Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

the benefit of concubines, but he was an airline

pilot, later an executive for Pan Am. It was standard

in the Converse household to By before you got your

driver’s license.”

“Brothers and sisters?’

“A younger sister. She soloed before I did and

she’s never let me forget it.”

“I remember. She was interviewed on television.”

“Only twice,” Joel broke in, smiling. “She was on

your turf and didn’t give a damn who knew it. The

White House bunker put the word out to stay away

from her. ‘Don’t tarnish the cause, and check her

mail while you’re at it.'”

“That’s why I remember her,” said Halliday. “So

a lousy student left college and the Navy gained a

hot pilot.”

“Not very hot, none of us was. There wasn’t that

much to be hot against. Mostly we burned.”

“Still, you must have hated people like me back

in the States. Not your sister, of course.”

‘Her, too,” corrected Converse. “Hated, loathed,

despised furious. But only when someone was

killed, or went crazy in the camps. Not for what you

were saying we all knew Saigon but because you

said it without any real fear. You were safe, and you

made us feel like assholes. Dumb, frightened


“I can understand that.”

“So nice of you.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.”

“How did it sound, counselor?”

Halliday frowned. “Condescending, I guess.”

“No guess,” said Joel. “Right on.”

“You’re still angry.”

“Not at you, only the dredging. I hate the subject

and it keeps coming back up.”

“Blame the Pentagon PR. For a while you were

a bona fide hero on the nightly news. What was it,

three escapes? On the first two you got caught and

put on the racks, but on the last one you made it all

by yourself, didn’t you? You crawled through a

couple of hundred miles of enemy jungle before you

reached the lines.”

“It was barely a hundred and I was goddamned



With the first two tries I was responsible for killing

eight men. I’m not very proud of that. Can we get to

the Comm Tech-Bern business?”

“Give me a few minutes,” said Halliday, shoving

the croissant aside. “Please. I’m not trying to dredge.

There’s a point in the back of my mind, if you’ll

grant I’ve got a mind.”

“Preston Halliday has one, his rep confirms it.

You’re a shark, if my colleagues are accurate. But

I knew someone named Avery, not Press.”

“Then it’s Fowler talking, you re more

comfortable with him.”

“What’s the point?”

“A couple of questions first. You see, I want to

be accurate because you ve got a reputation too.

They say you’re one of the best on the international

scene, but the people I’ve talked to can’t understand

why Joel Converse stays with a relatively small if

entrenched firm when he’s good enough to get

flashier. Or even go out on his own.”

“Are you hiring?”

“Not me, I don’t take partners. Courtesy of John

Halliday attorney-at-law, San Francisco.”

Converse looked at the second half of the

croissant and decided against it. “What was the

question, counselor?”

“Why are you where you’re at?”

“I’m paid well and literally run the department;

no one sits on my shoulder. Also I don’t care to

take chances. There’s a little matter of alimony,

amiable but demanding.”

“Child support, too?”

“None, thank heavens.”

“What happened when you got out of the Navy?

How did you feel?” Halliday again leaned forward,

his elbow on the table, chin cupped in his hand the

inquisitive student. Or something else.

“Who are the people you’ve talked to?” asked


“Privileged information, for the moment,

counselor. Will you accept that?”

Joel smiled. “You are a shark…. Okay, the gospel

according to Converse. I came back from that

disruption of my life wanting it all. Angry, to be

sure, but wanting everything. The nonstudent

became a scholar of sorts, and I’d be a liar if I

didn’t admit to a fair amount of preferential

treatment. I went back to Amberst and raced

through two and a half years in three semesters and

a summer. Then Duke offered me an ac


celerated program and I went there, followed by

some specializations at Georgetown while I


“You interned in Washington?”

Converse nodded. “Yes.”

“For whom?”

“Clifford’s firm. ‘

Halliday whistled softly, sitting back. “That’s

golden territory, a passport to Blackstone’s heaven as

well as the multinationals.”

‘1 told you I had preferential treatment.”

“Was that when you thought about the foreign

service? While you were at Ceorgetown? In


Again Joel nodded, squinting as a passing flash of

sunlight bounced off a grille somewhere on the

lakefront boulevard. “Yes,” he replied quietly.

“You could have had it,” said Halliday.

‘They wanted me for the wrong reasons, all the

wrong reasons. When they realized I had a different

set of rules in mind, I couldn’t get a twenty-cent tour

of the State Department. ”

“What about the Clifford firm? You were a hell

of an image, even for them.” The Californian raised

his hands above the table, palms forward. 1 know, I

know. The wrong reasons.”

“Wrong numbers,” insisted Converse. ‘ There

were forty-plus lawyers on the masthead and another

two hundred on the payroll. I’d have spent ten years

trying to find the men’s room and another ten

getting the key. That wasn’t what I was looking for.’

What were you looking for?”

“Pretty much what I’ve got. I told you, the

money’s good and I run the international division.

The latter’s just as important to me.”

‘You couldn t have known that when you joined,”

objected Halliday.

But I did. At least I had a fair indication. When

Talbot, Brooks and Simon as you put it, that small

but entrenched firm I’m with came to me, we

reached understanding. If after four or five years I

proved out, I’d take over for Brooks. He was the

overseas man and was getting tired of adjusting to all

those time zones.” Again Converse paused.

‘Apparently I proved out.”


‘ And just as apparently somewhere along the

line you got married.

Joel leaned back in the chair. ‘Is this necessary?”

“It’s not even pertinent, but I’m intensely



“It’s a natural reaction,” said Halliday, his eyes

amused. “I think you’d feel the same way if you

were me and I were you, and I’d gone through what

you went through.”

“Shark dead ahead,” mumbled Converse.

“You don’t have to respond, of course, counselor.”

“I know, but oddly enough I don’t mind. She’s

taken her share of abuse because of that

what-l’ve-been-through business.” Joel broke the

croissant but made no effort to remove it from the

plate. “Comfort, convenience, and a vague image of

stability,” he said.

“I beg your pardon?”

“Her words,” continued Joel. “She said that I got

married so I’d have a place to go and someone to

fix the meals-and do the laundry, and eliminate the

irritating, time-consuming foolishness that goes with

finding someone to sleep with. Also by legitimising

her, I projected the. proper image…. ‘And, Christ,

did I have to play the part’ also her words.”

“Were they true?”

“I told you, when I came back I wanted it all and

she was part of it. Yes, they were true. Cook, maid,

laundress, bedmate, and an acceptable, attractive

appendage. She told me she could never figure out

the pecking order.”

“She sounds like quite a girl.”

“She was. She is.”

“Do I discern a note of possible reconciliation?”

“No way.” Converse shook his head, a partial

smile on his lips but only a trace of humor in his

eyes. “She was also conned and it shouldn t have

happened. Anyway, I like my current status, I really

do. Some of us just weren’t meant for a hearth and

roast turkey, even if we sometimes wish we were.”

“It’s not a bad life.”

“Are you into it?” asked Joel quickly so as to

shift the emphasis.

“Right up with orthodontists and SAT scores.

Five kids and one wife. I wouldn t have it any other


“But you travel a lot, don’t your”

“We have great homecomings.” Halliday again



forward, as if studying a witness. ‘~So you have no

real attachments now, no one to run back to.’

‘ Talbot, Brooks and Simon might find that

offensive. Also my father. Since Mother died we have

dinner once a week when he’s not flying all over the

place, courtesy of a couple of lifetime passes.”

“He still gets around a lot?”

“One week he’s in Copenhagen, the next in Hong

Kong. He enjoys himself; he keeps moving. He’s

sixty-eight and spoiled rotten.”

“I think I’d like him.”

Converse shrugged, again smiling. “You might

not. He thinks all lawyers are piss ants, me included.

He’s the last of the white-scarved flyboys.”

“I’m sure I’d like him…. But outside of your

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Categories: Robert Ludlum