I’m safe now, he thought, trying to reassure himself. The car was waiting as they promised. Smith won’t be able to touch me where I’m going.

The rationale provided some comfort, but it could not still other questions: Why was Smith after him? Did he suspect that Treloar was carrying the smallpox? Did he know?


Treloar was well versed in the protocols regarding a bioweapons alert. If Smith had had the slightest suspicion that he was the courier, Treloar never would have made it off the jetway without being arrested.

Then why? What had prompted Smith to focus on him?

Treloar sat back in the soft leather seat, gazing out at what appeared to be nightscape. The car was moving swiftly along the highway that led from the industrial parks around Dulles into the city proper. The driver didn’t seem to be worried about being stopped for speeding.

Just as well, as far as Treloar was concerned. The sooner they reached their destination, the sooner he would have his answers.


The news of Adam Treloar’s escape did not sit well with Nathaniel Klein.

“I know you did your best, Jon,” he said, speaking over a secure line. “But now we have Beria and Treloar to deal with.”

Smith was huddled next to a pillar outside the main terminal.

“I understand, sir. But with Treloar, we have a break. The tags on the car that picked him up were government.”

“I’m running them even as we speak,” Klein replied. “What I don’t understand is why he bolted.”

“Because he’s guilty, sir,” Smith said coldly. “There was no reason for Treloar to evade me. It was clear that he remembered me from Houston. So why run? What was he so afraid of?” Smith paused. “And where was he going in such a hurry? He didn’t even pick up his luggage.”

“But according to you, he had a carry-on.”

“That he was holding on to as if the crown jewels were inside.”

“Hold for a moment,” Klein said. “Something’s coming through on those tags.”

Smith heard the sound of a printer, then Klein was back on the line.

“The car that was waiting for Treloar is registered to NASA.”

Smith was stunned. “Okay. Treloar has enough seniority to have a driver meet him. But that still begs the question: why run?”

“If he is running, Jon, would he have arranged for such obvious transport?”

“Sure— because he never expected to see me or to be the object of any attention.” Smith paused. “Let’s find the car and ask him, sir.”

“Let’s do one better. I’ll have a federal BOLO alert put out on Treloar.”

The implications of what Klein suggested were far reaching. A BOLO alert meant that every law enforcement officer within a hundred miles of the capital would have Treloar’s description and orders to pick him up on sight.

“In the meantime,” Klein concluded, “I want you here at Camp David. The president is expecting a briefing on Beria. I want him to hear your report firsthand.”


The Lincoln wound its way up Wisconsin Avenue and crept down a quiet, leafy street. An alumnus of Georgetown University Medical School, Treloar recognized the area as Volta Place— a neighborhood on the fringe of campus, slowly being gentrified block by block.

The locks popped up and the driver held the door open. Treloar hesitated, then, picking up his carry-on, slowly stepped out of the car. He took his first good look at the driver— built like a linebacker, with a square, expressionless face— and at his destination, a pleasant, recently renovated townhouse with painted white brick and black trim on the door and shutters.

The driver opened the gate in the wrought-iron fence that bordered the tiny lawn. “You’re expected, sir.”

Treloar walked up the flagstone path and was reaching for the lion’s-head knocker when the door swung open. He stepped into a postage-stamp-size foyer of polished hardwood and Oriental carpet.

“Adam, it’s good to see you.”

Treloar almost fainted at the sound of Dylan Reed’s voice behind the door.

“Don’t be so shocked,” Reed said, closing and locking the door. “Didn’t I tell you that I’d be here? Everything’s all right now.”

“It isn’t all right!” Treloar exploded. “You don’t know what happened at the airport. Smith—”

“I know exactly what happened at Dulles,” Reed cut him off. “And I know about Smith.” He eyed the carry-on. “Is that it?”


Treloar handed him the carry-on and followed Reed into a small kitchen that looked out on a patio.

“Excellent job, Adam,” Reed was saying. “Truly excellent.”

Picking up a towel, he removed the canister from the carry-on and deposited it in the freezer.

“The nitrogen charge—” Treloar began to say.

Reed checked his watch. “I know. It’s good for another couple of hours. Don’t worry. We’ll have it safely stored by then.” He gestured at a round table in the breakfast nook. “Why don’t you sit down. I’ll get you a drink and you can tell me everything.”

Treloar heard the rattle of ice cubes and the clink of glass. When Reed returned, he was carrying two tall glasses filled with ice and a bottle of good scotch.

After pouring generous measures, he raised his glass: “Well done, Adam.”

Gulping his drink, Treloar shook his head violently. Reed’s equanimity was driving him crazy.

“I’m telling you, everything’s not all right!”

Fueled by the whiskey, the words rushed out of him. He held back nothing, not even his exploits at the Krokodil, not caring because Reed had made it clear long ago that he knew all about those proclivities. Every minute of his trip was accounted for so that Reed could follow his reasoning.

“Don’t you see?” he asked plaintively. “It couldn’t have been a coincidence that Smith was on the same flight as me. Something must have happened in Moscow. The contact, whoever he was, must have been followed. They saw us together, Dylan. They can link him to me!

“And then that scene at the airport— Smith trying to catch me. Why? Unless he knew—”

“Smith doesn’t know anything.” Reed poured Treloar more scotch. “Don’t you think that if you were a suspect, half the FBI would have been waiting for you?”

“Yes, I thought of that! I’m not an idiot. But the coincidence—”

“There— you just said it: coincidence.” Reed leaned forward, his expression earnest. “I think that a lot of this has been my fault. When you called me from the plane, I gave you instructions that, I realize, you followed to the letter. But I was wrong. I should have told you not to run if Smith approached you. It would have been curiosity on his part, remembering you from Houston. Nothing more.”

“Believe me, it was more,” Treloar replied sullenly. “You weren’t there.”

True. But you were never far from my mind ….

“Listen to me, Adam,” Reed said. “You’re safe. You did what was necessary and you made it back home. Think: what can anyone say? You went to visit your mother’s grave. That’s all documented. You saw a little bit of Moscow. No harm there. Then you came home. The airport? You were in a rush. You didn’t have time to pick up your bag. And Smith? You never actually got a good look at him, did you?”

“But why was he after me in the first place?” Treloar demanded.

Here, Reed realized, only a piece of the truth would work.

“Because your contact at Sheremetevo was caught on tape— and you along with him.”

Treloar groaned.

“Listen to me, Adam! They have a tape of two men sitting side by side at an airport counter. That’s all they have. No voice, nothing to connect the two of you. But because they know what the courier was carrying, they’re looking at everyone.”

“They know about the smallpox,” Treloar said dully.

“They know it’s missing. And that the courier had it. But he’s the one they’re after, not you. No one suspects you of anything. You just happened to be sitting next to this guy.”

Treloar washed his face with his hands. “I don’t know if I could stand it, Dylan…. To be questioned.”

“You’ll be fine because you haven’t done anything,” Reed repeated. “Even if you were polygraphed, what could you say? Did you know the identity of the man sitting next to you? No. Were you supposed to meet him? No. Because the contact could just as easily have been a woman.”

Treloar swallowed more scotch. Looking at the situation that way, he felt a little better. There was so much he could say no to.

“I’m exhausted,” he said. “I need to get some sleep, somewhere where no one will disturb me.”

“Already arranged. The driver will take you to the Four Seasons. There’s a suite waiting for you. Take as much time as you need. Call me later.”

Throwing his arm over Treloar’s shoulder, Reed walked him to the door. “The car’s outside. Adam, thank you. All of us thank you. Your contribution has been invaluable.”

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Categories: Robert Ludlum