Robert Asprin – Tambu

‘ think they’ll fold within a year, two years at most…

‘ If-and it’s a big if-If we don’t make a mistake, and right now I think fighting them would be the biggest mistake we could make! If we destroy half their fleet, the other half will have a cause to fight for, and we’ll never be rid of them. If we destroy their whole fleet-“

Tambu rubbed his forehead angrily.

“If we destroy their whole fleet, we’ll be making martyrs of them all. The planets will field another fleet, and another-because then we’ll have given them proof of what they’ve been saying all along: that we’re gangsters, extortionists who will squash or try to squash anyone who butts in on our territory. That’s why I say lean back and wait ’em out. Logically, it’s the best plan.”

The faces in the screen were mostly thoughtful, though there were several headshakings and scowls.

“That’s logically. Emotionally, I feel a bit different.”

The tone in his voice brought the heads up as if attached to strings.

“I’m Tambu. I hired and licensed every captain in that room for a peacekeeping force, and as long as my name’s on it, that’s what it’s going to be! That’s not subject to debate or a vote-that’s the way it is. Period!”

He glared at them. Even though they couldn’t see him, they could feel the intensity in his voice.

“Now, each of you signed on voluntarily. I can’t force you to stay or to follow my orders. If you and your crews want to go caterwauling across the starlanes chasing the Defense Alliance, fine! Go ahead. You want to demand half of each planet’s wealth and your pick of bed-partners? Okay! It’s no skin off my nose. You want to gun down every Groundhog who spits in the street when you walk by? Go get ’em! But-“

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