Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

kind of confidential investigation going on involving

the embassy. Peregrine didn’t know what it was, but

he intended to find out. He mentioned that he was

going to call Washington on a scrambler phone. I’m

not up on the technology, but I don’t think a person

places a call like that unless he’s worried that

someone might try to tap the line.”

He did place a scrambler call. He told you that?”

Yes, he did. And there’s something else, Miss

Heathley. As you correctly stated, I’m the one

responsible for Walter Peregrine ever having heard

of Converse, and I don’t feel very good about it. But

isn’t it odd that in spite of the fact that it wasn’t a

secret you knew, Washhurn knew nobody has

come to question me since Walter was killed?”

No one?” asked the woman incredulously. “But

I included your name in my report.”

“Whom did you give it to?”

‘Well, Norman was handling everything….” Enid

Heathley stopped.



“Didn’t you speak to anyone else? Weren’t you



“Yes, of course. An inspector from the Bonn

police. I’m sure I mentioned your name I’m

positive I did.”

“Was anybody else in the room?”

‘Yes,” said the murdered ambassador’s secretary.

“Norman,” she whispered.

“Strange behavior for a police department, isn’t

it?” Caleb leaned forward, but only slightly. “Let me

reemphasize something you just said, Miss Heathley.

You asked me if I was a Hollywood actor trying to

protect his image. It’s a logical question, and if you

ever saw the unemployment lines in Los Angeles

you’d understand just how logical it is. Don’t you

think other people believe the same thing? I haven’t

been questioned because specific people here in

Bonn think I’m shaking in Pa Ratchet’s boots,

keeping silent so as to protect that image and the

ratings that make it possible. Oddly enough, that

reasoning is my best physical protection. You don’t

kill off a Pa Ratchet unless you want the wrath of

millions of viewers who, in my judgment, would

latch on to the flimsiest connection to raise

hysterical questions. National Inquirer, you are


“But you’re not keeping silent,” said Enid Heathley.

“I’m not talking loudly, either,” corrected the

actor. “But not for the reasons I’ve described. I owe

Walter Peregrine I know that better than anyone

else. And I can’t pay that debt if a man I think is

innocent is hanged for his murder. But here’s where

I step back into my own confusion. I can’t be

certain. I could be wrong.”

The woman returned Dowling’s stare, then

slowly frowned, keeping her eyes on him. “I’m going

to leave now, but I’d like you to stay here for a

while, if you wouldn’t mind. I’m going to call

someone I think you should see. You’ll understand.

He’ll reach you here no paging, of course. Do as

he says, go where he wants you to go.”

“Can I trust him?”

“Mr. Peregrine did,” said Enid Heathley,

nodding. “And he didn’t like him.”

“That’s trust,” said the actor.

The phone call came and Caleb wrote out the

address. The doorman at the Konigshof secured him

a taxi, and eight minutes later he got out in front of

an ornate Victorian house on the outskirts of Borm.

He walked up to the door and rang the bell.


Two minutes later he was ushered into a large

room once a library, perhaps but now with shades

covering the obvious bookshelves. Shades that were

detailed maps of East and West Germany. A man

wearing glasses got up from behind a desk. He

nodded perfunctorily and spoke. “Mr. Dowling?”


‘I appreciate your coming out here, sir. My name

is not important why not call me George?”

“All right, George.”

“But for your own confidential information and

I must stress confidential I am the station chief for

the Central Intelligence Agency here in Bonn.”

“All right, George.”

“What do you do, Mr. Dowling? What’s your line

of work?”

“Ciao, baby,” said the actor, shaking his head.


The first indefinite light of dawn crept up the

lower wall of the eastern sky, and along the river pier

boats bobbed in their slips, straining their lines,

creating an eerie symphony of creaks and thumps.

Joel walked beside the young merchant seaman, his

hand unconsciously straying to his face, to the new

soft hair that was the outgrowth of a stubble. He had

not shaved in four days, not since Bonn, and now he

had the beginnings of a short, neat beard, not yet full

but no longer an unkempt bristle. One more day and

he would have to begin clipping it, shaping it,

another plane of removal from the photograph in the


And in one more day he would have to decide

whether or not to phone Val at Cape Ann. Actually,

he had made his decision negative. His instructions

had been clear enough and the possibility that her

telephone was tapped was more than he could

handle. Yet he wanted so terribly to hear her voice,

to hear the support he knew he would find in it.

Negative. To hear it was to involve her. Negative!


“It is the last boat on the right,’ said the seaman,

slowing his pace. “I must ask you again, because I

gave my word. You carry no drugs.”

“I carry no drugs.”

“He may want to search you.”

“I can’t permit that,” Converse broke in, thinking

of his money belt. What could be mistaken for a

cache of narcotics would reveal many times the

amount of money for which most of the dregs on

the riverfront would kill.

“Maybe he want to know why. Drugs bring bad

penalty, long time in prison.”

“I’ll explain to him privately,” said Joel, thinking

again. He would do so with his gun in one hand and

an additional $500 bill in the other. “But I give you

my word, no drugs.”

“It iS not my boat.”

“But you made the arrangements, and you know

enough about me to come after me if they came

after you.”

“la, I remember. Connect-teecut I been to visit

friends in Bridge-port. A broker house, a

vice-president. I find you if I have to.”

“I wouldn’t want that. You’re a nice fellow who’s

helping me out and l m grateful. I won t get you in


“Ja,” said the young German, nodding his head.

“I believe you. I believe you last night. You talk

very good, very high class, but you were stupid. You

did a stupid thing and your face is red. A red face

costs more than you want to pay so you pay much

more to make it go away.”

“Your homilies are getting to me. ‘

“Was ist?”

“Nothing. You’re right. It’s the story of

upper-level management. Here.’ Joel had the bills in

his left-hand pocket; he pulled them out. “I

promised you fifteen hundred dollars. Count it, if

you like.”

“dye? If is not there I talk loud and you stay

here. You are too afraid to risk that.”

“You’re a natural-born lawyer.”

“Come, I bring you to the captain. To you, he is

only’captain.’ You will be dropped off where he

says…. And be careful. Watch the men on the boat.

They will think you have money.”

“That’s why I don’t want to be searched,”

admitted Converse.

“I know. I do my best for you.”


The seaman’s best was not quite good enough.

The captain of the filthy barge, a short hulk of a man

with very poor teeth, brought Joel up to the

wheelhouse, where he told him in broken but

perfectly clear English to remove his jacket.

“I explained to my friend on the dock that I can’t

do that. ‘

“Two hundred dollars Amer~kaner,” said the captain.

Converse had the money in his right-hand pocket.

He reached down for it, his eyes briefly glancing at

the portside window where he saw two other men

climb on board below in the dim light. They did not

glance up; they had not seen him in the wheelhouse


The blow came suddenly, without warning, the

impact such that Joel doubled over, his breath

knocked out of him, and gripped his stomach. In

front of him the surly bull of a captain was shaking

his right hand the grimace on his face indicating

sharp pain. The German s fist had crashed into the

gun lodged in Converse’s belt. Joel staggered back

into the bulkhead, leaned against it, and lowered

himself to the floor as he reached under his jacket

and took out the weapon. On his haunches, his legs

bracing him against the wall, he aimed the automatic

at the captain’s huge chest.

“That was a rotten thing to do,” said Converse,

breathing hard, still holding his stomach. “Now, you

bastard, your jacketl”

“Was… 9”

“You heard mel Take it off, hold it upside down,

and shake the goddamned thingI”

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Categories: Robert Ludlum