Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

swiftly joined the pair at the doors. Both men were

studying the bolts and the layers of plating and the

complicated lock with tiny flashlights.

“Fuse it and blow it,” said the American.

“There’s no alarm.”

“Are you sure?” asked Joel. “From what I

gathered, this whole place is wired.”

‘The trips are down there,” explained the other

pilot pointing toward the three-foot-high concrete

wall on each side of the parade ground.


“Trip lights. Intersechng beams.”

“Which means there are no animals,” said the

German, nodding. “Keine Hunde. Sehr gut!”

The fourth man had finished stuffing wads of a

soft, puttylike substance into the lock mechanism,

using his knife to finish the job. He then took out a

small circular device no larger than a fifty-cent coin

from his pocket, layered another mound of the

substance directly over the lock and plunged the

coin into it. “Move back,” he ordered.

Converse watched, mesmerised. There was no

explosion, no detonation whatsoever, but there was

intense heat and a glowing blue-white flame that

literally melted the steel. Then a series of clicks

could be heard, and the American quickly slid back

the triple bolts. He pushed the right door open and

blinked his flashlight outside. Moments later Johnny

Reb and Geoffrey Larson walked through the door

into the strange compound.

“Trips,” repeated the American to the Rebel.

“They’re all along those two walls,” he said, pointing.

“See them?”


“I can,” replied the Southerner. “And that means

there’ll be a few shooting straight up on top for

tiptoeing feet. All right, boys, let’s do a little

crawling. Bellies down with knees and asses

wiggling.” The six at the door joined the two

crouched in front of the platform. Johnny whispered

in German, then turned to Larson. “My English

friend, I want you to stay right here until us

old-timers give you the high sign to catch up with

us.” He looked at Joel. “Sure you want to come?”

“I won’t bother to answer that. Let’s go.’

One by one, with the German who was $5,000

richer in the lead, the seven men snaked their way

across the old parade ground. Barely breathing,

trousers torn, knees and hands scraped by the rough,

cracked concrete. The German headed for the break

between buildings 2 and 3, counting from the right.

It was a connecting cement path with gradually rising

steps on the left. He reached the open space and

stood up.

Suddenly he snapped his fingers once not very

loud but loud enough. Everyone froze where he was

under the field of intersecting alarm beams.

Converse turned his head on the ground to try to see

what was happening. The German was crouched in

the shadows as a man came into view, a guard with

a rifle slung over his shoulder. Aware of another

presence, the guard whipped his head around; the

German lunged out of the shadows, his long-bladed

knife arcing in midair toward the man’s head. Joel

closed his eyes, the sound of savagely expunged air

telling him more than he cared to know.

The movement began again, and again, one by

one, each member of the unit reached the path.

Converse was soaked with sweat. He looked at the

row of U-boat slips ahead and the sea beyond them

and wished to God he could fall into the water. The

Rebel touched his elbow, indicating that Joel should

take out his gun as the Southerner had done. It was

now Johnny Reb who took the lead; he crept out to

the front of building 2 and turned right, crouching

close to the ground, heading toward the lighted

windows. His fingers snapped; all movement stopped,

bodies now prone. Diagonally to the left, by the edge

of a giant slip were the glow of cigarettes and the

sound of men talking quietly three men, guards

with rifles.

As if they had been given an order, three of the

five men hired by the Rebel which ones Converse

could not tell broke away and started crawling in a

wide arc toward


the opposite side of the old U-boat berth.

Approximately a minute and a half later the

longest ninety secondsJoel could remember a

barrage of muted reports punctured the night

breezes off the sea. The subsequent sounds were

minimal as hands clutched at heads and bodies

snapped before falling to the concrete ground. The

hired guns returned and Johnny Reb waved them

forward, with Converse forced to be the last as men

grabbed his shoulders and passed him. They

reached the only lighted window in building 2; the

Rebel stood up and inched his way to the glass. He

turned and shook his head; the unit proceeded.

They came to the open space between buildings

1 and 2. Cautiously each man ran across, crouching

the instant he reached the opposite edge and then

racing ahead. It was Joel’s turn; he got to his knees,

then to his feet.

“Horst? Bist das au?” said a man harshly, walking

out of a door and up the cement path.

Converse stood motionless. The rest of the unit

was well past the edge of building 1 as the sounds

of the North Sea crashing on the rocks in the

distance blocked out the intruder’s voice. Joel tried

not to panic. He was alone, and if he panicked, he

could blow the operation apart, destroy the complex

at Scharhorn, killing everyone, including Connal

Fitzpatrick, if, indeed, the young commander was


“Ja, ” he heard himself saying as he turned away

into the shadows, his right hand reaching across his

waist for the hunting knife. He could not trust his

gun in the darkness

“Warten Sie einen Augen/,lick! Sin sind nicht Horst'”

Joel shrugged, and waited. The footsteps

approached, a hand grabbed his shoulder. He spun

around, gripping the handle of the knife with such

force that it nearly blocked out the terrible thing his

mind told him he had to do. He grabbed the man’s

hair and brought the razor-sharp blade across the


Wanting to vomit, he pulled the man into the

darker shadows; the head was all but severed from

the body. He raced across the open space and

caught up with the others No one had missed him;

each man was taking his turn peering into one of

the four lighted windows in a row. Johnny Reb was

beyond the first, successively pointing in different

directions firmly, rapidly, and each man, after a

crisp nod, ducked away. An assault was about to be

immediately executed. Converse raised himself to

the edge of the last window and looked in


side. Instantly he understood why the Rebel had to

act quickly. There were ten guards in what could only

be described as paramilitary uniforms belonging to

no recognisable army. Each was either strapping on

a weapon, looking at his watch or crushing out a

cigarette. Then, more ominously, they checked the

ammunition clips in their rifles and automatics.

Several laughed, raising their voices as if making

demands at the expense of the others. Joel could not

understand the words. He moved away from the

window and confronted Johnny Reb, who was close

to the ground.

‘It’s a patrol going out, isn’t it?” whispered Converse.

“No, son,” replied the Southerner. ‘ It s a firing

squad. They just got their orders.”

“My God!”

“We follow them, staying low and out of sight.

You may find your old buddy Fitzpatrick, after all.”

The next minutes were straight out of Kafka,

thought Joel. The ten men lined up and walked out

the door leading to building 2. Suddenly floodlights

blazed throughout the parade ground, the trip lights

obviously turned off as the squad walked out on the

concrete. Two men with automatics in their hands

ran to building 4; they unlocked and then unbolted

the heavy door, and raced inside shouting orders as

lights were turned on.

“Alles auistehen! ‘Raus! Mach schnell! Schnell!”

Seconds later, gaunt, manacled figures began

straggling out in their ragged clothes, blinking at the

harsh lights, some barely able to walk and supported

by others who were stronger. Ten, twenty,

twenty-five, thirty-two, forty. . . forty-three.

Forty-three prisoners of Aquitaine about to be

executed! They were marched toward the concrete

wall fronting the platform at the far end of the

parade ground.

It happened with the hysterical force of a crowd

gone mad! The condemned men suddenly bolted in

all directions, those nearest the two guards with the

automatics crashing the chains of their manacled

hands into the stunned faces. Shots rang out, three

prisoners fell and writhed on the ground. The firing

squad raised their rifles.

“Now, you mother-lovin’ catfish hunters!” shouted

Johnny Reb as the entire Scharhorn unit raced into

the melee, pistols firing, muted spits mingling with

the ear-shattenng explosions of the unsilenced


It was over in less than twenty seconds. The ten men



Aquitaine lay on the ground. Six were dead, three

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Categories: Robert Ludlum