Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

speculahon run rampant down our corridors; you

told me that once.”

“Yes, and it’s true. You did the right thing….

Damn it Joel, why the hell did you leave the hotel

the way you did? From the basement, or wherever

it was.”

It was the moment for expressing with total

conviction a small inconsequential untruth that if

not carried off would lead to the larger, far more

dangerous lie. Connal Fitzpatrick could do it well,

reflected Converse. The Navy lawyer had not

learned to fear the small things; he did not know

they were spoors that could lead one back to a rat

cage in the Mekong River.

“Bubba, my friend and sole support,” said Joel,

as cavalierly as he could muster. “I owe you many

things, but not the intimacies of my private life.”

“The what of your what?”

“I am approaching middle age at least it’s not far


off and I have no matrimonial encumbrances or

guilt about fidelity.”

“You were avoiding a woman?”

“Fortunately for the firm, not a man.”

“Jee-sus! I m so well into middle age I don’t

think about those things. Sorry, young fella.”

“Young and not so young, Larry.”

“We were all off base then. You’d better call

Rene right away and get this thing cleared up. I can’t

tell you how relieved I am.”

“You can tell me about Anstett. That’s why I called


“Of course.” Talbot lowered his voice. “A terrible

thing, a tragedy. What did the papers over there


Converse was caught; he had not anticipated the

quesbon. “Very little,” he replied, trying to remember

what Fitzpatrick had told him. “Just that he was shot

and apparently nothing was taken from his


“That’s right. Naturally, the first thing Nathan

and I thought of was you, and whatever the hell

you’re involved with, but that wasn’t the case. It was

a Mafia vendetta, pure and simple. You know how

rough Anstett was on appeals from those people;

he’d throw them out as fast as he’d call their at-

torneys a disgrace to the profession.”

“It was a confirmed Mafia killing?”

“It will be, and that’s straight from O’Neil down

at the commissioner’s office. They know their man,

he’s an execuboner for the Delvecchio family and

last month Anstett threw the key away on

Delvecchio’s oldest son. He’s in for twelve years with

no appeals left; the Supreme Court won’t touch


“They know the man?”

“It’s only a matter of picking him up.”

“How come it’s so clear-cut?” asked Joe, confused.

“The usual way,” said Talbot. “An informer who

needs a favor. And since everything’s happened so

fast and so quietly, it’s assumed that the ballistics will

prove out.”

“So fast? So quietly?”

“The infommer reached the police first thing this

moming. A special unit was dispatched and only they

know the man’s identity. They figure the gun will

skill be in his possession. He’ll be picked up anytime

now; he lives in Syosset.”

Something was wrong, thought Converse. There

was an inconsistency, but he could not spot the flaw.

Then it came


to him. “Larry, if everything’s so quiet, how do you

know about it?”

“I was afraid you’d ask that,” said Talbot

uneasily. “I might as well tell you; it’ll probably be in

the newspaper follow-ups anyway. O’Neil’s keeping

me posted; call it courtesy, and also because I’m



“Except for the man who killed him, I was the

last person to see Anstett alive.”


“Yes. After Rene’s second call I decided to

phone the judge, after conferring with Nathan, of

course. When I finally reached Anstett, I said I had

to see him. He wasn’t happy about it but I was

adamant. I explained that it concerned you. All I

knew was that you were in terrible trouble and

something had to be done. I went over to his

apartment on Central Park South and we talked. I

told him what had happened and how frightened I

was for you, frankly letting hi[n know that I held

him responsible. He didn’t say much, but I think he

was frightened, too. He said he’d get in touch with

me in the morning. I left, and according to the

coroner’s report, he was killed approximately three

hours later.”

Joel’s breath was short, his head splitting. His

concentration was absolute. “Let me get this straight,

Larry. You went over to Anstett’s apartment after

Rene’s call his second call. After he told the Surete

who I was.”

“That’s right.”

“How long was it?”

“How long was what?”

“Before you left for Anstett’s. After you spoke

with Mattilon.”

“Well, let me see. Naturally, I wanted to talk to

Nathan first, but he was out to dinner, so I waited.

Incidentally, he concurred and offered to join me ”

“How long, Larry?”

“An hour and a half, two hours at the outside.”

Two hours plus three hours totaled five hours.

More than enough ti1ne for the killer puppets to be put

in place. Converse did not know how it had been

done, only that it had been done. Things had

suddenly erupted in Paris, and in New York an

agitated Lawrence Talbot had been followed to an

apartment on Central Park South, where someone,

somewhere, recognized a name and a man and the

part he had


played against Aquitaine. Were it otherwise, Talbot

would be the corpse, not Lucas Anstett. All the rest

was a smoke screen behind which the disciples of

George Marcus Delavane manipulated the puppets.

“~and the courts owed so much to him, the

country owed so much.” Talbot was speaking, butJoel

could no longer listen.

“I have to go, Larry,” he said, hanging up.

The killing was obscene. That it was carried out

so quickly, so efficiently and with such precise

deception was as frightening as anything Converse

could imagine.

Joseph Joey the Nice) Albanese drove his

Pontiac down the quiet, tree-lined street in Syosset,

Long Island, waving to a couple in a front yard. The

husband was trimming a hedge under his wife’s

guidance. They stopped what they were doing, smiled

and waved back. Very nice. His neighbors liked him,

thought Joey. They considered him a sweet guy and

very generous, what with letting the kids use his pool

and serving their parents only the best booze when

they dropped over and the biggest steaks money

could buy when he had weekend barbecues which

he did often, rotating the neighbors so no one should

feel left out.

He was a sweet guy, mused Joey. He was always

pleasant and never raised his voice in anger to

anyone, offering only a glad hand, a nice word and

a happy smile to everybody, no matter how lousy he

really felt. That was it, goddamn it! thought Joey.

Irra fuckin’ gardless of how upset he was, he

never let it show! Joey the Nice was what they called

him and they were right. Sometimes he figured he

had to be some kind of saint may Jesus Christ

forgive him for having such thoughts. He had just

waved to neighbors, but in truth he felt like smashing

his fist through the windshield and shoving the glass

down their throats.

It wasn’t them, it was last night that did it! A

crazy night, a crazy hit, everything crazy! And that

Rumba they brought in from the West Coast, the

one they called Major, he was the nuttiest fruitcake

of them all! And a sadist to boot, the way he beat

the shit out of that old man and the crazy questions

he asked, and shouting all the time. Tutti pazzi!

One minute he’s playing cards in the Bronx, and

the next the phone is ringing. Get down to

Manhattan fast! A bad heat is needed attualmente!

So he goes and what does he find? It’s


that iron-balled judge, the one who closed the steel

doors on Delvecchio’s boy! What craziness! They’ll

trace it back to the old man for sure. He’ll know

such a~izione from the cops and the courts he’ll be

lucky to own a small whorehouse in Paler mo if he

ever got back.

Then maybe just maybe thought Joey at the

time, there was a turning muscle in the organisation.

Old Delvecchio was losing his grip; just maybe it was

being called for, this ap?izione that surely would

follow. And possibly just possibly Joey himself

was being tested. Maybe he was too nice, too soave,

to put the bad heat on someone like the old judge

who gave them all such a hard time. Well, he wasn’t.

No sirree, the nice stopped with the handle of a

gun. It was his job, his profession. The Lord Jesus

decided who should live and who should die, only

He spoke through mortal men on earth who told

people like Joey whom to hit. There was no moral

dilemma for Joey the Nice. It was important,

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Categories: Robert Ludlum