Robert Asprin – Tambu

“Good thinking,” Whitey said.

“…and instead I’ll point out that it’s in my own best interest to keep this relationship going as a long-term business deal. Four or five halves add up to more than two halves, if you get my meaning.”

“Don’t you think the insurance company would get suspicious after a while? Not to mention our customers?” Tambu asked.

“We could stagger it a bit,” Blackjack explained, eager again. “Let a few shipments through and only hit the really big ones. By the time anyone figured out anything funny was going on, you’d have made enough to retire.”

“It’s still no deal, Blackjack. I appreciate the offer, but I still think we’re better off trusting in the guns we have pointed out than in the one pointed at us.”

“You know what this means, don’t you?” Blackjack rumbled, his expression darkening. “If we find you out there, it will be no quarter.”

“On either side,” Tambu nodded. “Be sure your crew knows that before you come barreling in on us.”

“It’s your funeral.” Blackjack turned to leave.

“Just a second, Blackjack,” Tambu called. “I have one last question before you and your playmates disappear.”

“What’s that?” Blackjack scowled.

“What would you have done if we said we were pirates?”

“Then I would have told you to stay away from my territory. I don’t take kindly to folks trying to horn in on my range.”

“And where is your range?” Tambu asked innocently.

“You’ll find out when you cross it. Until then, just keep looking over your shoulder.”

“No harm in asking,” Tambu shrugged.

The blond girl was whispering something in

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