Robert Ludlum – Matlock Paper

“It was necessary.” Matlock saw the old man~s face wince in pain. And then

he recalled his own reaction to Adam Williams’ description of the

“unpleasant necessity” of sending Sam Kressel the false report of his

actions at Lumumba Hall. The parallel hurt.

“The boy’s in trouble. He’s sick. It’s a disease and he!s trying to cure

himself. That takes courage. . . . This is no time for campus Gestapo

tactics.” Herron took a long drink from his glass while his free hand

gripped the arm of the chair.

“How did you know about it?”

“That might be privileged information. Let’s say I heard from a respected

co-worker of ours-in the medical line–who ran across the symptoms and


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came concerned. What difference does it make? I tried to help the boy and

I’d do it again.”

“I’d like to believe that. It’s what I wanted to believe.”

“Why is that difficult for you?”

“I don1 know…. Something at the front door a few minutes ago. Perhaps

this house. I canI put my finger on ft. . . . I’m being completely honest

with you.”

Herron laughed but still avoided Matlock’s eyes. ‘You~re too wound up in

the Elizabethans. The plots and counterplots of The Spanish Tragedy. . . .

You young faculty crusaders should stop trying to be an amateur Scotland

Yard. Not too long ago it was fashionable around here to have Red Dogs for

breakfast. You7re just magnifying the situation out of proportion.”

“That!s not true. I’m not a faculty crusader. Im no part of that growd, and

I think you know ft.”

“What was it then? Personal interest? In the boy. Or his wife? … I’m

sorry, I shouldn’t have said that”

“I’m glad you did. I have no interest in Virginia Beeson-sexual or

otherwise. Although I cadt imagine what else there would be.~

“Then you put on quite an act,”

“I certainly did. I took extreme measures to keep Beeson from knowing why

I was there. It was that important.-

“To whom?” Herron slowly put his glass down with his right hand, his left

still gripped the arm of the chair.

“To people beyond this campus. Washington people. The federal


Lucas Herron took a sudden, sustained intake of breath through his nostrils.

In front of Matlock’s eyes,


Herron’s face began to drain itself of color. When he spoke, he did so

barely above a whisper.

“What are you saying?”

‘That I was approached by a man from the justice Department The information

he showed me was frightening. Nothing was trumped up, nothing over-

dramatized. It was straight data. I was given a free choice whether to

cooperate or not”

‘And you accepted?” Herroes words were uttered softly in disbelief.

“I didn’t feel there was an alternative. My younger brother. . .”

‘You di(&t feel there was an alternative?’ Herron rose from his chair, his

hands began to shake, his voice grew in intensity. “You didnt feel there

was an altertwtiveF”

“No, I didn!t,” Matlock remained calm. “Thaes why I came out here. To warn

you, old friend. Ies much deeper-far more dangerous . . .”

“You came out here to warn me?f What have you &mP What in the name of

everything sacred have you doneP … Now, you listen to met You listen to

what I sayl” Herron backed off, bumping into the small side table. In one

whip of his left arm, he sent it crushing onto the flagstones. “You let it

go, do you hear met You go back and tell them nothing/ Nothing existd It’s

all … all in their imaginationsl Doet touch itl Let it gor

I cant do that,- said Matlock gently, suddenly

afraid for the old man. “Even Sealfont will have to

agree. He caiYt fight it any longer. Ies there, Lu

cas …. 7

“Adrianf AdriaZs been told? … Oh, my God, do you know what you’re doing?

Yotell destroy so much.

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So many, many … Get out of herel Get oud I don!t know youl Oh, Jeswl


Lucas, what is it?- Matlock got up and took several steps toward the old

man. Herron continued backing away, an old man in panic.

‘Don1 come near mel Don’t you touch nwl*

Herron turned and started running as well as his ancient legs could carry

him across the lawn. He stumbled, falling to the ground, and picked himself

up. He didn’t look back. Instead he ran with all his might toward the rear

of the yard, toward the overgrown woods. And then he disappeared through

his huge green wall.

‘Lucasl For Chrises sakel” Matlock raced after the old man, reaching the

edge of the woods only seconds behind him. Yet he was nowhere in sight

Matlock whipped at the overgrowth in front of him and stepped into the

tangled mass of foliage. Branches slashed back at him, and the intricate

webbings of giant weeds ensnared his feet as he kicked his way into the

dense woods.

Herron was gone.

“Lucasl Where are you?1”

There was no answer, only the rustling of the dis~-turbed growth behind

him. Matlock went farther into the forest, ducking, crouching, sidling by

the green barriers in front of him. Th~re was no sign of Lucas Herron, no


“Lucasl For God’s sake, Lucas, answer mel”

Still no reply, no hint of presence.

Matlock tried to look around him, tried to spot a break in the patterns of

foliage, a route to follow. He could see none. It was as if Lucas were

matter one momen% vapor the next.


And then he heard it. Indistinct, from all sides of him, echoing softly

from some unknown place. It was a deep-throated moan, a wail. Near, yet far

in the dense distance. And then the wail diminished and became a plaintive

sob. A single sob, punctuated by a single word-clear, and spoken in hatred.

Ile word was

ONimrod . – ”


“Goddamn it, Matlockl I told you to stay put until I contacted youl”

“Goddamn it~ Greenbergl How did you get into my apartment?1-

You didn’t get your window fixed.”

“You haveet offered to pay for it.”

“We’re even. Where have you been?”

Matlock threw his car keys on the coffee table and looked at his broken

stereo set in the comer. “It’s an involved story and I suspect …

pathetic. III tell you all about it after I’ve had a drink. My last one was


“Get me one, too. Ive also got a story and mines definitely pathetic.*

“What do you drink?”

‘Very little, so whatever you’re having is fine.*

Matlock looked out his front window. The curtains were strewn on the floor

where he had tc)m them in front of Adam Williams. The sun was almost down

now. The spring day was over. “I’m going to squeeze some lemons and have a

fresh fruit Tom Collins.*

“Your Me says you drink bourbon. Sour mash.”

Matlock looked at the federal agent “Does it?”

Greenberg followed Matlock into the kitchen and watched In silence as he

fixed their drinks. Matlock


handed the federal man his glass.

-Looks fancy.-

“Ifs not … Whose pathetic story gets first telling?’

“IT want to hear yours, of course, but under the circumstances, mine has


“You sound ominous.*

“No. just pathetic. . . . rU start by asking you if you’d care to know

where I’ve been since I dropped you off.” Greenberg leaned against the


“Not particularly, but you’ll tell me anyway.”

‘Yes, I will. It’s part of the pathos. I was out at your local

airport-Bradley Field-waiting for a jet dispatched by justice a few hours

ago from Dulles. There was a man on the plane who brought me two sealed

envelopes which T had to sign for. Here they are.* Greenberg reached into

his jacket pocket and took out two long business envelopes. He put one on

the counter and began to open the second.

“They look very official,” said Matlock, edging himself up so that he sat

next to the sink, his long legs dangling over the side in front of the


“Ibey couldn’t be more official…. This envelope contains the summary of

our conclusions based on information you gave us-gave me. it ends with a

specific recommendation. I’m allowed to convey this information in my own

words as long as I cover all the facts …. 0

‘Jason Greenberg gets two points.”

OHowever,” continued the federal man without ac

knowledging Matlock’s interruption, “the contents of

the second envelope must be delivered verbatim. You

are to read it thoroughly — should it be necessary

and if ifs acceptable, you’ve got to acknowledge that

by your signature-”

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’11& gets better and better. Am I running for the Senate?”

“No, yoere just running…. I’ll start as instructect” Greenberg glanced at

the unfolded paper and then looked across at Matlock “The man at Lumumba

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