Robert Asprin – Tambu

He paused, but the other two remained silent.

“Finally, we can play the cards fate seems to have dealt us. We can turn pirate and become one more ship gone bad, preying on the helpless and defenseless.”

“You don’t have to be so graphic on that last point,” Rosalyn mumbled, half to herself.

“Of course I have to, Roz.” Eisner insisted. “That’s what anyone else would say about us. That’s what we’ll say about ourselves sooner or later. We’d better learn to live with it now while we still have other options. Later it will be too late to change our minds.”

“You missed an option, my friend.”

They all turned to face the massive figure framed in the doorway.

“You could all turn me in to the nearest authorities and pocket a hefty reward. They still pay pretty good for murderers.”

“Abuzar, that isn’t even an option,” Roz scolded. “We’ve told you a hundred times, Blutman was an animal. If you hadn’t lost your temper and killed him, one of us would have. We aren’t going to turn you in for that.”

“But I was the one who killed him,” the big man insisted. “And now, because of me, the rest of you are going to become pirates. You can’t make me believe that’s what you really want to do, Roz.”

“I can live with it.” Rosalyn winced, turning away. “It won’t be the first time I’ve earned a living doing something I didn’t like.”

“Not so fast!”

Eisner had been leaning back, his brows knitted.

“There’s another option here, one we haven’t considered before.” His voice was tense with excitement. “It hadn’t even occurred to me until Abuzar mentioned rewards.”

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