Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

Dobermans as they raced belong the window,

instantly stopping and crowding angrily in front of

the door. The chauffeur was on his way with a

breakfast no prisoner in isolation should expect.

Joel climbed off the chair and quickly carried it

back to the table, setting it in place and going to his

cot. He sat down, kicked off his shoes, and lay back

on the pillow, his legs stretched out over the

rumpled blanket.

The bolt was slid back, the key inserted and the

heavy knob turned; the door opened. As he did

every time he entered, the German pushed the

center of the door with his right hand as he

supported the tray with his left. However this

morning he was gripping a bulging object in his

right hand, the blinding sunlight obscuring it for

Converse. The man walked in and, more awkwardly

than usual, placed the tray on the table.

‘ 1 have a pleasant surprise for you, main Herr.

I spoke with General Leifhelm on the telephone last

night and he asked about you. I told him you were

recovering splendidly and that I had changed the

bandage on your unfortunate injury. Then it

occurred to him that you had nothing to read and

he was very upset. So an hour ago I drove into

Bonn and purchased three days of the International

Herald Tribune. ” The driver placed the rolled-up

newspapers next to the tray on the table.

But it was not the issues of the Herald Tribune

that Joel stared at. It was the German s neck and

the upper outside pocket of his uniform jacket. For

looped around that neck and angled over to that

pocket was a thin silver chain, with the protruding

top of a tubular silver whistle clearly visible against

the dark fabric. Converse shifted his eyes to the



the Dobermans were sitting on their haunches, each

breathing noisily and salivating, but, to all intents and

purposes, immobile. Converse remembered his

arrival at the general s monumental lair and the

strange Englishman who had controlled the dogs with

a silver whistle.

‘Tell Leifhelm I appreciate the reading material,

but I’d be even more grateful if I could get out of

this place for a few minutes. ”

‘:la, with a plane ticket to the beaches in the

south of France, rein?”

“For Christ’s sake, just to take a walk and stretch

my legs What’s the matter? Can’t you and that

drooling band of mas tiffs handle one unarmed man

getting a little air? . . . No you’re probably too

frightened to try.” Joel paused, then added in an

insulting mock-Cerman accent. ”’I do vot I am tort.

The driver’s smile faded. “The other evening you

said you would not apologise but instead break my

neck. That was a joke. Do you understand? A joke

I find so amusing I can laugh at it.”

“Hey, come on,’ said Converse, changing his tone

as he swung his legs off the cot and sat up. “You’re

ten years younger than I am and twenty times

stronger. I felt insulted and reacted stupidly, but if

you think I’d raise a hand against you you’re out of

your mind. I m sorry. You’ve been decent to me and

I was stupid again.”

“la, you were stupid,” said the German without

rancor “But also you were right. I do as I am told.

And why not? It is a privilege to take orders from

General Leifhelm. He has Been gut to me.”

“Have you been with him long?”

“Since Brussels. I was a sergeant in the Federal

Republic’s border patrols. He heard about my

problem and took an interest in my case. I was

transferred to the Brabant garrison and made his


“What was your problem? I’m a lawyer, you know.”

Dhde charge was that I strangled a man With my ”

‘ha. He was trying to put a knife in my

stomach and lower. He said I took advantage of his

daughter. I took no advantage; it was not necessary.

She was a whore it was in the clothes she wore, the

way she walked es ist klar! The father was a pig!”


Joel looked at the man, at the clouded

malevolence in his eyes. “I can understand General

Leifhelm’s sympathies,” he said.

“Now you know why I do as I am told.”


He is calling for his messages at noon. I shall

ask him about your walking. You understand that

one word from me and the Dobermans will rip your

body from its bones.”

“Nice puppies,” said Converse, addressing the

pack of dogs outside.

Noon came and the privilege was granted. The

walk was to take place after lunch when the driver

returned to remove the tray. He returned, and after

several severe warnings Joel ventured outside, the

Dobermans crowding around him black nostrils

flared, white teeth glistening, bluish-red tongues

flattened out in anticipation. Converse looked

around; for the first time he saw that the small

house was made of thick, solid stone. The unique

squad began its constitutional up the path, Joel

growing bolder as the dogs lost a degree of interest

in him under the harsh admonitions of the German

s commands. They began racing ahead and regroup-

ing in circles, snapping at one another but always

whipping their heads back or across at their master

and his prisoner. Converse walked faster.

“I used to jog a lot back home,” he lied.

“Was ist? ‘Jog’?”

“Run. It’s good for the circulation.”

“You run now, main Herr, you will have no

circulation. The Dobermans will see to it.”

“I’ve heard of people getting coronaries from

jogging too,” said Joel, slowing down, but not

reducing the speed with which his eyes darted in all

directions. The sun was directly overhead; it was no

help in determining direction.

The dirt path was like a marked single line in an

intricate network of hidden trails. It was bordered

by thick foliage, more often than not roofed by

low-hanging branches, then breaking open into short

stretches of wild grass that might or might not lead

to other paths. They reached a fork, the leg to the

right curving sharply into a tunnel of greenery. The

dogs instinctively raced into it but were stopped by

the chauffeur, who shouted commands in German.

The Dobermans spun around, bouncing off each

other, and returned to the fork, then raced into the

wider path on the left. It was an in


cline and they started up a steep hill, the trees

shorter and less full, the bramble bush wilder,

coarser, lower to the ground. Wind, thought

Converse. A valley wind; a wind whipping up from a

trough, a long narrow slice in the earth, the kind of

wind a pilot of a small plane avoided at the first sign

of weather. A river.

It was there. To his left; they were traveling east.

The Rhine was below, perhaps a mile beyond the

lower line of tall trees. He had seen enough. He

began breathing audibly. The exhilaration inside him

was intense; he could have walked for miles. He was

back on the banks of the Huong Khe, the dark

watery lifeline that would take him away from the

Mekong cages and the cells and the chemicals. He

had done it before he was going to do it again!

“Okay, Field Marshal,” he said to Leifhelm’s

driver, looking at the silver whistle in the German’s

pocket. “I’m not in as good shape as I thought I was.

This is a mountain! Don’t you have any flat pastures

or grazing fields?”

“I do as I am told, mein Herr, ” replied the man,

grinning. “Those are nearer the main house. This is

where you must walk.”

“This is where I say thank you and no thank you.

Take me back to my little grass shack and I’ll play

you a simple

“I do not understand.”

“I’m bushed and I haven’t finished the

newspapers. Seriously, I want to thank you. I really

needed the air.”

“Sehr gut You are a pleasant fellow.”

“You have no idea, good ale Aryan boy.”

“Ach, so amusing. Die Juden sind in Israel, rein?

Better than in Cermany.”

Nate Simon would love you. He’d take your case

for nothing just to blow it No, he wouldn’t. He’d

probably give you the best defense you ever had.”

Converse stood on the wooden chair under the

window to the left of the door. All he had to hear

and see was the sound and the sight of the dogs;

after that he had twenty or thirty seconds. The

faucets in the bathroom were turned on, the door

open; there was sufficient time to run across the

room, flush the toilet, close the door and return to

the chair. But he would not be standing on it.

Instead, it would be gripped in his hands, laterally.

The sun was descending rapidly; in an

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Categories: Robert Ludlum