Robert Asprin – Thieves World 09 – Blood Ties

He thanked the god whose swampy altar he still frequented that he’d come home alone as he raised up on hands and knees and, with his belt dagger, made an end to the quivering sentry’s agony.

3rd Commando tactics were meant to terrify; knowing this didn’t make it any easier to keep from retching. Knowing that it wouldn’t have taken more than a half hour for the sentry to have completely bled out didn’t help Zip’s frame of mind: Sync’s people were probably watching him from the adjacent ramshackle buildings Zip called his stronghold.

The 3rd Commando leader, Sync, said quietly from behind him: “Got a minute, sonny? Some people here want to talk with you.”

The words weighed on Zip like burial stones and his own pulse threatened to choke him. Through the entire winter, Sync’s rangers had never rousted him. The

3rd’s leader had professed autonomy, pretended friendship, left Zip’s PFLS to its own devices-as long as it followed an occasional suggestion from the 3rd’s cold-blooded leader.

But there had been talk of an alliance then-before Theron had visited Ranke; before Zip’s faction had recruited too many and developed factions within its own ranks; before some fools among them had captured Illyra, the S’danzo, and killed a S’danzo child; before an arrow aimed at Straton had been laid at Zip’s doorstep; before Kama had left Zip’s bed and taken up with Torchholder, the palace priest; before a falling out with Jubal over a slave girl Zip had liberated… before things had just gotten too damned complicated, because Zip couldn’t hold the territory he’d gained across the White Foal, territory he’d never wanted, like he’d never wanted to be so damned visible (and thus targeted) as Sync’s behind-the-scenes maneuvering had made him.

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