Robert Ludlum – Aquatain Progression

current to pull it all away. Joel grabbed the handle

of the chauffeur’s gun, not to pull it out but to

secure it as he limped down the bank to look for the

quickest way into the water.

He heard nothing until the instant when a

massive roar came out of the shadows and the huge

body of an animal flew through the air over the

riverbank directly at him. The monstrous face of the

dog was contorted with fury, the eyes on fire, the

enormous jaw widest all teeth and a gaping, shining

black mouth. Converse fell to his knees as the

Doberman whipped past his right shoulder, ripping

his shirt with its upper eye teeth and flipping over on

its back in the mud. The


momentary defeat was more than the animal could

stand. It writhed furiously, rolling over, snarling,

then rising on its hind legs, lunged up from the mud

for Joel’s groin.

The gun was in his hand. Converse fired,

blowing off the top of the attack dog’s head; blood

and tissue sprayed the shadows, and the slack,

shining jaws fell into his crotch.

The rest of the pack was now racing toward the

bank, accompanied by ear-shattering crescendos of

animal cries. Joel threw himself into the water and

swam as rapidly as he could away from the

shoreline; the weapon was an impediment but he

knew he could not let it go.

Years ago centuries ago he had desperately

needed a weapon, knowing it could be the difference

between survival and death, and forgive days none

could be had. But on that fifth day he had found one

on the banks of the Huong Khe. He had }boated half

underwater past a squad on patrol, and found the

point ten minutes later downriver too far from the

scout’s unit to be logical a man perha ps thinking

angry thoughts that made him walk faster, or bored

with his job and wanting a few moments to be by

himself and out of it all. Whichever, it made no

difference to that soldier. Converse had killed him with

a rock from the river and had taken his gun. He had

fired that gun twice, twice saving his life before he

reached an advance unit south of Phu Loc.

As he pushed against the shoreline currents of

the Rhine, Joel suddenly remembered. This was the

fifth day of his imprisonment in Leifhelm’s

compound no jungle cell, to be sure, but no less a

prison camp. He had done it! And on the fifth day

a weapon was his! There were omens wherever one

wished to find them; he did not believe in omens,

but for the moment he accepted the possibility.

He was in the shadows of the river now, the

surrounding mountains blocking the dying sun. He

paddled in place and turned. Back on shore, at the

cavity in the bank that had been his plank to the

water, the dogs were circling in confused anger,

snarling, yelping, as several ventured down to sniff

their slain leader, each urinating as it did

so territory and status were being established. The

beams of powerful flashlights suddenly broke

through the trees. Converse swam farther out; he

had survived searchlights in the Mekong. He had no

fear of them now; he had been there here and he

knew when he had won.

He let the outer currents carry him east along the



Somewhere there would be other lights, lights that

would lead him to shelter and a telephone. He had to

get everything in place and build his brief quickly, but

he could do it. Yet the attorney in him told him that

a man with a bandaged gunshot wound in soaked

clothing and speaking a foreign language in the

streets was no match for the disciples of George

Marcus Delavane; they would find him. So it would

have to be done another way with whatever artifices

he could muster. He had to get to a telephone. He

had to place an overseas call. He could do it; he

would do it! The Huong Khe faded; the Rhine was

now his lifeline.

Swimming breaststroke, the gun still gripped in

his hand, his arm smarting in the water, he saw the

lights of a village in the distance.


Valerie frowned as she listened on the phone in

her studio, the spiraling cord outstretched as she

reached over and placed a brush in the track of her

easel. Her eyes scanned the sunlit dunes outside the

glass doors, but her mind was on the words she was

hearing, words that implied things without saying

them. ‘Larry, what’s wrong with you?” she interrupted,

unable to hold herself in check any longer. “Joel’s not

just an employee or a junior partner, he’s your friend

! You sound like you’re trying to build a case against

him. What’s that term you all use? . . .

Circumstantial, that’s it. He was here, he was there;

someone said this and somebody else said that.”

“I’m trying to understand, Val,” protested Talbot,

who had called from his office in New York. “You’ve

got to try to understand too. There’s a great deal I

can’t tell you because I’ve been instructed by people

whose offices I have to respect to say very little or

preferably nothing at all. I’m bending those

instructions because Joel is my friend and I want to


“All right, let’s go back,” said Valerie. “What

exactly were you leading up to?”


‘I know it’s none of my damned business and I

wouldn’t ask it if I didn’t think I had to ‘

“111 accept that,” agreed Val. “Now, what is it?”

“Well, I know you and Joel had your problems,”

continued the senior partner of Talbot, Brooks and

Simon, as though he were referring to an

inconsequential spat between children. “But there

are problems and there are problems.”

“Larry,” interrupted Val again. “There were

problems. We’re divorced. That means the problems

were serious.’

“Was physical abuse one of them?” asked Talbot

quickly in a low voice, the words obviously

repugnant to him.

Valerie was stunned; it was a question she

would never have expected. “What?”

You know what I mean. In fits of anger did he

strike you? Cause you bodily harm?”

‘You’re not in a courtroom, and the answer is

no, of course not. I might have welcomed it at

least the anger.’

1 beg your pardon?”

“Nothing,’ said Valerie, recovering from her

astonishment. ‘ 1 don’t know what prompted you to

ask, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Joel

had far more effective ways to deflate my ego than

hitting me. Among them, dear Larry was his

dedication to the career of one Joel Converse in

Talbot, Brooks and Simon.”

“I’m aware of that, my dear, and I’m sorry.

Those complaints are perennial in the divorce

courts and I’m not sure there’s anything we can do

about them not in this day and age, perhaps not

ever. But that’s different. I’m talking about his black

moods we knew he had them.”

“Do you know any rational person who doesn’t?”

asked the former Mrs. Converse. “This isn’t really

the best of all possible worlds, is it?”

“No, it isn’t. But then Joel lived through a

period of time in a far worse world than most of us

will ever know or could imagine. I can’t believe he

emerged from it without a scar or two ”

Valerie paused, touched by the older man’s

unadorned directness; it had its basis in concern.

“You’re sweet Larry and I suspect you’re right in

fact, I know it. So I think you should tell me more

than you have. The term physical abuse is what you

lawyers call a leading something-or-other. It s not

fair because it could also be misleading. Come on,

Larry, be fair. He’s not my husband anymore, but

we didn t break apart


because he chased girls or bashed my head in. I may

not want to be married to him but I respect him.

He’s got his problems and l ve got mine, and now

you’re implying his are a lot bigger. What’s


Talbot was silent for a moment, then blurted out

the words, again quickly, quietly; once more they

were obviously repugnant to him. ‘ They say he

assaulted a man in Paris without provocation. The

man died.”

“No, that’s impossible! He didn’t, he couldn’t!”

“That’s what he told me, but he lied. He told me

he was in Amsterdam, but he wasn’t. He said he was

going back to Paris to clear things up, but he didn’t

go. He was in Cermany he’s still somewhere in

Germany. He hasn’t left the country and Interpol

has a warrant for him; they’re searching everywhere.

Word reached him to turn himself in to the

American embassy but he refused. He’s


“Oh, my God, you’re all so wrong!” exploded

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Categories: Robert Ludlum