

abruptly, swallowing, trying to decide whether to

continue or turn back. He


had left the newspaper on his seat, the photograph

easily revealed by unfolding the top page. He had to

continue; any change of movement, however minor,

might attract attention. His objective was not the

men’s room but the passageway between the cars; he

had to see it. A number of people had opened the

door and gone through, several apparently looking

for someone they expected to find on the train. He

would look down at the lock on the bathroom door

and proceed.

He stood in the swerving, vibrating passageway

studying the metal door. It was a standard two-tiered

exit, the top had to be opened first before the lower

part could be unlocked and pulled back, revealing

the steps. It was all he had to know.

He returned to his seat, and to his relief the

salesman was splayed back, his thick lips parted, his

eyes closed, a high-pitched wheeze emanating from

his throat. Converse cautiously lifted one foot after

the other over the fat man’s legs and maneuvered

himself into his seat. The newspaper had not been

touched. Another relief.

Diagonally above and in front of him, he saw a

small receptacle in the curved wall with what

appeared to be a sheaf of railroad schedules fanned

out by disuse. Limp, bent pieces of paper ignored

because these commuters knew where they were

going. Joel raised himself off the seat, reached out,

and took one, apologizing with several nods of his

head to the young girl below. She giggled.

Oberhausen . . . Dinslaken . . . Voerde . . . Wesel

. . . Emmerich.

WeseL The last stop before Emmerich. He had

no idea how many miles Wesel was from Emmerich,

but he had no choice. He would get off the train at

Wesel, not with departing passengers but by himself.

He would disappear in Wesel

He felt a slight deceleration beneath him, his

pilot’s instincts telling him it was the outer perimeter

of an approach, the final path to touchdown in the

scope. He stood up and carefully maneuvered

between the fat man’s legs to reach the aisle; at the

last second the salesman snorted, shifting his posi-

tion. Squinting under the brim of his hat, Joel

casually glanced around, as if he were momentarily

unsure of which way to go. He moved his head

slowly; as far as he could see, no one was paying the

slightest attention to him.

He walked with carefully weary steps up the aisle,

a tired passenger in search of relief. He reached the

toilet door and


was greeted by an ironic sign of true relief. The

white slot below the handle spelled out BESETZT.

His first maneuver had its basis in credibility; the

toilet was in use. He turned toward the heavy

passageway door, pulled it open and, stepping out-

side, crossed the vibrating, narrow coupling area to

the opposite door. He pushed it open, but instead of

going inside he took a single stride forward, then

lowered his body, turning as he did so, and stepped

back into the passageway, into the shadows. He

stood up, his back against the external bulkhead,

and inched his way to the edge of the thick glass

window. Ahead was the inside of the rear car, and

by turning he had a clear view of the car in front.

He waited, watching, turning, at any moment

expecting to see someone lowering a newspaper or

breaking off a conversation and looking over at his

empty seat.

None did. The excitement over the news of the

assassination in Brussels had tapered off, as had the

rush of near panic in Bonn when the streets learned

that an ambassador had been killed. A number of

people were obviously still talking about both

incidents, shaking their heads and grappling with the

implications and the future possibilities, but their

voices were lowered; the crisis of the first reports

had passed. After all, it was not fundamentally the

concern of these citizens. It was American against

American. There was even a certain gloating in the

air; the gunfight at O.K. Corral had new signifi-

cance. The colonists were, indeed, a violent breed.

“Wir kommen in . . . ” The rapid clacking of the

wheels below, echoing in the metal chamber,

obscured the distant announcement over the

loudspeakers. Only moments now, thought Converse

as he turned and looked at the exit door. When the

train slowed sufficiently and the lines began to form

at both inner doors, he would make his move.

“Wir kommen in drei Minuten in Wesel an!”

Several passengers in both cars got out of their

seats, adjusted their briefcases and shopping bags

and started up the aisle. The grinding of the giant

wheels underneath signified the approach to

touchdown. Now.

Joel turned to the exit door and, finding the

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Categories: Robert Ludlum