Robert Ludlum – Matlock Paper

do? He has no experience in this kind of work. He’s not trained. Use one of

your own men.”

“There isn7t time. There’s no time for one of our men. H&II be protected;

you can help.”

“I can stop youl”

“No, you can’t, Sam,” said Matlock from the chair.

“Jim, for Christ:s sake, do you know what he’s ask- THE MATLOCK PAPM 35

ing? If therd’s any truth to what he!s said, he’s placing you in the worst

position a man can be in. An informer.’

“You don’t have to stay. My decision doesn’t have to be your decision. Why

doet you go home?” Matlock rose and walked slowly to the bar, carrying his


nafs impossible now,” said Kressel, turning toward the government agent.

“And he knows it~”

Loring felt a touch of sadness. This Matlock was a good man; be was doing

what he was doing because he felt be owed a debt. And it was coldly,

professionally projected that by accepting the assignment, James Matlock

was very possibly going to his death. It was a terrible price, that

possibility. But the objective was worth it. The conference was worth it.

Nimrod was worth it.

That was Loring’s conclusion.

It made his assignment bearable.


Nothing could be written down; the briefing was slow, repetition constant

But Loring was a professional and knew the value of taking breaks from the

pressures of trying to absorb too much Wo rapidly. During these periods, he

attempted to draw Matlock out, learn more about this man whose life was so

easily expendable. It was nearly midnight; Sam Kressel had left before eight

o’clock. It was neither necessary nor advisable that the dean be present

during the detailing of the specifics. He was a liaison, not an activist.

Kressel was not averse to the decision.

Ralph Loring learned quickly that Matlock was a private man. His answers to

innocuously phrased questions were brief, thrown-away replies constituting

no more than self-denigrating explanations. After a while, Loring gave up.

Matlock had agreed to do a job, not make public his thoughts or his

motives. It wasn’t necessary; Loring understood the latter. That was all

that mattered. He was just as happy not to know the man too well.

Matlock, in turn-while memorizing the complicated information-was, on

another level, reflecting on his own life, wondering in his own way why

he’d been selected. He was intrigued by an evaluation that


could describe him as being nwbile, what an awful word to have appliedl

Yet he knew he was precisely what the term signified. He was mobile. The

professional researchers, or psychologists, or whatever they were, were

accurate. But he doubted they understood the reasons behind his . . .


The academic world had been a refuge, a sanctuary. Not an objective of

long-standing ambition. He had fled into it in order to buy time, to

organize a life that was falling apart, to understand. To get his head

straight, as the kids said these days.

He had tried to explain it to his wife, his lovely, quick, bright,

ultimately hollow wife, who thought he!d lost his senses. What was there to

understand but an awfully good job, an awfully nice house, an awfully

pleasant club, and a good life within an awfully rewarding social and

financial world? For her, there was nothing more to understand. And he

understood that

I But for him that world had lost its meaning. He had begun to drift away

from its core in his early twenties, during his last year at Amherst. The

separation became complete with his army experience.

It was no one single thing that had triggered his rejection. And the

rejection itself was not a violent act, although violence played its role

in the early days of the Saigon mess. It had begun at home, where most

.life-styles are accepted or rejected, during a series of disagreeable

confrontations with his father. The old gentleman-too old, too

gentlemanly-felt justified in demanding a better performance from his first

son. A direction, a sense of purpose not at all in evidence. The senior

Matlock belonged to another era-if not

38 Robert Ludlum

another century-and believed the gap between father and son a desirable

thing, the lower element being dismissible until it had proved itself in the

marketplace. Dismissible but, of course, malleable. In ways, the father was

like a benign ruler who, after generations of power, was loath to have the

throne abandoned by his rightful issue. It was inconceivable to the elder

Matlock that his son would not assume the leadership of the family business.


But for the younger Matlock, it was all too conceivable. And preferable. He

was not only uncomfortable thinking about a future in his father’s nw-rket-

place, he was also afraid. For him there was no joy in the regimented

pressures of the financial world; instead, there was an awesome fear of

inadequacy, emphasized by his father’s strong–overpoweringcompetence. The

closer he came to entering that world, the more pronounced was his fear.

And it occurred to him that along with the delights of extravagant shelter

and unnecessary creature comforts had to come the justification for doing

what was expected in order to possess these things. He could not find that

justification. Better the shelter should be less extravagant, the creature

comforts somewhat limited, than face the prospects of continuing fear and


He had tried to explain that to his father. Whereas his wife had claimed

hed lost his senses, the old gentleman pronounced him a misfit

Which didn7t exactly refute the army’s judgment of him.

The army.

A disaster. Made worse by the knowledge that it was of his own making. He

found that blind physical discipline and unquestioned authority were



to him And he was large enough and strong enough and had a sufficient

vocabulary to make his unadJustable, immature objections known-to his own


Discreet manipulations by an uncle resulted in a discharge before his tour

of service was officially completed; for that he was grateful to an

influential family.

And at this juncture of his life, Jaynes Barbour Matlock III was a mess.

Separated from the service less than gloriously, divorced by his wife,

dispossessedsymbolically if not actually~by his family, he felt the panic

of belonging nowhere, of being without motive or purpose.

So hed fled into the secure confines of graduate school, hoping to find an

answer. And as in a love affair begun on a sexual basis but growing into

psychological dependence, he had married that world; he’d found what had

eluded him for nearly five vital years. It was the first real commitment

he’d ever experienced.

He was free.

Free to enjoy the excitement of a meaningffil challenge-, free to revel in

the confidence that he was equal to it He plunged into his new world with

the enthusiasm of a convert but without the blindness. He chose a period of

history and literature that teemed with energy and conflict and

contradictory evaluations. The apprentice years passed swiftly; he was

consumed and pleasantly surprised by his own talents. When he emerged on

the professional plateau, he brought fresh air into the musty archives. He

made startling innovations in long-unquestioned methods of research. His

doctoral thesis on court interference with English Renaissance

hterature–news manage-

4o Robert Ludluin

ment-blew into the historical ashcan several holy theories about one

benefactress named Elizabeth.

He was the new breed of scholar: restless, skeptical, unsatisfied, always

searching while imparting what he’d learned to others. Two and a half years

after receiving his doctorate, he was elevated to the tenured position of

associate professor, the youngest instructor at Carlyle to be so


James Barbour Matlock U made up for the lost years, the awful years.

Perhaps best of all was. the knowledge that he could communicate his

excitement to others. He was young enough to enjoy sharing his enthusiasm,

old enough to direct the inquiries.

Yes, he was mobile; God, was hel He couldiA, wouldfet turn anyone off, shut

anyone out because of disagreement–even dislike. The depth of his own

gratitude, the profoundness of his relief was such that he unconsciously

promised himself never to discount the concerns of another human being.

‘Any surprises?” Loring had completed a section of the material that dealt

with narcotics purchases as they’d been traced.

“More a clarification, rd say,” replied Matlock. Me old-line fraternities

or clubs-mostly white, mostly rich-get their stuff from Hartford. The black

units like Lumumba Hall go to New Haven. Different sources.”

‘Exactly; that’s student orientation. The point being that none buy from

the Carlyle suppliers. From Nimroc1L”

“You explained that. The Nimrod people don’t want to be advertised.”

“But they’re here. They’re used.”

By whom?- TBE mATLOcK PAM 41

‘Faculty and staff,” answered Loring calmly, flipping over a page. This nwy

be a surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Archer Beeson . . .”

Matlock immediately pictured the young history instructor and his wife.

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Categories: Robert Ludlum