Robert Asprin – Tambu

“I’ll remember that.” Eisner smiled, rising to shake the man’s hand. “But don’t even mention pirates. It’s bad luck.”

Dobbs laughed and departed, heading for the shuttlecraft standing by to take him back to the planet’s surface.

Eisner sank back into his chair. For long moments he stared thoughtfully at the wall, then he turned his attention to the attach‚ case on the desk, running his hands softly over the leather finish.

His reverie was interrupted by a lanky youth who burst through the door like an exploding bomb.

“How did it go?” he demanded excitedly. “Is everything all right?”

Eisner smiled tolerantly. Nikki always seemed to be going in eight directions at once, even under normal circumstances.

“It went fine, Nikki,” he said reassuringly. “The nice man gave me an attach‚ case.”

“He what?” the boy blinked.

“… and the extra fifteen thousand.” Eisner concluded, opening the case dramatically.

“You did it!” Nikki exclaimed. “God, you’ve got guts, Dwight. I never would have had the nerve to go for the extra. I was afraid he’d get suspicious.”

“The man was trying to pull a fast one. He would have been more suspicious if we hadn’t called him on it.”

“I know, but-“

“Look, Nikki, it’s just like I told you. If we just conduct ourselves as if the captain were still alive, no one will suspect a thing. This way, we’ve got the ship and a quarter of a million.”

“But didn’t he say anything?”

“As a matter of fact, he did.” Eisner smiled. “He warned us to watch out for pirates.”

“He did?”

Simultaneously, the two burst into laughter, whatever tension they had pent up finding release in the absurdity of the situation.

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