Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

I resent what you just said General!”

“You? Who the hell are you?”

“Easy, Lieutenant. You’re dismissed. ”

“I respectfully request to answer the general, sir!”

shouted Joel, in his anger refusing to move.

“You what, prissy flyboy?”

“My name is ”

“Forget it, I’m not interested!” Delavane whipped

his head back toward the ca plain. “What I want to

know is why you think you can disobey my orders the

orders from Command-Saigon!I called a strike

forfifteen hundred hours! You ‘respectfully declined’ to

implement that order!”

“A weather front’s moved in and you should know

it as well as I do. ”


“My meteorologists say it’s completely f gable!”

“I suspect if you asked for that finding during a

Burma monsoon they’d deliver it”

“That’s gross insubordination!”

“This is my ship and military regulations are quite

clear as to who’s in command here.”

“Do you want to connect me to your radio

room?l’ll reach the Oval Of dice and we’ll see just how

long you’ve got this ship!”

“I’m sure you’ll want to speak privately probably

over a scrambler. I’ll have you escorted there.”

“Goddamn you, I’ve got four thousand

troops maybe twenty percent seasoned moving up

into Sector Five! We need a low-altitude combined

strike from land and sea and weal have it if I have to

get your ass out of here within the hour!And I can do

it, Captain!. . . We’re over here to win, win, and win it

all! We don ‘t need sugarcoated Nellies hedging their

goddamned bets! Maybe you never heard it before, but

all war is a risk! You don ‘t win if you don ‘t risk, Ca


“I’ve been there, General. Common sense cuts

losses, and if you cut enough losses you can win the

next battle. ”

“I’m going to win this one, with or without you,

Blue Boy!”

“I respectfuUy advise you to temper your language,

General. ”

“You what?” Delavane’s face was contorted in fury,

his eyes the eyes of a savage wild animal. “You advise

me? You advise Command-Saigon! Well, you do

whatever you like Blue Boy in yoursatin pants but

the incursion up into the Tho Valley is on.”

“The Tho,”interrupted Converse. “That’s the first leg

of the Pak Song route. We’ve hit it four times. I know

the terrain. ”

“You know it9″shouted Delawne.

“I do, but I take my orders from the commander

of this ship General. ”

“You prissy shit-kicker, you take orders from the

President of the United States!He’s your commander in

chief7And I’ll get those orders!”

Delavane’s face was inches from Joel’s, the

maniacal expression challenging every nerve ending in

Joel ‘s body: hatred matched by loathing Barely

realising the words were


his, Converse spoke. “1, too, would advise the General

to be careful of his language.”

“Why, shit-kicker? Has Blue Boy got this place wired?”

“Easy, Lieutenant! I said you were dismissed!”

“You want me to watch my language, big fellawith

your little silver bar? No, sonny boy, you watch it, and

you read it! If that squadron of yours isn ‘t in the air at

fifteen hand red hours, I’ll label this carrier the biggest

yellow streak in Southeast Asia! You got that,

satin-pantsed Blue Boy, third class?”

Once moreloel replied, wondering as he spoke

where he found the audacity. “I don’t know where you

come from, sir, but I sincerely hope we meet under

different circumstances sometime. I think you he a pig

“Insubordination!Also, I’d break your back.”

“Dismissed, Lieutenant!”

“No, Captain, you’re wrong!” shouted the general.

“He may be the man to lead this strike, after all. Well,

what’ll it be, Blue Boys? Airborne, or the President of

the United States or the label?”

At 1520 hours Converse led the squadron off the

carrier deck. At 1538, as they headed at low altitude

into the weather, the f rst two casualties occurred over

the coastline; the wing planes were shot down f erg

deaths at six hundred miles an hour in the air. At

15461oel’s right engine exploded, his altitude made the

direct hit easy. At 1546:30, unable to stabilise, Converse

ejected into the downpour of the storm clouds, his

parachute instantly swept into the vortex of the

conflicting winds. As he swung violently down toward

the earth, the straps digging into his flesh with each

whipping buffet, one image kept repeating its presence

within the darkness. The maniacal face of General

George Marcus Delavane. He was about to begin an

indeterminate stay in hell, courtesy of a madman. And

as he later learned, the losses were ink nitely greater on

the ground.

Delavane! The Butcher of Danang and Pleiku.

Waster of thousands, throwing battalion after

battalion into the jungles and the hills with neither

adequate training nor sufficient firepower. Wounded,

frightened children had been marched into the

camps, bewildered, trying not to weep and, finally

understanding, weeping out of control. The stories

they told were a thousand variations on the same

sickening theme. Inexperi


enced,untried troops had been sent into battle

within days after disembarkation; the weight of

sheer numbers was expected to vanquish the often

unseen enemy. And when the numbers did not

work, more numbers were sent. For three years

command headquarters listened to a maniac.

Delavane! The warlord of Saigon, fabricator of body

counts, with no acknowledgment of blown-apart

faces and severed limbs, liar and extoller of death

without a cause! A man who had proved, finally, to

be too lethal even for the Pentagon zealots a

zealot who had outdistanced his own, in the end

revolting his own. He had been recalled and

retired only to write diatribes read by fanatics who

fed their own personal furies.

Men like that can’t be allowed anymore, don ‘t you

understand? He was the enemy, Otis enemy! Those

had been Converse’s own words, shouted in a fever

of outrage before a panel of uniformed questioners

who had looked at each other avoiding him, not

wanting to respond to those words. They had

thanked him perfunctorily, told him that the nation

awed him and thousands like him a great debt, and

with regard to his final comments he should try to

understand that there were often many sides to an

issue, and that the complex execution of command

frequently was not what it appeared to be. In any

event, the President had called upon the nation to

bind its wounds; what good was served by fueling

old controversies? And then the final kicker, the


“You yourself briefly assumed the terrible

responsibility of leadership, Lieutenant,” said a

pale-faced Navy lawyer, barely glancing at Joel, his

eyes scanning the pages of a file folder. “Before you

made your final and successful escape by yourself,

from a pit in the ground away from the main

camp you led two previous attempts involving a

total of seventeen prisoners of war. Fortunately you

survived, but eight men did not. I’m sure that you,

as their leader, their tactician, never anticipated a

casualty risk of nearly fifty percent. It’s been said

often, but perhaps not often enough: command is

awesome, Lieutenant.”

Translation: Don’t join the freaks, soldier. You

survived, but eight were killed. Were there

circumstances the military is not aware of, tactics that

protected some more than others, one more than

others: One man who managed to break out by

himself eluding guards that shot on sight prisoners on

the loose at night? Merely to raise the question by

mOpening a specific file will produce a stigma that

willfollow you


for the rest of your life. Back oft; soldier. We’ve got you

by simply raising a question we all know should not be

raised, but we’ll do it because we’ve taken enough }yak.

We’ll cut it off wherever we can. Be ha ppy you

survived and got out. Now, get out.

At that moment, Converse had been as close to

consciously throwing away his life as he would ever

have thought possible. Physically assaulting that

panel of sanctimonious hypocrites had not been out

of the question, until he studied the face of each

man, his peripheral gaze taking in rows of tunic

ribbons, battle stars on most. Then a strange thing

had happened: disgust, revulsion and

compassion swept over him. These were panicked

men, a number having committed their lives to their

country’s practice of war . . . only to have been

conned, as he had been conned. If to protect what

was decent meant protecting the worst, who was to

say they were wrong? Where were the saints? Or the

sinners? Could there be any of either when all were


Disgust, however, won out. Lieutenant Joel

Converse, USNR, could not bring himself to give a

final salute to that council of his superiors. In

silence, he had turned, with no military bearing

whatsoever, and walked out of the room as if he had

pointedly spat on the Hoor.

A flash of light again from the boulevard, a

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Categories: Robert Ludlum