Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

his part and force the others to join him he has no

choice. The main point, the only point, is to get this

material to Simon. Once he has written testimony,

a series of events and observations all sworn to be

true by diverse men of experience, he has a case.

Believe me, he’ll treat them like the plans of a

neutron bomb. He’ll have it all tomorrow, and he’ll

reach the right people if he has to walk into the

Oval Office which he could do, but may not

choose to. ” Joel paused and looked hard at the

man from the Surete; he nodded at the pages of his

own affidavit on the table beside the Frenchman.

“I’ve made arrangements for that to be flown to

New York tomorrow. I’d like one from you.”

“Certainly you may have it. But can you trust the


“The world could blow apart and she’d still be

sitting in her house in the mountains and not know

it. Or care. How’s your English?”

“Adequate, I believe. We’ve talked for several


“I mean written English. It’d save time if you

wrote it out tonight.”

“My spelling is probably no better than yours is

in French.”

“Make that English,” said Valerie. “I’ll straighten

it out and if you’re not sure of something, write it in


“That would help. I must write it tonight?”

“The secretary will be here first thing in the

morning,” explained Converse. ‘She’ll type it up.

She’s the one taking the Hight from Geneva to New

York tomorrow afternoon.”

“She agreed to do this?”

“She agreed to accept a large donation to a

nature organizahon that apparently runs her life.”

“Very convenient.”

“There’s something else,” said Joel, sitting on an

arm of Valerie’s chair and leaning forward. “You

know the truth now, and beyond the material that

has to reach Simon, there’s one last thing I have to

do. I’ve got a lot of money and a banker in

Mykonos who’ll confirm I have access to a great



more but you’ve read all that. With hme to find the

personnel and the equipment I might be able to pull

it off myself, but we don’t have the time. I need your

help, I need the resources you have.”

“For what, monsieur?”

“The final depositions. The last part of the

testimony. I want to kidnap three men.”


1, Peter Charles Stone, ageffty-eight, a residentof

Washington, D.C, was employed by the Central

Intelligence Agency for twenty-nine years, during which

time l attained the rank of station chief in various

European posts and ultimately Second Director of

Clandestine Operations, Langley, Virginia. My record is

on file at the Central Intelligence Agency and may be

obtained pursuant to the regulations governingsuch

procedures. Sinceseparation from the CIA, I have

worked asa consultantand anaIystfor numerous

intelligence departments, the specif as therein withheld

from this statement pending government clearances

should they be deemed pertinent to this document.

On or about last March 15, I was contacted by

Captain Andrew Packard, United StatesArmy, who

asked if he might come to my apartment to discuss a

conk dential matter. When he arrived, he stated at the

outset that he was speaking for a small group of men

from both the military services and the State

Department, the number and identities of which he

would not divulge. He statedfurther that they sought

professional consultation from an experienced

intelligence officer no longer associated (permanently)

with any branch of the intelligence community. Ile said

he had certain funds available he believed would be

adequate and would I be interested. It should be noted

here that Captain Packard and his associates had made

a thorough if not exhaustive search of my

background warts and alcohol and all, as is said….

* * *


I, Captain Howard NMI Packard, US. Army,

507538, age thirty-one, currently residing in Oxon Hill,

Maryland, am assigned to Section 27, Department of

Technological Controls, the Pentagon, Arlington,

Virginia. In December of last year, Mr. A. Preston

Halliday, an attorney from San Francisco with whom

I had struck u p a friendship as a result of his

numerous petitions to oursectionon behalf of clients

(all successful and above reproach), asked me to have

dinner with him at a small restaurant in Clinton,

approximately ten miles from my house. He a

pologized for not asking my wife, explaining that what

he had to say would only disturb her, as, indeed, it

would disturb me, but in this case it was my

responsibility to be disturbed. He added that there was

no conceivable conJqiCt in our meeting, as he had no

business pending, only business that should be

investigated and stopped . . .

1, Lieutenant U G.) William Michael Landis, Us.

Navy, a bachelor, age twenty-eight; current address,

Somerset Garden Apartments, Vienna, Virginia, am a

computer programmer for the Department of the Navy,

Sea-Armament’s Procurements Division, stationed at

the Pentagon, Arlington Virginia. Actually, in all but

rank (due within sixty days), I’m in command of most

programming for Pentagon-Navy, having received a

doctorate in advanced computer technology from the

University of Michigan, College of Engineering. . . .

I’m probably not saying this right, sir.

Go ahead, young man.

I state this because with the highly sophisticated

equipment at my disposal as well as the classified

micro-conversion codes available to me, I’m able to

tap into a great many restricted computers with a

tracing capacity that can circumvent or penetrate, if

you like closures placed on extremely sensitive


Last February, Captain Howard Packard, United

States Army, and three other men two from the

Department of State, Office of Munitions Controls,

and the third a Marine Corps officer I knew from the

Am phibious Section, Navy Procurements came out

to see me on a Sunday morning. They said they

werealarmed opera series of weapons and high-tech

transfers that appeared to violate D.O.D. and State

Department sanctions. They gave me the data they had

concerning nine such incidents, impressing upon me

the confidentiality of the inquiry.


The next afternoon I went to the maximum-security

computers and with the conversion codes inserted the

data for the nine transfers. The initial entries were

confirmed those numbers never change so as to

eliminate the possibilities of duplication but in each

case, after confirmation, the remaining information was

erased, wiped off the computer tapes. Six of those nine

transfers were traced through the initial entries to a firm

Palo Alto International, owned by a retired Army

general named Delavane. This was myfirst involvement,


Who were the three other men, Lieutenant?

It wouldn’t do any good to give their names, sir. It

could only hurt their families.

I’m not sure I understand can possibly understand.

They’re dead. They went back and asked questions

and they’re dead, sir. Two supposedly in automobile

accidents involving trucks on back roads they never

took home and the third indiscriminately shot by a

deranged sniper while jagging in Rock Creek Park. All

those joggers and he was the one who got it….

[Captain Packard]

As an Army captain with full security clearance

andirequently dealing in top-secret procedures, I was

able to set up a sterile telephone (i.e., one that is

constantly scannedfor taps or intercepts) so Mr.

Halliday could reach me at any time of day or night

withoutiear of being overheard. Also in concert with Mr.

Stone and LieutenantLandis, we pooled oursources and

obtained in-depth intelligence dossiers on the

well-known names Halliday found among General

Delavane’s notes. Specifically, Generals Bertholdier,

Leifhelm, Abrahms, and Van Headmer. Using funds

provided by Dr. Edward Beale, we secured the services

of private firms in Paris, Bonn, Tel Aviv, and

Johannesburg to up-date the dossiers with all available

current information about the subjects.

By now we had uncovered ninety-seven additional

computer erasures directly related to export licensing

and military transfers involving an estimated $45

million. A great many were initiated by Palo Alto

International, but without further data there was

nothing to trace. It was like a series of blips

disappearing from a radar screen….

* * *.



My years in the CIA ‘sClandestine Operations

taught me that the larger the pattern, the greater the

numbers, and that those areas with the heaviest

concentration of activity invariably held the tightest and

most ruthless security. Nothing terribly original here but

the reverse application is frequently overlooked. Since

Washington was the clearinghouse for illegal ex ports

totaling millions u pon millions in A merican mer-

chandise and materiel, it stood to reason that there

would be a range of safeguards, scores of Delavane’s

informants both knowing and unknowing, that is,

ideologically involved or sim ply hired or

threatened in the government agencies and

departments related to the activities of Palo Alto

International. Without going into specifics, Captain

Packard confirmed this judgment by telling me that an

incident had recently taken place that cost the lives of

three men who tried to follow up on a number of com

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Categories: Robert Ludlum