Robert Asprin – Tambu

“But was it an advantage?” Erickson pressed. “I mean, it seems to me in the long run it would have been better business if you could have disassociated yourself and the fleet from the incident.”

“I fear you’re a better reporter than a businessman, Mr. Erickson. There were many factors I took into consideration in that decision, most of which were business oriented. Group image: I don’t feel it would have enhanced our position to let it be known to the planets that they could kill our crew members and throw us off-planet without repercussions. Internal morale: It would have had an adverse effect on our crewmen if they were to feel the hierarchy of the fleet not only did not act when one of ours was attacked, but punished them when they performed what in their eyes was a demonstration of loyalty and affection. Profit and loss: I’ve already pointed out that our list of subscribers increased substantially after the incident. As far as business goes, my decision was actually quite wise.”

“But isn’t part of business catering to one’s public image? You could have avoided a lot of bad feeling if the criminal label had not been attached to you and your fleet.”

“Could we?” Tambu asked sarcastically. “If you recall, even before the incident at Zarn, we were being treated like criminals or worse. If given a choice between being viewed with contempt or with fear, we’ll take fear. Zarn gave us that choice.”

“So, in your opinion, Zarn actually made things easier for the fleet.” Erickson suggested, eager to move the interview away from the delicate subject.

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