Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

you talked to him. And Rene was killed for seeing

you. Larry must be going out of his mind.”

“That’s not the reason Rene was killed. Let’s talk

about Larry. The first time I reached him I needed

information without asking him directly. He was

being used because of me, followed, and he didn’t

know it. If I’d told him, the jock in him would have

reacted, and he’d have been shot down in the street.

But the last time I spoke with him I walked into it.

I’d broken away from the people who d caught

me I was exhausted, still frightened, and I was open

with him. I told him everything.”

“He mentioned it to me,” interrupted Val. “He

said you were reliving your experiences in North

Vietnam. There was a psychiatric term for it ‘

Converse shook his head, a short, derisive laugh

emerging from his throat. “Isn t there always? I

suppose there were similarities and I m sure I

alluded to them, but that’s all they


were, similarities…. didn’t hear what I was saying.

He was listening for words that confirmed what

others had said about me, what he believed was

true. He pretended to be the friend I knew but he

wasn’t. He was a lawyer trying to convince a client

that he was sick, that for everyone’s safety the client

should turn himself in. When I realized what he was

doing and that l d told him where I was, I knew

he’d spread the word, thinking he was doing the

right thing. I just wanted to get out of there, so I

halfway agreed with him, hung up, and ran…. I was

lucky. Twenty minutes later I saw a car drive up in

front of the hotel with two of my would-be


“You’re sure of that?”

Joel nodded. ‘Y’he next day one of them stated

for the record that he’d seen me at the Adenauer

Bridge with Walter Peregrine. I wasn’t anywhere

near that bridge at least I don’t think so, I don’t

know where it is.”

~ “I read that story in the Times. The man was

an Army officer, a major from the embassy named


“That’s right.” Converse broke off a long blade

of grass, twisting it, tearing it in his fingers. ‘They’re

great at manipulating the media newspapers, radio,

television. Every word they put out is cleansed

through channels, branded authentic official. They

take out lives as if people were pieces in a chess

game, including their own. They don’t care; they

only want to win. And it’s the biggest game in

modern history. The terrifying thing is that they can

win it.”

“Joel, do you know what you’re saying? An

American ambassador, the supreme commander of

NATO, Rene, your father . . . you. Then killers in

the embassy, a manipulated press, lies out of

Washington, Paris, Bonn all given official status.

You’re describing some kind of Anschluss, some de-

monic, political takeover!”

Converse looked at her in the moonlight, the

breezes off the water bending the tall grass. “That’s

exactly what it is, conceived by one man and run by

a handful of others, all completely sincere in their

beliefs and as persuasive as any group of

professionals I’ve ester heard. But the bottom line

is that they’re fanatics, killers in a quest they

consider nothing less than holy. They’ve

recruited are recruiting like-minded men

everywhere, other frustrated professionals who think

there’s nowhere else to turn. They grab at the

theories and the promises, accepting accepting,

hell, extolling the


myths of efficiency and discipline and self-sacrifice,

because they know it leads to power. Power to

replace the inefficient, the undisciplined, the c

orrupters and the corrupted. They’re blind; they can’t

see beyond their own distorted image of

themselves…. If that sounds like a summation it

probably is. I haven’t slept much, but I do a lot of

thinking. ‘

‘The jury’s still in place, Joel, ‘ said Valerie, her

eyes alive, again levered at his. “I don’t want a

summation, I want it all. I think you should begin at

the beginning where it began for you.”

“Okay. It started in Geneva ‘

“I knew it,’ interrupted Val, whispering.


“Nothing. Go on.”

“With a man I hadn’t seen in twenty-three years.

I knew him by one name then, but in Geneva he was

using another. He explained it and it didn’t matter.

Except that it was a little eerie. I didn’t know how

eerie it was, or how much he didn’t explain, or how

many lies he told me in order to manipulate me. The

hell of it is he did what he did for all the right

reasons. I was the man they needed. They. And I

don’t know who they are, only that they’re there,

somewhere…. As long as I live however long I’m

permitted I’ll never forget the words he used when

he reached the core of why he had come to Geneva.

‘They’re beck,’ he said. ‘The generals are back.'”

He told her everything, allowing his mind and his

thoughts to wander, to include every detail he could

recall. The countdown was in progress. In a matter of

days or at best a week or two there would be

eruptions of violence everywhere like what was

taking place in Northern Ireland right now.

‘Accumulations,’ they said. ‘Rapid acceleration!’

Only, no one knew who or what or where the targets

were. George Marcus Delavane was the madman

who conceived it all, and other powerful madmen

were listening to him, following his orders, moving

into positions from which they would leap for the

controls. Everywhere

Finally he was finished, a part of him in anguish,

knowing that if she was caught by the soldiers of

Aquitaine, the narcotics inserted in her body would

reveal the information that would result in her death.

He said as much when he had finished, wanting

desperate! v to breach the space between them and

hold her, telling her how much he hated himself for

doing what he knew he had to do. But he made no

move toward


her; her eyes told him not to; she was evaluating,

thinking things out for herself.

“Sometimes,” she said quietly, ‘when the dreams

would come, or you drank too much, you’d talk

about this Delavane. You d become so panicked

you’d tremble and close your eyes and every now

and then you’d scream. You hated that man so.

You were also frightened to death of him.”

“He caused’ a lot of death, unnecessary death.

Kids . . . children in grown-up uniforms who didn’t

know that Bung ho meant search and destroy and

get blown apart.”

“There’s no way you could be what do they call

it transferring your emotions?”

“If you believe that, I’ll drive you back to the

Amstel and you can fly home in the morning and go

back to your easels. I’m not crazy, Val. I’m here

and it’s happening.”

“All right, I had to ask. You didn’t live through

some of those nights, I did. You were either

crashing into the bed or so scratched by a bottle you

didn’t know where you were:”

“It didn’t happen often.”

“I’ll grant you that; but when it did you were

there. And hurting.”

“Which is exactly why I was reached in Gene-

va recruited in Geneva.”

“And this Fowler, or Halliday, knew the exact

words to use. Your own.”

“Fitzpatrick got it all for him. He thought he was

doing the right thing too.”

“Yes, I know, you told me. What do you think

happened to him? Fitzpatrick, I mean.”

“For days I’ve tried to come up with a reason for

them to keep him alive. I can’t. He’s more

dangerous to them than I am. He’s worked the

streets they’re undermining; he knows his way

around Pentagon procurements and export clear-

ances so well he could nail them with half the

evidence They’ve killed him.”

“You liked him, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I did, and just as important, I was almost

in awe of that mind of his. He was quick and

perceptive and had one hell of an imagination,

which he wasn’t afraid to use.”

“He sounds like someone I was married to,” said

Val gently.

Converse kept his e yes on her for a moment,

then looked away at the water. “If I get out of this

alive and I don’t really


think I will I’m going hunting. I’m going to find out

who did it, who pulled the trigger. There won’t be

any trial, no witnesses for the prosecution the

defence, no circumstances mitigating or otherwise.

Just me and a gun.”

“Sorry to hear that, Joel. I always admired your

principles. They were a constant, like your

attraction your reverence, I think for the law. It

wasn’t all conceit and ambition, I knew that. It gave

you the only real roots you ever had. You could look

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Categories: Robert Ludlum