Robert Ludlum – Matlock Paper

common on the outskirts of cities. Once-forty or fifty years ago-it had

been the proud symbol of a rising middle class extending themselves out

beyond the cement confines toward the country, but not so courageous as to

leave the city completely. It wasn’t so much run down as it was . . . not

spruced up. The most glaring aspect of the apartment house to Matlock,

however, was that it seemed to be a most unlikely place for a student to


But he was there now; Peter Daniels had ascertained that.

Pace had not wanted to unlatch the door. It was only Matlock’s strong

emphasis on two points that made the student relent. The first point was

that he wasift from the police; the second, the name of Rocco Aiello.

“What do you want? I’ve got a lot of work to do;

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I dodt have time to talk. I’ve got comprehensives tDmorrow.

-May I sit downP-

‘What for? I told you, Im busy.’ The tat brownhah-ed student crossed back

to his desk, piled with books and papers. The apartment was neat-except for

the desk-end quite large. There were doors and short corridors leading to

other doors. It was the sort of apartment that usually was shared by four

or five students. But Alan Pace had no roommates.

“I’ll sit down anyway. You owe that much to Rocco.”

“What does that mean?”

“Just that Rocco was my friend. I was the one with him the other night when

you brought him a tab to sign. Remember? And he was good to you. … Hes


“I know. I read about it Im sorry. But I diddt owe him anything.”

“But you bought from him.”

“I dodt know what you’re talking aboue

‘Come on, Pace. You don’t have the time and neither do 1. You~re not

connected to Aiello’s death, I know that. But I’ve got to have information,

and yoere going to supply it”

“You!re talking to the wrong person. I don!t know you. I don’t know


“I know you. I’ve got a complete rundown on you. Aiello and I were

considering going into business together. Now, that’s none of your concern,

I realize that, but we exchanged . . . personnel information. rm coming to

you because, frankly, Rocco’s gone and there are areas that need filling.

I’m really asking a favor, and I’ll pay for it.”

01 told you, rm not your man. I hardly knew A161- TBE MATLOCK PAP= r/7

Io. I picked up a few dollars waiting tables. Sure, I heard rumors, but

thaes all. I don~t know what you want, but yoxed better go to someone else.”

Pace was sharp, thought Matlock. He was disen. gaging himself but not

foolishly claiming complete innocence. On the other hand, perhaps he was

telling the truth. There was only one way to find out

“I’ll try again… Fifteen months in Vietnam. Saigon, Da Nang; excursions

to Hong Kong, Japan. I&S officer, the dullest, most exasperating kind of

work for a young man with the potential that earns him honors at a very

tough university.’

“I&S was good duty; no combat, no sweat Everybody made the tourist hops.

Check the R&R routs sheets.”

“Then,” continued Matlock without acknowledging Pace~s interruption, “the

dedicated officer rehirns to civilian life After a four-month voluntary

extension in Saigon-rm surprised you weren~t caught up on that one–he

comes back with enough money to make the proper investments, and certainly

not from his army pay. He!s one of the biggest suppliers in New Haven. Do

you want me to go on?”

Pace stood by the desk and seemed to stop breathIng. He stared at Matlock,

his face white. When he spoke, it was the voice of a frightened young man.

“You can’t prove anything. I haven’t done anything. My army record, my

record here-they’re both good. The3ere very good.*

Ile best Unblemished. They’re records to be proud of; I mean that

sincerely. And I wouldn’t want to do anything to spoil them; I mean that,


“You couldn’t. I’m cleanf”

“No, you’re not. You’re up to your fellowship neck. Aiello made that clear.

On paper,”

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-Yotfre lyingf-

You re stupid. You &Ink Aiello would do business with anyone he didn’t run

a check on? Do you think Wd be allowed to? He kept very extensive books,

Pace, and Ive got them I told you, we were going Into business tDgether.

You don1 form a partnership without audit disclosures, you should know


Pace spoke barely above a whisper. “Thore are no books like that There

never are. Cities, towns, codes. No names. Never any names.”

‘Then why am I here?”

‘You saw me in Hartford; you!re reaching for a comiection.”

“You know better than that. Don’t he foolish.”

Matlock’s quickly put implications were too much for the tall, shocked

young man. “Why did you come to me? Im not that important You say you know

about me; then you know rm not important~

“I told you. I need information. Im reluctant to go tD the high priests,

anyone with real authority. I doet want to be at a disadvantage. Thats why

I’m willing tD pay; why I’m prepared to tear up everything Ive gDt on YOU.


The prospect of being cut free of the stranger’s grip was obviously all

that was on Paas mind. He replied quickly.

‘Suppose I can!t answer your questions? You’ll think I’m lying.”

“You can’t be worse off. All you can do is try me

‘Go ahead.*

^I met a girl … from a nearby college. I met her under circumstances that

can only be described as professional prostitution. Professional in every

sense of the word. Appointinents, set fees, no prior knowl-


edge of clients, the works. . . . What do you know about itr

Pace took several steps toward Matlock. “What do you mean, what do I know?

I know it!s there. What else is there to know?”

“How extensiver

“All over. Ies not new&”

“It is to me.”

“You don’t know the scene. Take a walk around a few college towns.”

Matlock swallowed. Was he really that far out of touch? “Suppose I were to

tell you I’m familiar with a lot of … college townsr

“rd say your circles were cubed. Also, rm no part of that action. What


‘I&es stick to this for a minute…. Why?” Why what?-

“Why do the girls do it?”

“Bread, man. Why does anyone do anything?”

“YoxiCre too intelligent to believe that … Is it organized?”

“I guess so. I told you, I’m no part of it”

‘Watch itl Ive got a lot of paper on you. . .

“All right Yes, ies organized. Everythines organized. If it’s going to


“Where TecificaUy are the operations?”

“I told youl All over.*

“Inside the colleges?”

“No, not inside. On the outskirts. A couple of miles usually, if the

campuses are rural. Old houses, away from the suburbs. If they’re in

cities–downtown hotels, private clubs, apartment houses. But not here.”

“Are we talking about … Columbia, Harvard, Radcliffe, Smith, Holyoke? And

points south?”

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~Everyone always forgets PrinceW replied Pace with a wry smile. ‘A lot of

nice old estates in those back roads…. Yes, were talking about those


I never would have believed it . . .- Matlock spoke as much to himself as

to Pam “But, whyP Doet give me the ‘bread! routine. . . .”

“Bread is fnwdom manI For these kids Ifs freedom. Theyre not psyched-up

freaks; theyre not running around in black berets and field jacketL Very

few of us am Weve Wmed. Get the money, fella, and the nice people will like

you. … Also, whether yoeve noticed it or not, the stritight moneys not as

easy to come by as it once was. Most of these kids need e

‘Jrhe girl I mentioned before; I gathered she was forced Into e

‘Oh, Jesus, nobodys forcedl Thafs crap

‘She was. She mentioned a few things…. Controls is as good a word as any.

Courts, doctors, even jobs … 0

1 woul(Wt know anything about that.-

‘And afterward. Malang contact later-perhaps a few years later. Plain

old-fashioned blackmaA just as rm blackmailing you now.”

‘Men she was in trouble before; this girl, I mean. If fes a bummer, she

doesn’t have to make the trip. Unless shes into somebody and owes what she

caet pay f=*

‘Who is Nimrod?’ Matlock asked the question softly, without emphasis. But

the question caused the young man to turn and walk away

“I do@Yt know that I don’t have that hiformatIon.’

Matlock got out of the chair and stood motionless. On ask you just once

more, and if I dodt get an answer, rU walk out the door and you’ll be


THE MAnA= P”IM 281

A very promising life will be altered drastically–4f you have a life….

Who is Nimrod?”

The boy whipped around and Matlock saw the fear again. The fear he had seen

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Categories: Robert Ludlum