Robert Asprin – Tambu

Tambu let the captain suffer in silence for a full minute before he answered.

“That plan seems adequate. How do you intend to select which crewmen are to serve as watchers?”

“On the merit system,” the captain replied promptly, his confidence apparently bolstered by the acceptance of his plan. “An all-expense-paid week planetside is a pretty nice plum. I figure it should go to my pest performers.”

“That also means your best performers will be off-ship when you take on the target vessel,” Tambu commented pointedly.

The captain’s face fell at the admonishment, but Tambu continued.

“It’s good to hear that. I wish more of my captains had that kind of faith in their crews instead of letting a few key crewmembers handle all the dirty work.”

“I-Thank you, sir,” the captain gulped.

“One suggestion, though,” Tambu drawled, smiling at the captain’s discomfort. “You might choose one of the watchers by random draw, then rig it so one of your newer crewmembers wins. Send someone with a bit of experience along to be sure he stays out of trouble, but make it clear it’s the new man’s assignment. Also, I think you should put all the watchers on a budget just to make sure they don’t get carried away with their spending. They’re there to do a job, not to go on a binge.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And announce to the crew that if you nail the target, there will be a week’s shore leave at a planet of your choice.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you.” The captain was smiling now.

“Tambu out.”

Tambu didn’t smile as he clicked off the viewscreen. He took no pleasure or pride in dealing with situations such as this. They were all too commonplace now, more the rule than the exception.

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