Robert Asprin – Tambu

“I see what you mean,” Whitey admitted. “I sure wouldn’t try to fight three ships. But where would we get crews for the other two ships?”

“That’s what I want to talk to the captain of the Mongoose about,” Tambu confided.

“You’re thinking of hiring them?” Whitey was incredulous. “But they’re pirates!”

“Egor to Tambu. Do you read me?”

“Go ahead Egor.”

“I’ve got confirmation for you. The Mongoose’s captain is on her way over.”

Tambu’s eyes jumped to the viewscreen. The shuttle-craft was clearly in sight, steering a straight course for the Scorpion. Then something that Egor had said registered in his mind.

“Egor! Did you say ‘her way’?”

“That’s right, my friend. It seems your counterpart is female. Young, too, from the sound of her voice. Her name’s Ramona. Have fun with your interview.”

Tambu grimaced at the leer in Egor’s voice, but nonetheless paused to check his appearance in a mirror before heading for the docking hangar.

The captain of the Mongoose was not beautiful, but neither was she repulsive-or even homely. She was small, barely five feet in height, and stocky without really being overweight. A shock of long auburn hair was pulled back into a pony-tail which descended past her waist, combining with her round face to give her an almost schoolgirl appearance.

“Have a seat, Ramona,” Tambu said. “We have a lot to talk about.”

The girl sank loosely into a chair, casually dangling one leg over its arm.

“You’ll forgive my appearance. I was planning to inspect a cargo, not meeting and impressing new people.”

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