Robert Asprin – Tambu

“It fits you,” Roz teased.

“It’s no worse than ‘Whitey,’ ” Nikki said.

“How about you, Abuzar?” Eisner asked.

“The only man who ever beat me in a fight was a retard they called ‘Egor.’ He couldn’t count on his fingers, but I’ve never seen anyone fight like that. Yes, you can call me ‘Egor.’ I’d like that.”

“How about you, Dwight?” Roz asked. “Are you going to get in on this?”

“Um… Dwight,” Nikki said. “If you do, could you pick a name that sounds fearsome and ominous? I mean, you are going to be our captain, and it would help if you had a name that scared people when they heard it.”

“… and ‘Dwight’ just doesn’t do it.” Roz agreed. “What do you say, Dwight?”

“Actually, I’m not very good at names.”

“How about The Skull’?” Nikki suggested hopefully.

“Be serious,” Roz chided.

“lam serious,” Nikki insisted. “His name should-“

“I think I’ve got one.” Eisner smiled.

He had been doodling on one of the ship’s receipt books, and held it up for the others to see. He had circled the logos: Ulnar Blutman’s Moving and Transport.

“In honor of our departed captain who so generously left us his ship, I’ll use the first letters of the old letterhead for my name.”

“Ubmat!” Nikki read. “I don’t know, Dwight. It doesn’t–“

“Reverse them. Reverse them, and what you have is Tambu’ !”

“Tambu,” Whitey echoed thoughtfully. “I like it. It’s got a nice ring to it. Has it got any special meaning, or is it just a word?”

“There’s no special symbolism.” Eisner laughed. “It’s just a name. Now that that’s settled, I’m ready to give my first order as your new captain.”

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