Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

forward door open too panicked to do anything but

quickly look around and return to his companion, or

to a lone suitcase perhaps. Joel’s head was below the

back of the seat in front of him. Minutes later came

the Sonderpolizei checking the border, scrutinizing

every male of a vague description, dozens of

uniformed men walking through the railway cars.

They were courteous, to be sure, but nevertheless

they gave rise to ugly vestiges of a time past.

Converse showed his passport and the letter written

in German for the conscience of Germans. A

policeman grimaced sadly, then nodded and went on

to the next seat. The uniforms left; the minutes

became quarter-hours. He could see through the

windows into the forward car; the two hunters met

several rows behind where he had been sitting. Again

they separated; one fore, one aft. Now.

Joel got up from his seat and sidestepped into the



pretending to check his schedule and bending down

to look out the darkened window. He would stay

there for as long as he had to, until one of the

hunters spotted him. It took less than ten seconds.

As Converse pitched his head down supposedly to

see a passing sign outside he caught a glimpse of a

figure moving into the upper panel of glass on the

forward door. Joel stood up. The man behind the

glass spun out of sight. It was the sign he had been

waiting for, the moment to move quickly.

He turned and walked to the rear of the car,

opened the door and crossed the dark clattering

space to the car behind. He went inside and swiftly

made his way down the aisle, again to the rear and

again into the next car, turning in the intervening

darkness to see what he expected to see, what he

wanted to see. The man was following him. A guard

was taking himself out of position in the downpour.

Only seconds and he could reach the barbed wire.

As he ran through the third car a number of

passengers looked up at him, at a running priest.

Most turned in their seats to see if there was an

emergency, and seeing none shook their heads in

bewilderment. He reached the door, pulled it open,

and stepped into the shadows, suddenly startled by

what he saw. In front of him, instead of another

railroad-car door, the upper part a window, there

was a solid panel of heavy wood, the word

FRACHT printed across the midsection above a

large steel knob. Then he heard the announcement

over the loud-speakers:

“Benthelm! Nachste Station, Benthelm!”

The train was slowing down, the first of two

stops before Osnabruck. Joel moved forward into

the darkest area and inched his head in view of the

window behind him, confident that he could not be

seen by a man facing light reflected off a panel of

glass. What he saw again startled him not by the

activity, but by the inactivity. The hunter made no

move toward the door; instead, he sat down facing

forward, a commuter finding a more comfortable

seat, nothing else on his mind. The train came to a

stop; those passengers getting off were forming a

line in front . . . in front.

There had been a sign above this last door, but

since he could not read it, he had simply gone

through. He looked now at the exit doors; there

were no handles. Obviously that incomprehensible

sign was there to inform anyone who approached

the door that it was not an exit. If he had been



a trap before, he was in a cage now, a steel cage that

began moving again, as the wheels gathered speed

against the tracks. A racing jail from which there was

no escape. Converse reached into his shirt pocket

and took out his cigarettes. He had been so close to

the barbed wire; he had to think!

A rattle? A key . . . a bolt The door of a heavy

wood with the word FRACHT stenciled on it opened

and the figure of a stout man emerged, preceded by

his stomach.

“Sin Zigarette for Sei, wahrend ich sum Pinkeln

gehe!” said the railroad guard, laughing, as he crossed

through the short, dark corridor to the door. “Dann

ein Whisky, ja?”

The German was going for a drink, and although

he had pulled the door of his domain nearly shut, he

had not closed it; he was an untroubled man, a

guard with nothing he felt worth guarding. Joel

pushed the heavy panel open and went inside,

knowing what would happen; it had to happen the

instant the guard walked by the hunter on his way to

“ein Whss

. ,,


There were half a dozen sealed crates and

roughly ten cages holding animals dogs mostly and

several cats, cowering in corners, claws extended at

the sound of growls and barks. The only light came

from a naked bulb swaying on a thick wire from the

ceiling beyond another cage, this one built for man

with wire mesh at the end of the freight car.

Converse concealed himself behind a crate near the

door. He reached under his priestly coat and pulled

out the gun with the perforated cylinder, the silencer.

The door opened cautiously, millimeter by

millimeter the weapon appeared before the hand or

the arm. Finally there was the man, the foot soldier

from Aquitaine.

Joel fired twice, not trusting a single shot. The

arm crashed back into the edge of the half-open

door, the gun spinning out of the killer’s hand, a

single spurt of blood erupting near the executioner’s

wrist. Converse sprang from behind the crate the

patrol was his, and so was the stretch of

barbed-wirefence!Hecould climb it and crawl over now!

The rock had smashed the window in the barracks!

The staccato barrage of machine-gun fire was spraying

where he was not! Seconds, only seconds, and he was


Joel pinned the man to the floor, gripping his

throat and pressing one knee on his chest one

prolonged squeeze and the soldier from Aquitaine

would be dead. He held the barrel of the gun against

the man’s temple.


“You speak any English?”

“la/” coughed the German. “I . . . speak English.”

“What were your orders?”

‘ Follow you. Only follow you. Don’t shoot! I am

Angestellte! I know nothing!”

“A what?”

“A hired man!”



The man was not Iying; there was too much

panic in his eyes. Converse raised the gun and

abruptly shoved it into the German’s left eye, the

perforated cylinder pressed deep into the socket.

“You tell me exactly what you were told to do!

The truth and I’ll know a lie and if you lie, your

skull will be all over this wall! Talk to me!”

“To follow you!”


“If you left the train we were to phone the

Polizei Wherever. Then . . . the orders were to kill

you before they came. But I would not do that! I

swear by my Christ I would never do that! I am a

good Christian. I even love the Jews! I am un-


Joel crashed the weapon into the man’s

skull the patrol had been taken out! Ile could climb

the fence now! He pulled the German behind a crate

and waited. How long it was impossible to tell; time

had lost its meaning. The railway guard came back,

somewhat more drunk than sober, and took refuge

behind his wire-meshed office with the single light


The other cages were not so serene. The smell

of human blood and sweat was more than the dogs

could take; they began to react. Within minutes the

railway car labeled FRACHT became a madhouse,

the animals were now hysterical the dogs snarling,

barking, hurling themselves against their cages; the

cats, provoked by the dogs, screeching, hissing,

backs arched, fur standing on end. The guard was

perplexed and frightened; anchoring himself to the

chair in his sanctuary of wire mesh, he poured more

whisky down his throat. He stared at the cages, his

eyes wide within the folds of puffed flesh. Twice he

looked at a glass-encased lever on the wall inches

above the desk, above his hand. He had only to lift

the casing and pull it.

“Rheine/ Nachste Station, Rheine!”


The last stop before Osnabruck. Before long the

German would revive, and unless Joel’s eyes were on

him at that instant the man would scream and an

emergency lever would be pulled. Too, there was

another man only cars behind who was also hired to

follow him, to kill him. To remain where he was any

longer was to let the trap close. He had to get off.

The train stopped, and Converse lunged for the

door, his movement causing a dozen caged animals to

vent their anger and confusion. He pushed back the

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Categories: Robert Ludlum