Robert Ludlum – Matlock Paper

looked momentarily perplexed but within seconds grasped the meaning of

Sharpe!s statement. The men at the table were to remain.

Matlock wasn’t sure he’d handled the situation advantageously.

He had wanted to pursue the Carlyle discussion just enough to have someone

offer to make the necessary calls to Carmount and the Sail and Ski.

Holden’s refusal to speak about his itinerary precluded it, and Matlock was

afraid that it also implied that he and Holden were so important that

further introductions were unnecessary. In addition, Matlock realized that

as his journey progressed, he banked more and more on the dead Loring’s

guarantee that none of those invited to the Carlyle conference would

discuss delegates among themselves. The meaning of “OmertC was supposedly

so powerful that silence was inviolate. Yet Sharpe had just commanded those

at the table to remain.

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He had the feeling that perhaps he had gone too far with too little

experience. Perhaps it was time to reach Greenberg–.although he’d wanted

to wait until he had more concrete knowledge before doing so. If he made

contact with Greenberg now, the agent might force him-what was the idiotic

phrase?–out of strategy. He waset prepared to face that problem.

Sharpe escorted them to the near-deserted parking lot The Windsor Vally Inn

wasn’t crowded with overnight guests.

‘We don’t encourage sleeping accommodations,7 Sharpe explained. “We’re

known primarily as a fine restaurant”

“I can understand that,” said Matlock-

*Gentlemen,” began Sharpe haltingly. “May I make a request that might be

considered impolite?”

Go right ahead.-

‘May I have a word with you, Mr. Matlock? Privately.”

“Oh, doet concern yourself,” said Holden, moving off. “I understand fully.

III just walk around.”

0116’s a very nice fellow, your English friend,7 Sharpe said.

“Me nicest. What is it, Sammy?”

*Several points of information, as we say In courL*

‘What are they?”

OTm a cautious man, but rm also very curious. I run a fine organization, as

you can see.”

‘I can see.”

*Tm growing nicely—cautiously, but nicely.!

” accept that.”

‘I doet make mistakes. Ive a trained legal mind and Im proud that I don’t

make mistakee

“What are you driving at?”


‘It strikes me–and I must be honest with you, it has also occurred to my

partner Frank and to Rocco Aiello-that you may have been sent into the

territory to make certain observations.”

“Why do you think that?”

‘Why? … From nowhere comes a player like you. You got powerful friends in

San Juan. You know our places like the back of your hand. Then you have a

very rich, very nice associate from the London scene. That all adds up….

But most important-and I think you know it-you mention this business in

Carlyle. Lees be honest. That speaks a whole big book, doesnI Itr

‘Does it?’

“I’m not foolhardy. I told you, rm. a cautious man. I understand the rules

and I don’t ask questions I’m not supposed to ask or talk about things I’m

not privileged to know about…. Still, I want the generals to realize they

have a few intelligent, even ambitious, lieutenants in the organization.

Anyone can tell you. I don’t skim, I don~t hold back.”

“Are you asking me to give you a good reportP”

‘That about sizes it up. I have value. I’m a respected attorney. My

partner’s a very successful insurance broker. We’re naturals.”

‘What about Aiello? It seems to me yoere friendly with him.”

“Rocas a good boy. Maybe not the quickest, but solid. He’s a kind person,

too. However, I doZt believe hes in our league.”

“And Bartolozzi?”

‘I have nothing to say about Bartolozzi. YouT have to make up your own mind

about him.”

“By saying nothing, you~re saying a lot, aren7t you?’

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“In my opinion, he talks too much. But that could be his personality. He

rubs me the wrong way. Not Rocco, though.-

Matlock watched the methodical Sharpe in the pre. dawn light of the parking

lot and began to understand what had happened. It was logical; he, himself,

had planned it but now that it was taking place, he felt curiously

objective. Observing himself; watching reacting puppets.

He had entered Nimrod’s world a stranger; possibly suspect, certainly


Yet suddenly, that suspicion, that deviousness, was not to be scorned but


The suspect honored for his deviousness-because it had to come from a

higher source. He was an emissary from the upper echelons now. He was


What had Greenberg called it? The shadow world. Unseen armies positioning

their troops in darkness, constantly on the alert for stray patrols,

unfriendly scouts.

The thin line he had to tread was precarious. But it was his now.

“You7re a good man, Sharpe. Goddamn smart, too. .. What do you know about


“Nothingl Absolutely nothing.”

‘Now you’re lying, and that’s not smart~w

“It’s true. I donI know anything. Rumors Ive heard. Knowledge and hearsay

are two different kinds of testimony.” Sharpe held up his right hand, his

two fore. fingers separated.

“What rumors? Give it straight for your own sake.0

“Just rumors. A gathering of the clan, maybe. A meeting of very highly

placed individuals. An agreement which has to be reached between certain

peo. ple.”



Sanuny Sharpe closed his eyes for precisely three seconds. During those

moments he spoke.

“Now you talk language I dodt want to hear~*

Men you diddt hear it, did you?”

“It’s stricken from the record, I assure you.”

‘O.K. Yotere doing fine. And when you go back inside, I don’t think it

would be such a good idea to discuss the rumors you’ve heard. That would be

acting like a stupid lieutenant, wouldn’t it?”

“Not only stupid-insane.”

‘Why did you tell them to stay, then? Ies late.”

“For real. I wanted to know what everybody thought of you and your English

friend. I’ll tell you now, though—since you have mentioned a certain

name, no such discussion will take place. As I said, I understand the


‘Good. I believe you. You’ve got possibilities. You’d better go back in….

Oh, one last thing. I want you … we want you to call Stockton at Carmount

and Cantor at the Sail and Ski. just say I’m a personal friend and I’ll be

showing up. Nothing else. We don’t want any guards up. Thaes important,

Sammy. Nothing else.”

“Ies my pleasure. And you won~t forget to convey my regards to the others?”

“I won’t forget. You’re a good man.”

‘I do my best. It’s all a person can do .

just then, the quiet of the predawn was shattered by five loud reports.

Glass smashed. The sounds of people running and screaming and furniture

crashing came from within the inn. Matlock threw himself tD the ground.

“Johni johnl”

“Over herel By the earl Are you all right?f”

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“Yes. Stay therel”

Sharpe had run into the darkness by the base of the building. He crouched

into a comer, pressing himself against the brick. Matlock could barely see

the outline of his form, but he could see enough to watch Sharpe withdraw

a revolver from inside his jacket.

Again there was a volley of shots from the rear of the building, followed

once more by screams of terror. A busboy crashed through the side door and

crawled on his hands and knees toward the edge of the parking lot. He

shouted hysterically in a language Matlock eould not understand.

Several seconds later, another of the inn~s employees in a white jacket ran

through the door pulling a second man behind him, this one obviously

wounded, blood pouring from his shoulder, his right arm dangling,


Another shot rang out of nowhere and the waiter who had been screaming fell

over. The wounded man behind him went pummeling forward, crashing face down

into the gravel. Within the building, men were shouting.

“Lees gol Get outl Get to the carr

He fully expected to see men come scrambling out of the side door into the

parking lot, but no one came. Instead, from another section of the

property, he heard the gunning of an engine and, moments later, the

screeching of tires as an automobile made a sharp turn. And then, to his

left, about fifty yards away, a black sedan came racing out of the north

driveway tDward the main road. The car had to pass under a street light,

and Matlock saw it clearly.

It was the same automobile that had plunged out of the darkness moments

after Ralph Loring’s murder.


Everything was still again. The grayish light of dawn was getting brighter.

“Jiml Jim, come herel I think they’ve goner

It was Holden. He had left the sanctuary of the autDmobile and was

crouching over the man in the white jacket.

‘Comingr said Matlock, getting off the ground.

‘M fellov/s dead. He was shot between the shoulders. . . . This one’s still

breathing. Better get an ambulance.* Holden had walked over to the

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