Robert Asprin – Tambu

“Right,” Tambu nodded. “Oh well, I’m glad we’re under way again. If that’s the biggest hassle on this ship, it’s the shining star of the fleet.”

“Speaking of shipboard hassles,” Ramona said, “has there been any more word about the crewman who died on board the Scorpion?”

“As a matter of fact, the investigation’s closed. The final ruling is suicide.”

“Suicide?” Ramona frowned. “Any report as to the reason?”

“Space-depression.” Tambu shrugged. “Egor says the guy was a borderline basket case when he signed on. Probably joined out of a death wish and decided to do it himself when he found out how slow things really are working for the fleet.”

“Egor?” Ramona echoed. “You let Egor investigate it himself?”

“I didn’t let him do it,” Tambu protested. “He did it on his own initiative. Wouldn’t you if it happened on your ship?”

“Aren’t you going to conduct your own investigation as a check?”

“What for?” Tambu countered. “I have no reason to doubt Egor’s conclusions. I thought you were the one who was always after me to delegate more and quit trying to run everything personally.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t say this,” Ramona hesitated, pursing her lips, “but there have been a lot of rumors of discontent on the Scorpion.”

“You’re right, you shouldn’t say it,” Tambu commented grimly. “There are problems on the Scorpion. Egor has” reported them to me himself, and the last thing he needs right now are a lot of rumormongers fanning the flames.”

“In that case, maybe I’d better take my rumors and leave.”

“Hey, hey!” Tambu soothed, holding up a hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lean on you. Look, I know you’re trying to help… and I appreciate it. It’s just that I’m a bit on edge. I really hate wading through all this.”

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