Robert Ludlum – Matlock Paper

364 Robert LucUum

concerned, you know what I mean? Now, well see you at the field, O.K.? In an

hour, O-K-?”

This was the moment There might not come another.

Nol Wait a minute…. rm not going on that campusl The Washington people,

theyve got the whole place watchedl The)ere all aroundl They’ll put me


No, they won’t.

‘How the hell do you knowP”

~Mere!s nobody. So help me, it’s O.X Calm down, please

“Ilaes easy for You, not Mel No, III tell YOU where.. ~*

He spoke rapidly, disjointedly, as if thinking desperately while talking.

First he mentioned Herron!s house, and before the voice could either agree

or disagree, he rejected it himself. He then Pinpointed the freight yards,

and immediately found irrational reasons why he could not go there.

Now, doet get so excited: said the voice. “Ies a simple transaction … 0

Mt restaurantl Outside of town. The Cheshire Cati Behind the restaurant,

there’s a garden- . – ”

The voice was confused hying to keep up with hinli and Matlock knew he was

carrying off the ploy. He made last references to the diaries and the

incriminating affidavit and slanimed the telephone receiver jUtD its


He stood in the booth, exhausted. Perspiration was dripping down his face,

yet the early morning air was cool.

.rhat was handled very nicely.- said the black man in command. “your

adversary chose a place within

Tim mATLocK PApm 365

the college, I gather. An intelligent move on his parL Very nicely done,


Matlock looked at the uniformed Negro, grateful for his praise and not a

little astonished at his own resourcefulness. “I don’t know if I could do

it again.”

“Of course you could,” answered the black, leading Matlock toward the car.

“Extreme stress activates a memory bank, not unlike a computer. Probing,

rejecting, accepting–aIl instantaneously. Until panic, of course. There

are interesting studies being made regarding the varying thresholds.”

Really?” said Matlock as they reached the car door. The Negro motioned him

inside. The car lurched forward and they sped off down the highway flanked

by the two other automobiles.

We’ll take a diagonal route to the restaurant using the roads set back in

the farm country,” said the black behind the wheel. ‘Ve1l approach it from

the southwest and let you off about a hundred yards from a path used by

employees to reach the rear of the building. We’ll point it out to you.

Walk directly to the section of the gardens where there’s a large white

arbor and a circle of flagstones surrounding a goldfish pond. Do you know


“Yes, I do. I’m wondering how you do, though.”

The driver smiled. “I’m not clairvoyant. While you were in the tqlephone

booth, I was in touch with our men by radio. Everything’s ready now. Were

prepared. Remember, the white arbor and the goldfish pond. . . . And here.

Here’s the notebook and the envelope.” The driver reached down to a flap

pocket on the side of his door and pulled out the oilcloth package. The

envelope was attached to it by a thick elastic band.

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“Well be there in less than ten minutes,” said the man in conunand,

shifting his weight to get comfortable. Matlock looked at him. Strapped to

his legsewn into the tight-fitting khaki, actually~–was a leather

scabbard. He hadn’t noticed it before and knew why. The bone-handled knife

it contained had only recently been inserted. The scabbard housed a blade

at least ten inches long.

Dunois’s elite corps was now, indeed, prepared.


He stood at the side of the tall white arbor. The sun had risen over the

eastern curve, the woods behind him still heavy with mist, dully reflecting

the light of the early morning. In front of him the newly filled trees

formed corridors for the old brick paths that converged into this restful

flagstone haven. There were a number of marble benches placed around the

circle, all glistening with morning moisture. From the center of the large

patio, the bubbling sounds of the man-made goldfish pond continued

incessantly with no break in the sound pattern. Birds could be heard

activating their myriad signals, greeting the sun, starting the day’s


Matlocles memory wandered back to Herron!s Nest, to the forbidding green

wall which isolated the old man from the outside world. There were

similarities, he thought. Perhaps it was fitting that it should all end in

such a place.

He lit a cigarette, extinguishing it after two intakes of smoke. He

clutched the notebook, holding it in front of his chest as though it were

some impenetrable shield, his head snapping in the direction of every

sound, a portion of his life suspended with each movement.

He wondered where Dunoi!?s men were. Where had

368 Robert Ludlum

the elite guard hidden itself? Were they watching him, laughing quietly

among themselves at his nervous gestures-his so obvious fear? Or were they

spread out, guerrilla fashion? Crouched next to the earth or in the low

limbs of the trees, ready to spring, prepared to IdU?

And who would they kill? In what numbers and how armed would be Nimro&s

forces? Would Nimrod come? Would Nimrod bring the girl he loved safely back

to him? And if Nimrod did, if he fina]]y saw Pat again, would the two of

them be caught in the massacre which surely had to follow?

Who was Nimrod?

His breathing stopped. The muscles in his arms and legs contorted

spastically, stiffened with fear. He closed his eyes tightly~to listen or

to pray, hed never really know, except that his beliefs excluded the exis-

tence of God. And so he listened with his eyes shut tight until he was


First one, then two automobiles had turned off the highway and had entered

the side road leading to the entrance of the Cheshire Cat Both vehicles

were traveling at enormous speeds, their tires screeching as they rounded

the front circle leading into the restaurant parking area.

And then everything was stiU again. Even the birds were silent; no sound

came from anywhere.

Matlock stepped back under the arbor, pressing himself against its lattice

frame. He strained to hearanything.

Silence. Yet not silencel Yet, again, a sound so blended with stillness as

to be dismissed as a rustling leaf is dismissed.

It was a scraping. A hesitant, halting scraping from one of the paths in

front of him, one of the paths hid-


den amongst the trees, one of the old brick lanes leading to the flagstone


. At first it was barely audible. Dismissible. Then it became slightly

clearer, less hesitant, less unsure.

Then he heard the quiet tortured moan. It pierced into his braixL

“Jamie … Jamie? Please, Jamie …. 7

The single plea, his name, broke off into a sob. He felt a rage he had

never felt before in his life. He threw down the oilcloth packet, Ins eyes

blinded by tears and fury. He lunged out of the protective frame of the

white arbor and yelled, roared so that his voice startled the birds, who

screeched out of the trees, out of their silent sanctuary.

“Patl Patl Where are you? Pat, my Cod, where? Wherer

The sobbing-half relief, half pain-became louder.

“Here…. Here, jamiel CanI see.”

He traced the sound and raced up the middle brick path. Halfway to the

building, against the t-unk of a tree, sunk to the ground, he saw her. She

was on her knees, her bandaged head against the earth. She had fallen.

Rivulets of blood were on the back of her neck-, the sutures in her head

had broken.

He rushed to her and gently lifted up her head.

Under the bandages on her forehead were layers of three-inch adhesive tape,

pushed brutally against the lids of her eyes, stretched tight to her

temples-as secure and unmovable as a steel plate covering her face. To try

and remove them would be a torture devised in bell.

He held her close and kept repeating her name over and over again.

“Everything will be all right now…. Everything will be all right…

37o Robert Ludlum

He lifted her gently off the ground, pressing her face against his own. He

kept repeating those words of comfort which came to him in the midst of his


Suddenly, without warning, without any warning at all, the blinded girl

screamed, stretching her bruised body, her lacerated head.

“Let them have it, for Go&s sakel Whatever it is, give it to themr

He stumbled down the brick path back to the flagstone circle.

“I will, I will, my darling.

Vlease, jamiel Don1 let them touch me again! Ever againt-

“No, my darling. Not ever, not ever.

He slowly lowered the girl onto t~e’ ground, onto the soft earth beyond the


‘Take the tape ofil Please take the tape offi”

01 can’t now, darling. It would hurt too much. In a

little … “

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Categories: Robert Ludlum