Robert Ludlum – The Sigma Protocol

He didn’t know whether to wish she was inside–or to pray she wasn’t.

Ben turned around and headed back down the mountainside.

“Well, I see you’re more aware now,” Lenz said, smiling brightly. He

stopped at the foot of her bed and clasped his hands in front of him.

“Perhaps now you’d like to say to whom you’ve told my real identity.”

“Screw you,” she said.

“I thought not,” he said equably. “Once the ketamine has worn off”-he

glanced at his gold watch–“which will be in no more than another half

an hour, certainly, you’ll be infused intravenously with about five

milligrams of a powerful opioid called Versed. You have had this

before? During surgery, perhaps?”

Anna gazed at him blankly.

He continued, unruffled. “Five milligrams is about the proper dose to

make you relaxed but still responsive. You’ll feel a little rush, but

this passes in ten seconds or so, and then you’ll feel calmer than

you’ve ever felt before in your life. All your anxiety will seep out of

you. It’s a wonderful feeling.”

He cocked his head to one side like a bird. “If we were to inject you

with one single bolus of this drug, you’d stop breathing and very

probably die. So we must titrate it slowly over eight to ten minutes.

We certainly don’t want anything to happen to you.”

Anna gave a grunt that communicated, she hoped, both skepticism and

sarcasm at once. Despite her chemically induced calm, she was at the

same time deeply frightened.

“Rather, you’ll be found dead in your wrecked rental car, another victim

of drunk driving–”

“I didn’t rent a car,” she slurred.

“Oh, in fact you did. Or rather, it was done for you, using your credit

card. You were arrested last night in a neighboring town. Your blood

alcohol level was measured at two-point-five, which is surely why you

got into an accident. You were kept overnight in a holding cell and

then released. But you know how it is with problem drinkers–they never


She displayed no reaction. But her mind raced, desperate to find a way

out of the maze. There had to be flaws in his plan, but where?

Lenz continued, “Versed, you see, is the most effective truth serum ever

invented, even though it was not intended for this use. All the drugs

the CIA has tried, like sodium pentothol or scopolamine, they never

worked. But with the correct dose of Versed you’ll become so free of

inhibitions that you’ll tell me anything I want to know. And here’s the

magical thing: afterward you’ll remember nothing. You’ll talk and talk

quite lucidly and yet, from the moment you’re put on the IV, you’ll have

no memory of what happened. It’s really quite remarkable.”

A nurse entered the room, wide-hipped and squat and middle-aged. She

rolled in a cart of equipment tubes, blood-pressure cuffs, syringes and

began setting up. She watched Anna suspiciously as she filled a few of

the syringes from little vials and then applied preprinted labels to


“This is Gerta, your nurse-anesthetist. She is one of our best. You

are in good hands.” Lenz gave Anna a little wave as he left the room.

“How are you feeling?” Gerta asked perfunctorily, in a stern contralto,

as she hung a bag of clear liquid on the IV stand to the left of Anna’s


“Pretty … groggy …” Anna said, her voice trailing off, her eyes

fluttering closed. But she was hyper-vigilant; now she had a tentative


Gerta did something with what sounded like plastic tubing. After a few

moments she said, “All right, I’ll come back. Doctor wants to wait

until the ketamine is mostly out of your system. If we start the Versed

now you may stop breathing. Anyway, I have to go to the anesthesia

workroom. This sat probe is no good.” She closed the door behind her.

Anna opened her eyes and flung her body hard to the left, as hard as she

could, augmenting the push by throwing her manacled arms into it. It was

a movement she was beginning to master. The bed seemed to jump several

inches toward the supply cart. There was no time to rest. One more

try, and she was there.

She lifted her shoulders as far as the restraining belt would allow and

pressed her face against the cold top edge of the cart. Out of the

corner of her left eye she could see the safety pins, used to secure

bandages, in their little square blister-wrap sterile packaging, just an

inch or two away.

Yet still out of reach.

If she turned her neck to the left as far as it would go, she could

almost look at the pack of safety pins straight on. The tendons on her

neck and along her upper back were so strained they began to tremble.

The ache quickly became excruciating.

Then, like a jeering child, she stuck her tongue all the way out. Tiny

pinpoints of pain jabbed the underside of her tongue at its root.

Finally she lowered her distended tongue to the surface of the cart as

if it were a steam shovel. It touched the plastic of the package, and

she slowly pulled her head backward, edging the pack along as she did,

right to the edge of the cart. Just before it could teeter off the edge

she clenched it between her teeth.

A footfall, and the door to her room came open.

Quick as a rattlesnake she lay back on the bed, the little blister-pack

concealed under her tongue, its sharp edges poking at its base. How

much had she seen? The nurse was coming toward her. Anna gagged but

kept the packet in her closed mouth in a pool of saliva.

“Yes,” Gerta said, “ketamine can make you nauseated sometimes, it will

do that. You’re awake, I see.”

Anna made a complaining mmmmph through her shut mouth and shut her eyes.

Saliva pooled behind her front teeth. She forced herself to swallow.

Gerta came around to Anna’s right and began fumbling at the head of the

bed. Anna shut her eyes and tried to make her breathing sound regular.

A few minutes later Gerta left the room again and closed the door

quietly behind her.

She would be back much sooner this time, Anna knew.

There was blood in her mouth from where the packet had cut into soft

tissue, and Anna moved it to her lips with her tongue and then spit it

out, forward. It landed squarely on the back of her left hand. She

moved her hands together and reached her right index finger over,

pulling the safety-pin packet into her fist.

Now she moved quickly. She knew what she was doing, because she had

picked these locks on more than one occasion when she had misplaced the

key and was too embarrassed to ask for a replacement.

The wrapping came off with some difficulty, but then it was an easy

thing to bend the safety pin’s point away from its clasp.

The left cuff first. She inserted the pinpoint into the lock, pushed

the inner pins to the left, then to the right, and the lock clicked


Her left hand was free!

She felt exhilarated. Even more quickly now she freed her right hand,

then the restraining belt, and then the door came open again with a low

squeak. Gerta had returned.

Anna drew her hands back into the polyurethane cuffs so that they

appeared still to be fastened and closed her eyes.

Gerta approached the bed. “I could hear you moving in here.”

Heart pounding so loud it had to be audible.

Anna opened her eyes slowly and made them look unfocused.

“I say enough is enough,” Gerta said menacingly. “I think you are

making pretend.” Under her breath she added, “So we will have to take

our chances.”

God, no.

She applied a rubber tourniquet to Anna’s left arm until the vein popped

out, and inserted the intravenous needle, then turned her back to adjust

the flow clamp on the IV tubing. In one snapping-turtle motion Anna

pulled her hands free of the unlocked cuffs and tried silently to undo

the tourniquet, quiet, must be quiet, but Gerta heard the snap of the

rubber and turned around, and as she did Anna raised herself up off the

bed as far as the chest belt would allow and caught the nurse’s neck

with the crook of her right elbow, a strange gesture of affection.

Pulled back hard on the rubber tube, hard against Gerta’s fleshy neck.

A yelp.

Gerta flailed her hands, reached for her neck, tried to claw her fingers

under the garrote, could not get a purchase, her fingernails scratching

at her own neck, wriggling madly. Her face purpled. Her mouth gasped

and sucked for breath. Gerta’s fluttering hands slowed; she was

probably losing consciousness.

Within a few minutes Anna, almost numb from exertion, had the nurse

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Categories: Robert Ludlum