Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

Beale on Mykonos. He was dead right, and he’s

dead because he was right! Incidentally, he was the

‘men from San Francisco.’ It was his five hundred

thousand dollars; he came from a rich family, which,

among other things, bequeathed him a conscience.

Think back to Mykonos! To what he told you what

his life was all about. From celebrated soldier to a

scholar to a killing that must have killed a part of

him to commit…. He said you almost caught him up

on a couple of things he didn’t mean to say. He said

you were a good lawyer, a good choice. Preston

Halliday was a student of his at Berkeley, and when

this broke a year and a half ago when Halliday

realized what Delavane was doing and how he was

being used, he went to Beale, who was about to

retire. The rest you can figure out.”

The woman’s voice interrupted. “Say what I want

to hear you say. Say it!”

“Of course I will! Converse didn’t kill Peregrine

and he didn’t kill the commander of NATO. Both of

them were marked by Delavane George Marcus

Delavane because both those men would have

taken him and his ilk to the mat! They were

convenient, very convenient, targets. I don’t know

about the others I don’t know what you’ve been

through but we broke a liar in Bad Godesberg, the

major from the embassy who put you, Converse, at

the Adenauer Bridge! He doesn’t know it, but we

broke him, and we learned something. We think we

know where Connal Fitzpatrick is. We think he’s



A male voice intruded. “You bastards,” said Joel


“Thank God!” said the civilian, sitting down on the

hotel bed. “Now we can talk. We have to talk. Tell

me everything you can. This phone is clean.”

Twenty minutes later, his hands trembling, Peter

Stone hung up the phone.


General Jacques-Louis Bertholdier ceased the

rushing pelvic thrusts of intercourse, withdrew himself

from the moaning dark-haired woman beneath him,

and rolled over, grabbing the telephone.

“Yesfl”he shouted angrily. And then he listened,

his flushed face growing ashen as his organ collapsed.

“Where did it happen?” he whispered, not in

confidence but in sudden fear. “The Boulevard

Raspail? The charges? . . . NarcoticsPlmpossible!”

Holding the phone, the general swung his legs

over the side of the bed, listening carefully,

concentrating as he stared at the wall. The naked

woman rose to her knees and leaned into him, her

breasts pressed into his back, her open mouth

caressing his ear, her teeth gently biting his lobe.

Bertholdier suddenly, viciously, swung his arm

back cracking the phone into the woman’s face,

sending her reeling to the other side of the bed,

blood erupting from her broken lower lip.

“Repeat that, please,” he said into the phone. “It’s

obvious, then, isn’t it? The man cannot be questioned

further, can he? There is always the larger strategy to

consider, losses to be anticipated in the field, no? It

is the hospital all over again, I’m afraid. See to it,

then, like the fine officer you are. The Legion’s loss

was our immense gain…. Oh? What is it? The ar-

resting officer was PruHhomme?” Bertholdier paused,

his breathing steady and audible; then he spoke,

rendering a command decision. “A stubborn

bureaucrat from the Surete will not let go, will he? .

. . He is your second assignment to


be carried out with your usual expertise before the

day is over. Call me when both are

accomplishments, and consider yourself the aide to

General Jacques-Louis Bertholdier.”

The general hung up and turned to the

dark-haired woman, who was wiping her lips with a

bed sheet, the expression in her eyes an admixture

of anger, embarrassment and fear.

“Apologies, my dear,” he said courteously. “But

you must leave now. I have telephone calls to make,

business to attend to.

“I will not come back!” cried the woman defiantly.

“You will come back,” said the legend of France

standing up, his body rigid in its nakedness. “If you

are asked.”

Erich Leifhelm walked rapidly into his study and

directly over to the large desk, where he took the

phone from a whitejacketed attendant, dismissing

the man with a nod. The instant the door was

closed he spoke. “What is it?”

“The Geyner car was found, Herr General.”



‘And what is that?”

“A town fifteen or eighteen kilometers from Kehl.

In the

“Strasbourg! He crossed into France! He was a


“I don’t understand, Herr ”

“We never thought. . . ! Never mind! Whom have

you got in the sector?”

“Only one man. The man with the police.”

“Tell him to hire others. Send them into Strasbourg!


“Get out of here!” roared Chaim Abrahms as his

wife walked through the kitchen door. “This is no

place for you now!”

“The Testaments say otherwise, my

husband yet not my husband,” said the frail woman

dressed in black; a circle of soft white hair framed

gentle features and her brown eyes were dark,

receding mirrors. “Will you deny the Bible you

employ so readily when it suits you? It is not all

thunder and vengeance. Must I read it to you?”

“Read nothing! Say nothing! These are matters for


“Men who kill? Men who use the primitive savagery



the Scriptures to justify the spilling of children’s

blood? My son’s blood? I wonder what the mothers

of the Masada would have said had they been

permitted to speak their hearts. . . . Well, I speak

now, General. You will not kill anymore. You will not

use this house to move your armies of death, to plot

your tactics of death always your holy tactics,

Chaim, your holy vengeance.”

Abrahms slowly got out of the chair. “What are

you talking about?”

“You think I haven’t heard you? Phone calls in

the middle of the night, calls from men who sound

like you, who speak of killing so easily ”

“You listened !”

“Several times. You were breathing so hard you

heard nothing but the sound of your own voice, your

own orders to kill. Whatever you’re doing will be

done without you now, my husband yet not my

husband. The killing is over for you. It lost its

purpose years ago, but you could not stop. You in-

vented new reasons until there was no reason left in


The sabre’s wife removed her right hand from

the folds of her black dress. She was holding

Abrahms’ service automatic. The soldier slapped his

holster in disbelief, then suddenly lunged toward the

woman he had lived with for thirty-eight years and

grabbed her wrist, spinning her around. She would

not relent! She resisted him, clawing at his face as he

crashed her back into the wall, twisting her hand in

the attempt to disarm her.

The sound of the explosion filled the kitchen, and

the woman who had borne him four children, the

last finally a son fell to the floor at his feet. In

horror Chaim Abrahms looked down. Her

dark-brown eyes were wide, her black dress drenched

with blood, half her chest torn away.

The telephone rang. Abrahms ran to the wall and

grabbed it, screaming, “The children of Abraham will

not be denied! A bloodbath will follow we will have

the land delivered to us by God! Judea,

Samaria they are ours!”

“Stop it!” roared the voice over the line. “Stop it,


“Who calls me Jew calls me righteous!” yelled

Chaim Abrahms, the tears falling down his face, as

he stared at the dead woman with the wide brown

eyes. “I have sacrificed with Abraham! No one could

ask more!”

“I ask more!” came the cry of the cat. “I ask

always morel”


“Marcus?” whispered the sabre, closing his eyes

and collapsing against the wall, turning away from

the corpse. “Is it you . . . my leader, my conscience?

Is it you?”

“It is I, Chaim, my friend. We have to move fast.

Are the units in place?”

“Yes. Scharhorn. Twelve units in place, all

trained, prepared. Death is no consideration.”

“That’s what I had to know, ‘ said Delavane.

‘.Theyawait your codes, my general.” Abrahms

gasped then began to weep uncontrollably.

“What is it, Chaim? Get hold of yourselfl”

“She’s dead. My wife lies dead at my feetI”

“My God, what happened?”

“She overheard, she listened . . she tried to kill

me. We fought and she’s dead.”

“A terrible, terrible loss, my dear friend. You

have my deepest affection and condolences iri your


“Thank you, Marcus.”

“You know what you must do, don’t you, Chairn?”

“Yes, Marcus. I know.”

There was a knock at the door. Stone got out of

the chair and picked up his gun awkwardly from the

table. In all the years of sorting out garbage, he had

fired a weapon only once He had blown a foot off

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Categories: Robert Ludlum