Robert Asprin – Tambu

There was total silence when A.C. sat down. Tambu waited several moments, then cleared his throat.

“I think I’ve heard enough discussion to reach a decision,” he announced. “Until further notice, my orders on the matter are this: any incidents or complaints concerning fleet members and planetside citizenry are to be reviewed as individual isolated affairs and will be resolved in cooperation with planetside officials. While fleet members are allowed and expected to defend themselves if attacked, no retaliation in excess of the affront will be tolerated. Should there be any doubt as to the proper course of action in such an incident, or if a question arises as to interpretation of these orders, a priority call will be made to me so that I can personally guide the decision.”

Tambu paused for a moment as he always did before concluding a ruling.

“Any captain who feels he cannot obey this order or enforce it within his crew rosters should signify it at this time. If a majority of captains so object, I will either reconsider my order or step down as fleet commander. If those objecting are in the minority, they will be removed from the rosters of the fleet. Those who do not object are thereby accepting the order and will be subject to discipline if it is breached. Dissenters, show yourselves at this time by standing.”

There was a shifting of chairs as the captains craned their necks to look around the room, but no one stood.

“Very well. As the hour is late, I adjourn the meeting for today. I believe the Raven’s crew has prepared refreshments for you, but remember, we reconvene tomorrow at 0800 hours, shiptime.”

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