Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

quiet of a strange room. Drums and sharp commands

to a firing squad are preferable there’s a certain

meaning in that. But I’ve seen too much death to go

into hysterics. Pick up your pistol and get it over with.

I would if I were you.”

Converse studied the German’s face, whose strange

eyes were noncommittal, expressing only contempt.

“You mean it don’t you?”

“Shall I give orders myself? There was a newsreel

years ago. A black man did that against a bloodstained

wall in Castro’s Cuba. I’ve always admired that soldier.”

Leifhelm suddenly shouted, “Achtung! Soldaten!

P~sentiert das Gewehr!”

“For Christ’s sake, why not talk ?” roared Joel,

riding over the fanatical voice.

“Because I have nothing to say. My actions speak,

my life has spoken! What is it, Herr Converse? You

have no stomach for executions? You cannot give the

order to yourself? A small,


insignificant man’s conscience will not permit him to

kill? You are laughable!”

“I remind you, General, I’ve killed several people

these past few weeks. Killed with less feeling than I

ever thought possible.”

‘ The lowliest coward running for his life will kill

in panic. There is no character in that, merely

survival. No, Herr Converse, you are insignificant, an

impediment even your own forces care nothing

about. You abound in this world. There is an odd

phrase you have in your country that so readily ap-

plies to you, a phrase our associate uses frequently.

You are a ‘shit-kicker,’ Herr Converse, nothing more

and probably less.”

‘What did you say? What did you call me?”

“You heard me clearly. A shit-kicker. A little

man who steps in waste. Shit-kicker, Herr Converse.


He was back a lifetime ago, on the bridge of a

carrier, the face in front of him contorted, obscene, the

twice shrill. Shit-kicker! Shit-kicker, shit-kicker,

shit-kicker! Then other explosions followed, and he was

blown into the dark clouds, the wind and the rain

buffeting him, hammering him as he swung down

toward the earth. Down to the ground and four years

of madness and death and dying children weeping.

Madness! Shit-kicker . . . shit-kicker . . . shit-kicker!

Converse reached down for the pistol on the

table. He picked it up and, with his index finger

around the trigger, leveled it at Erich Leifhelm.

And then a sudden shock went through him.

What was he doing? He needed all three men of

Aquitaine. Not one, not two, but three! It was the

basis, the spine of what he had to do! But still there

was something else. He had to kill, he had to destroy

the deadly human virus staring at him, wanting

death. Oh, Jesus! Had Aquitaine won, after ally Had

he become one of them? If he had, he had lost.

‘Your kind of courage is cheap, Leifhelm,” he

said softly, lowering the gun. “Better a quick bullet

than other alternatives.”

“I live by my code. I die by it gladly.”

“Cleanly, you mean. Swiftly. No Dachau, no


“You have the gun.”

“I thought you had so much to offer.”

“My successor has been chosen carefully. He will

carry out details, every nuance of my agenda.


The opening was there, a strategy suddenly

revealed. Joel pushed the /outton

“Your successor?”

‘ha. ”

“You have no successor, Field Marshal.”


“Any more than you have an agenda. You don’t

have anything without me. It’s why I brought you

here. Just you.”

“What are you saying?”

“Sit down, General. I’ve several things to tell

you, and for your own sake you’d better be seated.

Your own execution might be more preferable to

you than what I’ve got to say ”

“Liar!” screamed Erich Leifhelm four minutes

later, his hands gripping the arms of the brocaded

chair. “Liar, liar liar!” he roared.

“I didn’t expect you to believe me,” said Joel

calmly standing in the middle of the spacious,

book-lined study “Cali Bertholdier in Paris .md tell

him you just heard some dlsturbing news and you’d

like a clarification. Say it outright, you’ve learned

that while you were in Essen, Bertholdier and

Abrahms came to see me at your place in Bonn.”

“How would I know that?”

“The truth. They paid a guard to open the

door I don’t know which one, I didn’t see

him but a guard did unlock the door and let them


“Because they believed you were an informer,

sent out by Delavane, himself?”

“That’s what they told me.”

“You were drugged! There were no such


“They were suspicious. They didn’t know the

doctor and they didn’t trust the Englishman. I don’t

have to tell you they don’t trust you. They thought

the whole thing might be a hoax. They wanted to

cover themselves.”


“Not when you think about it,” said Converse,

sitting down opposite the German. “How did I really

get the information I had? How did I know the

exact people to reach except through Delavane?

That was their thinking.”

“That Delavane would do this could do it?”

began the astonished Leifhelm.

“I know what that means now,” interrupted Joel

quickly seizing on the new opening presented him.

“Delavane’s finished, they both admitted it when

they understood he was the


last person on earth I’d work for. Maybe they were

throwing me a few crumbs before setting me up for

my own execution.”

“That had to be done!” exclaimed the Third

Reich’s once youngest field marshal. ‘Certainly you

can understand. Who were you? Where did you come

from? You yourself did not know. You spoke of

inconsequential names and lists and a great deal of

money but nothing that made sense. Who had

penetrated us? Since we could not find out, you had

to be turned into a pariah. Into something rotten. A

thing of rot no one would touch.”

“You did it very well.”

“For that I must take credit,” said LeifLelm,

nodding. “It was essentially my organization.

Everything was mine.”

“I didn’t bring you here to discuss your

achievements. I brought you here to save my life.

You can do that for me the people who sent me

out either can’t or won’t but you can. All I have to

do is give you a reason.”

“By implying that Abrahms and Bertholdier

conspire against me?”

“I won’t imply anything, I’ll give it to you straight

in their own words. Remember, neither one of them

thought I’d leave your place except as a corpse

conveniently shot in the vicinity of some particularly

gruesome assassination.” Suddenly Converse got out

of the chair, shaking his head. “No!” he said em-

phatically. “Call your trusted French and Israeli

allies, your fellow Aquitainians. Say anything you

like, just listen to their voices you’ll be able to tell.

It takes an accomplished liar to spot other liars, and

you’re the best.”

“I find that offensive.”

“Oddly enough, I meant it as a compliment. It’s

why I reached you. I think you’re going to be the

winner over here and after what I’ve been through I

want to go with a winner.’

“Why do you say that?”

“Oh, come on, let’s be honest. Abrahms is hated;

he’s insulted everyone in Europe, the U.K. and the

U.S. who doesn’t agree with his expansionist policies

for Israel. Even his own countrymen can’t shut him

up. All they can do is censure him and he keeps on

screaming. He’d never be tolerated in any kind of

international federation.”

The Nazi quickly, repeatedly shook his head.

“Never!” he shouted. “He is the most loathsome man

to come out of the Middle East. And, of course, he’s

aJew. But how is Bertholdier to be equated in this



Joel paused before answering. “His manner,” he

replied thoughtfully. “He’s imperious, arrogant. He

sees himself not only as a great military figure and

a history-making power broker, but also as some

sort of god, above other men. There’s no room on

his Olympus for mortals. Also he’s French. The

English and the Americans wouldn’t give him spit:

one De Gaulle in a century is enough for them.”

“There’s clarity in your thoughts. He’s the sort of

abominable egotist only the French can suffer. He

is, of course, a reflection of the entire country.”

“Van Headmer doesn’t count except where he

can bring South Africa around for raw materials.”

“Agreed,” said the German.

“But you, on the other hand,” Converse went on

rapidly again sitting down, “worked with the

Americans and the English in Berlin and Vienna.

You helped implement occupation policies, and in

good conscience you turned over evidence to both

the U.S. and the U.K. prosecution teams in

Nuremberg. Finally, you became Bonn’s spokesman

in NATO. Whatever you were in the past, they like

you.” Again Joel paused, and when he continued

there was a degree of deference in his voice.

“Therefore, General, you’re the winner, and you can

save my life. All you need is a reason.”

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Categories: Robert Ludlum