Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

monotone. He was repeating instructions not of his

own making and certainly not to his liking. “At three

o’clock this afternoon I’m to call an attorney named

Simon, Nathan Simon, one of the senior partners of

Converse’s firm here in New York. Presumably by

then Converse’s wife will have reached him, telling

him to expect a call from me and to please do as I

ask apparently they believe he will. To be brief

about it, Simon will come over here to the hotel

accompanied by a stenographer and take all our

depositions, along with our credentials, ranks, and

current responsibilities. He’ll stay until he’s


“You were right on the phone,” interrupted the

military man. “We’re dead.”

“I said as much to Converse and he asked me

how it felt. He was inquiring, of course, from

firsthand knowledge.”

“He wants all of you.”

“But not you,” said Stone. “He’d like your testimo


ny and, by extension, Abbott’s but he won’t insist

on it. He knows he can’t ask you to walk in on this.”

‘1 walked in when that plane went down. Also

there’s something else. If we can’t stop Delavane and

his generals, what the hell’s left for people like us?.

. . Converse wouldn’t tell you what he was going to


‘Not in terms of what he calls the countdown, but

yes, as far as tomorrow is concerned. He’s sending

over his own affidavit and, he expects, another from

a man from the Surete who has information showing

that most of the official reports out of Paris are

lies…. And we’re not dead yet, Colonel. Converse

made it clear that Nathan Simon was the best

attorney we could have as long as he believes us.”

‘What can a lawyer do?”

“I asked Converse the same thing, and he gave

me a strange answer. He said, ‘He can use the law,

because the law isn’t men, it’s the law.'”

“That’s beyond me,” said Metcalf, irritated. “Not

in a philosophical context but how it applies

now right goddamned now! . . . Hell, it doesn’t

make any difference we don’t make any difference!

Once those guns go off and the bodies fall in

Washington and London, Paris or Bonn wher-

ever they’ve got the controls and we won’t get them

back. I know that because I know how long so many

people have wanted someone to take control. Stop

the carnage, make things safe, piss on the Soviets.

God help me, there were times I thought that way


“So did 1,” said the civilian quietly.

“We were wrong.”

“I know that. It’s why I’m here.”

Metcalf drank, holding the cold glass against his

warm cheek. “I keep thinking about what Sam said

to me. ‘There’s got to be a fist,’ he said. ‘A master

list of everyone in this Aquitaine.’ He ruled out all

the obvious places not in a vault, not on

paper probably electronically programmed, flashed

on with codes, as his aerial tactics were frequently

flashed on a screen inside a jet’s cockpit. Someplace

no one would ever think of, away from anything

official or tied in with anyone remotely military. ‘A

list. There has to be a listI’ he kept saying. For a

pilot, he had a hell of an imagination. I guess it’s

why he was so good at that tactical stuff at forty

thousand feet in the air. Come out of the sun where

they don’t expect you,


or from a dark horizon where the radar can’t pick

you up. He knew it all. He was a tactical genius.”

As Metcalf talked, Stone leaned forward in the

chair looking intently at the Air Force officer and

absorbing every word he spoke.

‘Scharhorn,” he said, barely above a whisper.

“It’s Sashay horn!”

The twin-engined Riems 408 circled the private

airfield at Saint-Gervais, fifteen miles east of

Chamonix, the amber lights of the two runways

throwing an orange glow up into the lower night

sky. Inside, Prudhomme checked the strap of his

seat belt as the pilot on his left received clearance

to make his final approach to the north-south strip.

Mon Dieu, what an incredible day! thought the

man from the Surete as he glanced at his right hand

under the spill of the panel lights. The dark bruises

on his fingers were at least less noticeable than the

blood that had covered his entire hand only hours

ago. His would-be executioner had not even

bothered to conceal his assignment, such was his

arrogance bred undoubtedly in the Legion

etrangere! And the sentence of death had been

delivered right inside the car at the far end of the

parking area in the Bois de Boulogne! The man had

called him at the office and, in truth, it had entered

Prudhomme’s mind that this man might call him,

and so it was less a surprise than it could have

been and certainly gave him cause to be prepared.

The man had asked his recent superior to meet him

at the Bois, in the parking lot he had startling

news. He would be driving his official Peugeot, and

since he could not leave his radio phone, would the

inspector mind joining him. Of course not.

But there had been no startling news. Only

questions, asked very arrogantly.

“Why did you do what you did this morning?”

“Shave? Go to the toilet? Eat breakfast? Kiss

my wife good-bye? What are you talking about?”

“You know what I refer to! Earlier! The man on

the Boulevard Raspail. You crashed into his car,

stopping him. You threw narcotics inside. You

arrested him falselyI”

“I didn’t approve of what he was doing. Any

more than I approve of this conversation.”

Prudhomme had awkwardly reached for the handle

of the door with his left hand, his right having other



“Stopl” his former subordinate had shouted,

grabbing his shoulder. “You were protecting the


‘Read my report. Let me go.”

“I’ll let you go to hell! I’m going to kill you,

meddler! Insignificant bureaucrat!”

The former subordinate had yanked a gun from

his jacket holster but he was too late. Prudhomme

had fired twice the small weapon he gripped under

his coat. Unfortunately, it was small caliber and the

ex-colonel of the Legion was a very large man; he

had lunged at Prudhomme inside the automobile.

However, the veteran of the Resistance had gone

back to an old wartime habit just in case: along the

lapels of his coat was threaded a long wire a wire

with two braided loops at each end. He had whipped

it out, and looping it over his would-be executioner’s

head with his wrists crossed, he violently yanked it

taut until the flesh burst around the throat and blood

drenched Prudhomme’s hands.

“We’re cleared for landing, Inspector,’ said the

pilot, grinning. “I swear to Christ no one would

believe this! Of course I have no intention of saying

a thing, I swear on my mother’s grave!”

“She’s probably drinking brandy in Montmartre at

this moment,” interjected Prudhomme dryly. ‘Say

nothing, and you may have another six months flying

in your foolish tobacco from Malta.”

“Nothing else! Never anything else, Inspector. I

am a father!”

“You are to be commended. Six months and then

get out, do you understand?”

“On my father’s grave, I swear!”

“He’s very much alive and in jail he’ll be out in

sixty days. Tell him to stop his presses. Government

relief checks really. ”

Joel and Valerie listened in silence as the man

from the SOrete told his story. He was finished now;

there was nothing left to say. Interpol had been

compromised, the arrondissement police manipulated,

the Surete itself corrupted, and official government

communiques issued on the basis of lies all lies.


“I’ll tell you because I want your help much

more help,” said Converse, getting out of the chair

and going to the


desk, where the typewritten pages of his affidavit

were in the center of the green blotter. “Better, you

can read it yourself but I’m afraid you’ll have to

read it here. In the morning I’ll have copies made;

until then I don’t want it to leave this room. By the

way, Val got you a reservation, a single don’t ask

me how, but a clerk downstairs will have a new

wardrobe if not a new house by tomorrow.”

“Merci, madame.”

“The name is French,” added Joel.


“No, I mean the name is French.”

“Out. ”

“No, what I mean is ”

“Pardon, monsieur, ” interrupted Valerie. “Le

nom sur le registry est ‘Monsieur French, ‘ mais

‘French, ‘ comme en anglais French. A rthur French.

“But I will have to sign, talk. Surely they will know.”

“You sign nothing and you say nothing,” said

Val, taking a key off the bedside table and handing

it to Prudhomme.

The room is paid for three days, to be precise.

After that before, if possible, if you agree to

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Categories: Robert Ludlum