Robert Asprin – Tambu

“Do you think the fleet will go along with that?” Ramona asked. “I mean, everybody’s used to having one person at the top. I’m not sure they’ll like switching over to rule by committee.”

“I think the fleet would be better off with a council calling the shots. If you put all the weight on one person, there’s too much chance that he’ll fold-or worse, abuse the power. If they really want one person at the controls, though, I suppose they could choose one or let the Council choose one.”

“Anyone specific in mind?” Ramona asked.

“If I had to name my successor or make a recommendation,” Tambu frowned, “I’d have to go with A.C. She’s shrewd as well as intelligent, and gutsy enough for three people.”

“She also has a temper that won’t quit,” Ramona observed dryly.

“Nobody will be ideal. I’m hoping that the added responsibility would calm her down.”

“There is one person who’s ideal,” Ramona suggested.

“Who’s that?”

“You,” Ramona said bluntly. “Face it, love, you invented the job and defined its range and parameters. No matter who gets picked, nobody’s going to be better at being Tambu than Tambu.”

” But I’ve told you how I feel about that,” he protested.

“Yes, you have,” Ramona retorted. “Now let me tell you how the fleet will feel. The captains will feel betrayed, abandoned, and shat upon. They’re in the fleet because they believe in you and you believe in what you’re doing. How do you think they’ll feel when you try to take that away from them? I say ‘try,’ because I’m not sure they’ll let you step down.”

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