Robert Asprin – Tambu

“Certainly,” Erickson agreed readily, glad to resume the familiar role of an interviewer. “I guess the first question would be to ask why someone of your intelligence and abilities turned to the ways of war and world conquering as a way of life rather than seeking a place in the established order.”

“Purely a matter of convenience. If you think for a moment, I’m sure you could think of several men both as intelligent and as ruthless as I in your so-called established order. As you pointed out, they have successfully risen to positions of power, wealth, and influence. I am not that much different than they; only I chose to move into a field where there was little or no competition. Why fight my way up a chain of command when by taking one step sideways I could form my own chain of command with myself at the top, running things the way I felt they should be run from the start instead of adapting someone else’s system until I was high enough to make my presence felt.”

“But to terrorism and violence as a way of life?” the reporter pressed. “It seems a rather harsh way to extract a living from the universe.”

“Terrorism and violence,” Tambu mused. “Yes, I suppose you could call it that. Tell me though, Mr. Erickson, do you apply the same phrasing to what the Defense Alliance does? Both my fleet and that of the Alliance earn their living the same way-selling protection to the planets. They include us as one of the threats they are protecting the planets against. Aside from that, we do not differ greatly, except in words; a ‘police action’ versus a ‘reign of terror.’ Perhaps I over simplify the situation, but I don’t feel the differential is justified.”

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