Robert Ludlum – Scarlatti Inheritance

carried around in paper bags. Perhaps other accounts under false names;

perhaps small businesses quickly established-I don’t know. But I do know

this is the money that will be used until the payments for the securities

are liquid.”

“Christ, he’s got thirty million dollars in Stockholml”

“Not necessarily. Accounts could be opened in Switzerland totaling thirty

million-probably paid in bullionbut not released for a considerable length

of time.”

“How long?”

“As long as it takes to certify the authenticity of every

document. Since they were sold on a foreign exchange that could take


“So you’re going to trace the accounts in the banks.”

“That would appear to be the only starting point.” Elizabeth Scarlatti

opened the drawer of a writing desk and took out a vanity case. Unlocking

it she took out a single sheet of paper.

“I assume you have a copy of this. I’d like you to read it over and refresh

your memory.” She handed him the paper. It was the list of foreign banks

where monies had been deposited by Waterman Trust for Ulster Stewart

Scarlett. Canfield remembered it from the material sent from the Justice


“Yes, I’ve seen it, but I haven’t got a copy…. Something less than a

million dollars.”

“Have you noticed the dates of the withdrawals?”

“I remember the last one was about two weeks before your son and his wife

returned to New York. A couple of accounts are still open, aren’t they?

Yes, here . . .”

“London and The Hague.” The old woman interrupted and continued without

stopping. “That’s not what I mean, but it could be valuable. What I’m

referring to is the geographic pattern.”

“What geographic pattern?”

“Starting with London, then north to Norway; then south again to

England-Manchester; then east to Paris; north again to Denmark; south to

Marseilles; west into Spain, Portugal; northeast to Berlin; south again

into North Africa–Cairo; northwest through Italy-Rome; then the Balkans;

reversing west back to Switzerland-it goes on. A patchwork.” The old lady

had recited by rote as Canfield tried to follow the list of dates.

“What’s your point, Madame Scarlatti?”

“Nothing strikes you as unusual?”

“Your son was on his honeymoon. I don’t know how you people go on

honeymoons. All I know about is Niagara Falls.”

“This is not a normal itinerary.”

“I wouldn’t know about thaL”

“Let me put it this way…. You wouldn’t take a pleasure trip from

Washington, D.C., to New York City, then return to Baltimore with your next

stop Boston.”

“I suppose not.”

“My son crisscrossed within a semicircle. The final des-


tination, the last and largest withdrawal was made at a point more

logically reached months earlier.”

Canfield was lost trying to follow the banks and dates.

“Don’t bother, Mr. Canfield. It was Germany. An obscure town in southern

Germany. It’s called Tassing. . . . Why?”




The second and third days of the Ca1purnia voyage were calm, both the

weather and the first-class section of the ship. The news of the death of a

passenger cast a paU over the voyagers. Mrs. Charles Boothroyd was confined

to quarters under the constant supervision of the ship’s doctor and

attending nurses. She had gone into hysterics upon hearing the news of her

husband and it had been necessary to administer large doses of sedatives.

By the third day, with revived health, the optimism of most passengers


Elizabeth Wyckham Scarlatti and her young table escort made it a point to

part company after each meal. By ten thirty every night, however, Matthew

Canfield let himself into her quarters to take up his post lest there be a

recurrence of the Boothroyd attempt. It was an unsatisfactory arrangement.

“If I were a hundred years younger, you might pass yourself off as one of

those distasteful men who perform services for middle-aged adventuresses.”

“If you used some of your well-advertised money to buy your own ocean

liner, I might get some sleep at night.”

These late-hour conversations served one good purpose, however. Their plans

began to take shape. Also Canfield’s responsibilities as an employee of

Eaabeth Scarlatti were diplomatically discussed. –

“You understand,” said Elizabeth, “I wouldn’t expect you to do anything

detrimental to the government. Or


against your own conscience. I do believe in a man’s conscience.”

“But I gather you’d like to make the decision about what’s detrimental and

what isn’t?”

“To a degree, yes. I believe I’m qualified.”

“What happens if I don’t agree with you?”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

“Oh, that’s great!”

In essence, Matthew Canfield would continue submitting his reports to

Washington’s Group Twenty with one alteration-they first would be approved

by Elizabeth Scarlatti. Together they would, through the field accountant,

make certain requests of his office they both felt necessary. In all

matters of physical well-being, the old woman would follow the instructions

of the young man without argument.

Matthew Canfield would receive ten payments of ten thousand dollars each

commencing with the first day in London. In small American bills.

“You realize, Mr. Canfield, that there’s another way to look at this


“What’s that?”

“Your office is getting the benefit of my not inconsiderable talents for

absolutely nothing. Extremely beneficial to the taxpayers.”

“I’ll put that in my next report.9.

The basic problem of the arrangement bad not been resolved, however. For

the field accountant to fulfill his obligations to both employers, a reason

bad to be found explaining his association with the old woman. It would

become obvious as the weeks went by and it would be foolish to try to pass

it off as either companionship or business. Both explanations would be


With a degree of self-interest, Matthew Canfield asked, “Cain you get along

with your daughter-in-law?”

“I assume you mean Ulster’s wife. No one could stand Chancellor’s.”


“I like her. However, if you’re thinking about her as a third party, I must

tell you that sheF despises me. There are many reasons, most of them quite

valid. In order to get what I want I’ve had to treat her quite badly. My

only defense, if I felt I needed one-which I don’t-is that what I wanted

was for her benefit.”


“I’m deeply moved, but do you think we could get her coopoeration? I’ve met

her on several occasions.”

“She’s not very responsible. But I suppose you know that.”

“Yes. I also know that she suspects you of going to Europe on your son’s


“I realize that. It would help to enlist her, I imagine. But I don’t think

I could manage it by cable, and I certainly wouldn’t want to spell it out

in a letter.”

“I’ve a better way. I’ll go back for her and I’ll take a written . . .

explanation from you. Not too involved, not too specific. I’ll handle the


“You must know her very well.”

“Not so. I just think that if I can convince her that you-and I-are on her

side . . . if someone’s on her side, she’ll help.”

“She might be able to. She could show us places. .

“She might recognize people. . . .”

“But what will I do while you’re in America? I’ll no doubt be dead when you

come back.”

Canfield had thought of. that. “When we reach England, you should go into


“I beg your pardon?”

“For your immortal soul. And your son’s as well, of course.”

“I don’t understand you.”

“A convent. The whole world knows of your bereavement. It’s a logical thing

to do. We’ll issue a statement to the press to the effect that you’ve gone

to an undisclosed retreat in the north of England. Then send you somewhere

down south. My office will help.”

“It sounds positively ridiculous!”

“You’ll be fetching in your black robesl”

The veiled, grieving Mrs. Boothroyd was led off with the first contingent

of passengers. She was met by a man at customs who hurried her through the

procedures and took her to a Rolls-Royce waiting on the street. Canfield

followed the couple to the car.

Forty-five minutes later Canfield checked into the hotel. He had called his

London contact from a public phone and they had agreed to meet as soon as

the Lon-


doner could drive down. The field accountant then spent a half hour enjoying

the stability of a dry-land bed. He was depressed at the thought of going

right back on board ship but he knew there was no other solution. Janet

would supply the most reasonable explanation for his accompanying the old

lady and it was logical that the wife and mother of the missing Ulster

Scarlett should travel together. And certainly Canfield was not unhappy at

the prospect of a continued association with Janet Scarlett. She was a

tramp, no question; but he had begun to doubt his opinion that she was a


He was about to doze off when he looked at his watch and realized that he

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Categories: Robert Ludlum