Robert Asprin – Tambu

“That’s all right. It’s what you’re saying, not how you’re saying it that’s made up my mind.”

“Made up your mind about what?” Tambu frowned.

“I’m quitting,” Whitey sighed. “Getting out while the getting’s good. I’ll recommend Pepe, my second-in-*command, as my replacement. He’s as solid as they come, and the crew respects him.”

“Wait a minute,” Tambu protested. “I haven’t reached a decision on this mess yet. Don’t-“

“Yes, you have,’ Whitey corrected gently. “You may not know it yet, but you have. I know you, Tambu. Maybe better than you know yourself. If you were going to jump the way I think you should, you would have done it by now. Just the fact that you’re still seesawing back and forth tells me something. It tells me I can’t follow you any more.”

Tambu felt the truth in her words wash over him as she spoke, though he wouldn’t admit it even to himself.

“Isn’t this a bit sudden?” he asked quietly.

“Not really. I’ve thought about doing it a hundred times since we started. I want out, but it has to be sudden. I can’t ease away from it.”

Unlike his conversations with Egor, Tambu knew instinctively that he could not argue or wheedle Whitey into changing her mind once it was made up.

“Very well. It will take some time to make the arrangements. You’re due a substantial pension-and we’ll have to set up a cover for you.”

“Put my pension in the general fund. I’ve saved enough on my own to live on. As for a cover, I figure I’ll just have the shuttle run me down to Elei and settle there. It’s as good a place as any.”

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