Robert Ludlum – Matlock Paper

“Who are you?”

“Your enemy.”

Sealfont ripped open his coat with his left hand, plunging his right

inside. Dunois shouted a warning. Matlock found himself lurching forward

toward the man he’d revered for a decade. Lunging at him with only one

thought, one final objective, if it had to be the end of his own life.

TO kill.

The face was next to his. The Lincoln-like face now contorted with fear and

panic. He brought his right hand down on it like the claw of a terrified

animal. He ripped into the flesh and felt the blood spew out of the

distorted mouth.

He heard the shattering explosion and felt a sharp, electric pain in his

left shoulder. But still he couldiYt stop.

“Get off, MatlockI For God’s sake, get offl”

He was being pulled away. Pulled away by huge black muscular arms. He was

thrown to the ground, the heavy arms holding him down. And through it all

he heard the cries~ the terrible cries of pain and his


name being repeated over and over again.

“Jamie … Jan-de … Jamie . . ”

He lurched upward, using every ounce of strength his violence could summon.

The muscular black arms were taken by surprise; be brought his legs up in

crushing blows against the ribs and spines above him.

For a few brief seconds, he was free.

He threw himself forward on the hard surface, pounding his arms and knees

against the stone. Whatever had happened to him, whatever was meant by the

stinging pain, nowspreading throughout the whole left side of his body, he

had to reach the girl on the ground. The girl who had been through such

terror for him.


The pain was more than he could bear. He fell once more, but he had reached

her hand. They held each other’s hands, each trying desperately to give

comfort to the other, fully aware that both might die at that moment.

Suddenly Matlock’s hand went limp.

All was darkness for him.

He opened his eyes and saw the large black kneeling in front of him. He bad

been propped up into a sitting position at the side of a marble bench. His

shirt had been removed; his left shoulder throbbed.

“The pain, Im sure, is far more serious than the wound,” said the black.

“The upper left section of your body was badly bruised in the automobile,

and the bullet penetrated below your left shoulder cartilage. Compounded

that way, the pain would be severe.

“We gave you a local anesthetic. It should help.” The speaker was Julian

Dunois, standing to his right

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“Miss Ballant3rne has been taken to a doctor. He7U remove the tapes. Hds

black and sympathetic, but not so much so to treat a man with a bullet

wound. We~ve radioed our own doctor in Torrington. He should be here in

twenty minutes.7

‘Why didWt you wait for him to help NO”

Frankly, we have to talk Briefly, but in Confidence. Secondly, for her own

sake, those tapes had to be removed as quickly as possible.”

“Where!s Sealfont?”

‘He’s disappeared. Thafs all you know, all youT ever know. les unportant

that you understand that. Because, you see, if we must, we will carry out

our threat against you and Miss Ballantyne. We don7t wish to do that . . .

You and I, we are not enemies.’

“Yotfre wrong. We are.”

“Utimately, perhaps. That would seem inevitable. Right now, however, we!ve

served each other in a moment of great need. We acknowledge it. We trust

you do also.”

“I do.”

“Perhaps w4eNe even learned from each other.7

Matlock looked into the eyes of the black revolutionary. “I understand

things better. I don7t know what you could have learned from me.”

The revolutionary laughed gently. “That an individ. ual, by his actions-his

courage, if you hke-rises above the stigma of labels.”

“I don!t understand you~”

“Ponder it ItIl come to you.”

“What happens now? To Pat? To me? I’ll be arrested the minute rm seen.”

“I doubt that sincerely. Within the hour, Greenberg will be reading a

document prepared by my organization. By me, to be precise. I suspect the

contents will


become part of a file buried in the archives. It’s most embarrassing.

Morally, legally, and certainly politically. Too many profound errors were

made…. Well act this morning as your intermediary. Perhaps it would be a

good time for you to use some of your well-advertised money and go with Miss

Ballantyne on a long, recuperative journey…. I believe that win be agreed

upon with alacrity. I’m sure it will.’

“And Sealfont? What happens to him. Are you going to kill him?-

“Does Nimrod deserve to die? Don’t bother to answer; we’ll not discuss the

subject. Suffice it to say hell remain alive until certain questions are


“Have you any idea what!s going to happen when he’s found to be missing?”‘

“There will be explosions, ugly rumors. About a great many things. When

icons are shattered, the believers panic. So be it. Carlyle will have to

live with it. . . . Rest, now. The doctor will be here soon.” Dunois turned

his attention to a uniformed Negro who had come up to him and spoken

softly. The kneeling black who had bandaged his wound stood up. Matlock

watched the tall, slender figure of Julian Dunois, quietly, confidently

issuing his instructions, and felt the pain of gratitude. It was made worse

because Dunois suddenly took on another image.

It was the figure of death.



“Be careful.”


The blue-green waters of the Caribbean mirrored the hot afternoon sun in

countless thousands of swelfing, blinding reflections. The sand was warm to

the touch, soft under the feet This isolated stretch of the island was at

peace with itself and with a world beyond that it did not really


Matlock walked down to the edge of the water and let the miniature waves

wash over his ankles. Like the sand on the beach, the water was warm.

He carried a newspaper sent to him by Greenberg. Part of a newspaper,






mmyuz, mAy 3Lo-On the outskirts of this small university town, in a section

housing large, old estates, a- bizarre mass killing took place yesterday.

Twenty-three men were slain; the federal authorities have speculated the

killings were the result of an ambmsh that claimed many lives of both the

attackers and the attacked. . . .


There followed a cold recitation of identities, short summaries of police

file associations.

Julian Dunois was among them.

Ile specter of death had not been false; Dunois hadiA escaped. The violence

he engendered had to be the violence that would take his life.

The remainder of the article contained complicated speculations on the

meaning and the motives of the massacre’s strange cast of characters. And

the possible connection to the disappearance of Adrian Sealfont.

Speculations only. No mention of Nimrod, nothing of himself; no word of any

long-standing federal investigation. Not the truth; nothing of the truth.

Matlock heard his cottage door open, and he turned around. Pat was standing

on the small veranda fifty yards away over the dune. She waved and started

down the steps toward him.

She was dressed in shorts and a light silk blouse; she was barefoot and

smiling. The bandages had been removed from her legs and arms, and the

Caribbean sun had tanned her skin to a lovely bronze. She had devised a

wide orange headband to cover the wounds above her forehead.

She would not marry him. She said there would be no marriage out of pity,

out of debt-real or imagined. But Matlock knew there would be a marriage.

Or there would be no marriages for either of them. Julian Dunois had made

it so.

“Did you bring cigarettes?” he asked.

No. No cigarettes,- she replied. I brought matches.”

*Thaes cryptic,”

‘I used that word–cryptio-with Jason. Do you remember?”

“I do. You were mad as hell.”

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‘You were spaced out In bell. Lees walk down to the jetty.”

“Why did you bring matches?” He took her hand, putting the newspaper under

his arm.

“A funeral pyre Archeologists place great signifi cance in funeral pyres.’


‘You!ve been carrying around that damned paper all day. I want to bum it-

She smiled at him, gently.

“Burning it won’t change whaes in it”

Pat ignored his observation. “Why do you think Jason sent it to you? I

thought the whole idea was several weeks of nothing. No newspapers, no

radios, no contact with anything but warm water and w1ute sand. He made the

rules and he broke them-~*

“He recomntended the rules and knew they were difficult to live by.-

He should have let someone else break them. Hes not as good a friend as I

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Categories: Robert Ludlum