Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

introducing the legal aspects. I shouldn’t have to tell

you that.”

“The lawyer-client relationship.” Converse nodded.

“You’re in a morass before you can make a charge.

Unless you’ve got hard evidence against your client,

proof that he’s going to commit further crimes and

that you’re aiding the commission of those crimes by

keeping silent.”

‘ Which proof I don’t have,” interrupted the


“Then no one will touch you,” added Joel.

“Especially ambitious lawyers at Justice; they don’t

want their postgov


ernment avenues cut off. As you say, the Delavanes

of this world have their constituencies.”

“Exactly,’ agreed Halliday. “And when I began

asking questions and tried to reach Delavane, he

wouldn’t see me or talk to me. Instead, I got a

letter telling me I was fired, that if he had known

what I was he never would have retained me.

‘Smoking dope and screaming curses while brave

young men answered their country’s call.'”

Converse whistled softly. “And you think you

weren’t connedP You provide legal services for him,

a structure he can use for all intents and purposes

within the law, and if anything smells, you’re the last

person who can blow the whistle. He drapes the old

soldier’s flag around himself and calls you a vin-

dictive freak.”

Halliday nodded. “There was a lot more in that

letter nothing that could damage me except where

he was concerned, but it was brutal.”

“I’m certain of it.’ Converse took out a pack of

cigarettes; he held it forward as Halliday shook his

head. “How did you represent him?” asked Joel.

“I set up a corporation, a small consulting firm

in Palo Alto specialising in imports and exports.

What’s allowed, what isn’t, what the quotas are, and

how to legitimately reach the people in D.C. who

will listen to your case. Essentially it was a lobbying

effort, trading in on a name, if anyone remembered.

At the time, it struck me as kind of pathetic.”

“I thought you said it wasn’t registered,”

remarked Converse, lighting a cigarette.

“It’s not the one we’re after. It’d be a waste of


“But it’s where you first got your information,

isn’t it? Your leads?”

‘4That was the accident, and it won’t happen

again. It’s so legitimate it’s legal Clorox.”

“Still it’s a front,” -insisted Joel. “It has to be if

everything or anything you’ve said is true.”

“It’s true, and it is. But nothing’s written down.

It’s an instrument for travel, an excuse for Delavane

and the men around him to go from one place to

another, carrying on legitimate business. But while

they’re in a given area, they do their real thing.”

“The gathering of the generals and the field

marshals?” said Converse.


“We think it’s a spreading missionary operation.

Very quiet and very intense.”

“What’s the name of Delavane’s firm?”

“Palo Alto International.”

Joel suddenly crushed out his cigarette. “Who’s

we, Avery? Who’s putting up this kind of money

when amounts like that mean they’re people who can

reach anyone they want to in Washington?”

“Are you interested?”

“Not in working for someone I don’t know or

approve of. No, I’m not.”

“Do you approve of the objectives as I’ve outlined

them to you?”

“If what you’ve told me is true, and I can’t think

of any reason why you’d lie about it, of course I do.

You knew I would. That still doesn’t answer my


“Suppose,” went on Halliday rapidly, “I were to

give you a letter stating that the sum of five hundred

thousand dollars to be allocated to you from a blind

account on the island of Nfykonos was provided by

a client of mine whose character and reputation are

of the highest order. That his ”

“Wait a minute, Press,” Converse broke in harshly.

“Please don’t interrupt me, Please!” Halliday’s

eyes were riveted on Joel, a manic intensity in his

stare. “There’s no other way, not now. I’ll put my

name my professional life on the line. You’ve been

hired to do confidential work within your

specialisation by a man known to me to be an

outstanding citizen who insists on anonymity. I

endorse both the man and the work he’s asked you

to do, and swear not only to the legality of the

objectives but to the extraordinary benefits that

would be derived by any success you might have.

You’re covered, you’ve got five hundred thousand

dollars, and I expect just as important to you,

perhaps more so, you have the chance to stop a

maniac maniacs from carrying out an unthinkable

plan. At the least, they’d create widespread unrest,

political crises everywhere, enormous suffering. At

the worst, they might change the course of history to

the point where there wouldn’t be any history.”

Converse sat rigid in his chair, his gaze unbroken.

“That’s quite a speech. Practice it long?”

“No, you son of a bitch! It wasn’t necessary to

practice. Any more than you rehearsed that little

explosion of yours twelve years ago in San Diego.

‘Men like that can’t be allowed


anymore, don’t you understand? He was the enemy,

our enemy?’ . . . Those were the words, weren’t


‘ You did your homework, counselor,” said Joel,

his anger controlled. “Why does your client insist on

being anonymous? Why doesn’t he take his money,

make a political contribution, and talk to the

director of the CIA, or the National Security

Council, or the White House, any of which he could

do easily? A half-million dollars isn’t chopped

chicken liver even today.”

“Because he can’t be involved officially in any

way whatsoever.” Halliday frowned as he expelled

his breath. “I know it sounds crazy, but that’s the

way it is. He is an outstanding man and I went to

him because I was cornered. Frankly, I thought he’d

pick up the phone and do what you just said. Call

the White House, if it came to it, but he wanted to

go this route.”

“With me?”

“Sorry, he didn’t know you. He said a strange

thing to me. He told me to find someone to shoot

down the bastards without giving them the dignity of

the government’s concern, even its recognition. At

first I couldn’t understand, but then I did. It fit in

with my own theory that laughing at the Delavanes

of this world renders them impotent more

thoroughly than any other way.”

“It also eliminates the specter of martyrdom,”

added Converse. “Why would this outstanding

citizen do what he’s doing? Why is it worth the

money to him?”

“If I told you, I’d be breaking the confidence.”

“I didn’t ask you his name. I want to know why.”

“By telling you,” said the Califomian, “you’d

know who he is. I can’t do that. Take my word for

it, you’d approve of him.”

“Next question,” said Joel, a sharp edge to his

voice. “Just what the hell did you say to Talbot,

Brooks that they found so acceptable?”

“Resigned to finding it acceptable,” corrected

Halliday. “I had help. Do you know Judge Lucas


“Second Circuit Court,” said Converse, nodding.

“He should have been tapped for the Supreme

Court years ago.”

“That seems to be the consensus. He’s also a

friend of my client, and as I understand it, he met

with John Talbot and Nathan Simon Brooks was

out of town and without revealing my client’s

name, told them there was a problem that might

well erupt into a national crisis if immediate legal



tion wasn’t taken. Several U.S. firms were involved,

he explained, but the problem basically lay in

Europe and required the talents of an experienced

international lawyer. If their junior partner, Joel

Converse, was selected and he accepted, would they

consent to a leave of absence so he could pursue the

matter on a confidential basis? Naturally, the judge

strongly endorsed the project.”

“And naturally Talbot and Simon went along,”

said Joel. ‘You don’t refuse Anstett. He’s too

damned reasonable, to say nothing of the power of

his court.”

“I don’t think he’d use that lever.”

“It’s there.”

Halliday reached into his jacket pocket and took

out a long white business envelope. “Here’s the

letter. It spells out everything I said. There’s also a

separate page defining the schedule in Mykonos.

Once you make arrangements at the bank how you

want the money paid or where you want it

transferred you’ll be given the name of a man who

lives on the island; he’s retired. Phone him; he’ll tell

you when and where to meet. He has all the tools

we can give you. The names, the connections as we

think they are, and the activities they’re most likely

engaged in that violate the laws of their respective

governments sending arms, equipment, and

technological information where it shouldn’t be sent.

Build just two or three cases that are tied to

Delavanc -even circumstantially and it’ll be enough.

We’ll turn it all into ridicule. It will be enough.”

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Categories: Robert Ludlum