Robert Ludlum – Matlock Paper

imperative to reach someone on the telephone.

Why? What?


Had the grand impersonation been so obvious? Had he blown his first


If he had, the least he could do was try to find out who was on de other

end of the line., who it was that Beason ran to in his disjointed state of


One fact seemed clear: whoever it was had to be more important than Archer

Beeson. A man-even a dmg addict-did not panic and contact a lesser figure

on his own particular totenL

Perhaps the evening wasn7t a failure; or his failure –conversely-a

necessity. In Beeson7s desperation, he might let slip information he never

would have revealed if he hadiet been desperate. It vva&t prepostewus to

force it out of the frightened, drugged Instructor. On the other hand, that

was the least demrable method. if he failed in that, too, he was finished

before bed begun. Loring’s meticulous briefing would have been for nothing;

his death a rather macabre jok% ha terrible cover-so painful to his family,

so inhumn somehow-made fruitless by a bumbling amateur.

There was no other way, thought Matlock, but to try. Try to find out who

Beeson had reached and try to put the pieces of the evening back where

Beeson might accept him again. For some insane reason, he pictured Lorings

briefcase and the thin black chain dangling from the handle. For an even

crazier reason, it gave him confidence; not much, but some.

He assumed a stance as close to the appearance of collapse as he could

imagine, then moved his head to the door frame and slowly, quarter inch by

quarter Inch, pushed it inward. He fully expected to be met by Beesods

staring eyes. Instead, the instructor”s back was to him; he was hunched

over hke a small boy

7!s Robert Ludluts

trying to control his bladder, the phone clutched to his thin scrunched

neck, his head bent to the side. It was obvious that Beeson thought his

voice was muffled, indistinguishable beneath the sporadic crescendos of the

-Carmina Burana.” But the Seconal had played one of its tricks. Beeson’s ear

and his speech were no longer synchronizedL His words were not Only clear.

They were emphasized by being spaced out and repeated.

. . . You do not understand me. I want you to un

dmtand me. Please, understand. He keeps asking

questions. Hes not with it He is not U*h it. I swear

to Christ hes a plant Get hold of Herron. Tell Her6

ron to reach him for Gods sake. Reach him, Pleavet

I could lose everythingl … No. No, I can tell! I am

what I me, man/ When that bitch hums horny I have

probImns I mean there are appearances, old man…

Get Lucas…. For Christ’s sake get to him! rm in

trouble and I can’t … 0

madock let the door swing slowly back IntD the frame. His shock was such

that thought and feeling were suspended, he saw his hand still on the

kitchen door, yet he felt no wood against his fingers. What he had just

heard was no less horrible than the sight of Palph Lormes lifeless body in

the telephone booth.

Herron. Lucas Herrwd

A seventy-year-old legend. A quiet scholar who was as much revered for his

perceptions of the human condition as he was for his brilliance. A lovely

man, an honored man. There had to be a mistake, an aiplanation-

There was nD time to ponder the inexplicable.

Archer Beeson thought he was a “plant” And now, someone else thought so,

too. He couldn!t allow that. He had W dikk force himself to act.


Suddenly he understood. Beeson himself had told him what to do.

No infornier-no one not narcodzect-would attempt it

Matlock looked over at the girl lying face down on the living room floor He

crossed rapidly around the dining table and ran to her side, unbuckling his

beft as he did so. In swift movements, he took off his trousers; and

reached down, rolling her over on her back. He lay down beside her and

undid the remaining two buttons on her blouse, pulling her brassiere until

the hasp broke She moaned and giggled, and when he touched her exposed

breasts, she moaned again and lifted one leg over Matlock’s -hip.

Tinky groovy, pinky groovy. . ~* She began breathIng through her mouth,

pushing her pelvis into Matlock’s groin, her eyes half open, her hands

reaching down, stroking his le& her fingers clutching at his skhL

Matlock kept his eyes toward the kitchen door~ praying it would open.

And then it did, and he shut his eyes.

Archie Beeson stood in the dining area looking down at his wife and guest.

Matlock, at the sound of Beesoes footsteps, snapped his head back and

feigned terrified confusion. He rose from the floor and immediately fell

back down agam. He grabbed his trousers and held them in front of his

shorts, rising once more unsteadily and finally falling onto the couch.

‘Oh, jesusl Oh, sweet Jesus, Archief ChrK young fella! I didet think I was

this fi-eaked outl … rm far out, Archiel What the hell, what do I do? rin

gone, nun, rm sorryl Christ, rm sorryl*

Beeson approached the couch, his half-naked wife at his feet. From his

expression it was impossible to

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tell what he was thinking. Or the extent of his anger.

Or was it anger?

His audible reaction was totally unexpected: he Started to laugh. At first

soffly, and then with gathering momentum, until he became nearly hystericaL

‘Oh, God, old maul I said itt I said she was a minxf … DonI worry. No

tattle tales. No rapes, no dirty-old-man-on-the-faculty. But well have our

seminar. Oh, Christ, yesf That’ll be some senainwf And youll teU them aU

you picked mef Won’t you? Ob, yesl That’s what you’ll tell them, isi* it?”

Matlock looked into the wild eyes of the addict above him.

‘Sure. Sure, Archie. Whatever you say.”

‘You better believe it, old manl And don’t apologim No apologies are

necessaryl The apologies are minel” Archer Beeson collapsed on the floor in

laughter. He reached over and cupped his wifes left breast; she-moaned and

giggled her maddening, high-pitched giggle-

And Matlock kiiew he had won.


He was exhausted, both by the hour and by the tensions of the night It was

ten minutes past three and the choral strains of the “Carnima Burana” were

still hammering in his ears. The image of the bare. breasted wife and the

jackal-sorunding husband-both writhing on the floor in front of him-added

revulsion to the sickening taste in his mouth.

But what bothered him most was the knowledge that Lucas Herrons name was

used within the context of such an evening.

It was inconceivable.

Lucas Herron. The “grand old bird,” as he called. A reticent but obvious

fixture of the Carlyle campus. The chairman of the Romance languages de-

partment and the embodiment of the quiet scholar with a deep and abiding

compassion. There was always a glint in his eyes, a look of bemusement

mixed with tolerance.

To associate him-regardless of how remotelywith the narcotics world was

unbelievable. To have heard him sought after by an hysterical addict-4or

essentially, Archer Beeson um an addict, psychologically if not

chemically-as though Lucas were some sort of power under the circumstances

was beyond rational comprehension.

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The explanation had to he somewhere In Lucas HerroWs immense capacity for

sympathy. He was a friend to many, a dependable refuge for the troubled,

often the deeply troubled. And beneath his placid, aged, unruffied surface,

Herron was a strong man, a leader. A quarter of a century ago, he had spent

countless months of hell in the Solomon Islands as a middle-aged infantry

officer. A lifetime ago, Lucas Herron had been an authentic hero in a

vicious moment of time during a savage war in the Pacific. Now over

seventy, Herron was an institution.

Matlock rounded the comer and saw his apartment half a block away. The

campus was dark; aside from the street lamps, the only light came from one

of his rooms. Had he left one on? He couldn’t remember.

He walked up the path to his door and inserted his key. Simultaneously with

the click of the lock, there was a loud crash from within. Although it

startled him, his first reaction was amusement His clumsy, long-haired

house cat had knocked over a stray Oass or one of those pottery creations

Patricia Ballantyne had inflicted on him. Then he realized such a tbought

was ridiculous, the product of an exhausted mtad. The crash was too loud

for pottery, the shattesing of glass too violent

He rushed into the small foyer, and what he saw pushed fatigue out of his

brain. He stood immobile in disbelief.

Ilie entire room was in shambles. Tables were overturned; books pulled from

the shelves, their pages torn from the bindings, scattered over the floor;

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