Robert Asprin – Tambu

“I knew it,” Tambu admitted without apology.

“Why wasn’t I consulted?” Egor demanded. “Doesn’t my say matter for anything anymore?”

As Egor spoke, the door of Tambu’s office opened a crack, and Ramona’s head appeared. She cocked an eyebrow in silent question, and he waved her inside.

“In this case, Egor, your opinion was already known,” Tambu explained patiently. “You had already turned down Jocko’s transfer request. That’s why he came to me directly.”

“So you just countermanded my authority,” Egor scowled. “Without even bothering to ask my reasons.”

“As Jocko explained it to me, he was either going to transfer or leave the force.” Tambu’s voice had an edge to it now. “Either way, the Scorpion was going to lose him. At least this way he’s still in the force. As you pointed out, he’s a good navigator.”

“I still don’t think you should have let him blackmail you.” Egor was sullen now.

“What are we supposed to do? Chain him to his bunk?” Tambu’s annoyance was beginning to show. “We can’t hold people against their will. Even if we could, I wouldn’t. I want ships crewed by free men, not slaves.”

“Well, I still think you should have talked to me,” Egor grumbled.

“I was going to, Egor,” Tambu apologized. “But things have been so hectic at this end I haven’t had time.”

“That’s been happening a lot lately,” Egor complained bitterly. “I always seem to be at the end of your priority list. You can find time for everybody but your old friends.”

“Damn it, Egor,” Tambu snapped. “I spend more time talking to you than with any three of my other captains.”

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