Robert Asprin – Tambu

“I’m ready to continue now, Mr. Erickson. Please forgive the interruption.”

“It’s quite all right,” the reporter waved, taking his seat once more. “I must confess, however, that it had somehow never occurred to me that the feared Tambu would occasionally have to go to the bathroom like anyone else.”

“It’s a common misconception surrounding public figures,” Tambu said. “When the average person thinks of an actor, a politician, or an athlete, they always view them within the context of their specialty. The thought that they must occasionally perform some very ordinary tasks such as shining shoes or doing the laundry never enters into the picture.”

“That’s true,” Erickson admitted. “I guess it’s just a matter of ego-defense.”

“Ego-defense? I don’t believe I understand your point.”

“Well, when an ordinary Joe looks at a celebrity, there’s always one question in the back of his mind: ‘What has he got that I don’t?’ If he lets himself view the celebrity as just another person, it means he must see himself as inferior. Since most people strive to see themselves as above average, they reject the thought that an ordinary person can achieve that much more success given the same materials to work with. As a result, rather than accept an inferior self-image, they are more comfortable projecting the celebrity into superhuman status. The view then is: Tm above average, but they’re special! I don’t have to compare myself with them because they’re another species completely.’ As I said, it’s self-defense-or rather ego-defense.”

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