Robert Ludlum – Matlock Paper

threatened to expose mewhich is meaningless. I’ve let him know that

through the messengers. He’s said that hell destroy the whole Carlyle

campus, but if he does that hell destroy himself as well. The rumor Is

that hes calling together a conference. An important meeting of powerful

men…. My house is now watched-as Nimrod said it would bearound the

clock. By the Carlyle police’, of course. Nimrod’s private armyl

April 22, 1972. Nimrod has wonl Ws horrifying, but he!s wonl He sent me

two newspaper clippings. In each a student was kiUed by an overdose. The

first a girl in Cambridge, the second a boy from Trinity. He says that

hell keep adding


to the list for every week I withhold the records. . . . Hostages are

executedl-Hes got to be stopped[ But how? What can I do? … Ive got a plan

but’l don’t know if I can do it-Im going to try to nwnufacture records.

Leave them intact. It will be difficult-my hands shake so sometimesl Can I

possibly get through it?I have to. I said I’d deliver a few at a time. For

my own protection. I wonder if he!U agree to that?

April 24, z972. Nimrods unbelievably evil, but hes a realist. He knows he

can do nothing elsel We both are racing against the time of my death.

Stalematel I’m alternating between a typewriter and different fountain pens

and various types of paper. The killings are suspended but Im told they

will resume if I miss one deliveryl Nimrod!s hostages are in my handsl

Their executions can be prevented only by mel

April 27, 1972. Something strange is happeningl The Beeson boy phoned our

contact at Admissions. Jim Matlock was there and Beeson suspects him. He

asked questions, made an ass of himself with Beeson!s wife…. Matlock

isn’t on any listl He’s no part of Nimrod—on either side. He!s never

purchased a thing, never sold. . . . The Carlyle patrol cars are always

outside now. Nimro&s army is alerted. What is it?

April 27, z972–P.m. The messengers came-two of them-and what they led me

to believe is so incredible I cannot write it here…. Ive never asked the

identity of Nimrod, I never wanted to know. But panic’s rampant now,

something is happening beyond even Nimrod!s control. And

324 Robert Ludlum

the messengers told me who Nimrod is…. They liel I cannot, will not

believe it/ If it is true we are all in hdU

Matlock stared at the last entry helplessly. The handwriting was hardly

readable; most of the words were connected with one another as if the

writer could not stop the pencil from racing ahead.

April 28. Matlock was here. He knowsl Others knowl He says the government

men are involved now…. Its overl But what they can1 understand is what

will happen-a bloodbath, killings –executionsl Nimrod can do no lessf

There will be so much pain. There will be mass killing and it will be

provoked by an insignificant teacher of the Elizabethans…. A messenger

called. Nimrod hi7welf is coming out It is a confrontation. Now I’ll know

the truth-who he really is…. If hes who rve been led to believe-somehow

III get this record out-somehow. It’s all that’s left. It’s my turn to

threaten …. It!s over now. The pain will soon be over, too …. Tberes

been so much pain … IT make one final entry when Fm sure. . . .

Matlock closed the notebook. What had the girl named Jeannie said? They

have the courts, the police, the doctors. And Alan Pace. He’d added the

major university administrations-all over the Northeast Whole academic

policies; employments, deployments, curriculums–sources of enormous

financing. They have it all.

But Matlock had the indictment.


It was enough. Enough to stop Nimrod-whoever he was. Enough to stop the

bloodbath, the executions. Now he had to reach Jason Greenberg. Alone.


Carrying the oilcloth packet, he began walking toward the town of Carlyle,

traveling the back roads on which there was rarely any night traffic. He

knew it would be too dangerous to drive. The man in the field had probably

recovered sufficiently to reach someone -reach Nimrod. An alarm would be

sent out for him. The unseen armies would be after him now. His only chance

was to reach Greenberg. Jason Greenberg would tell him what to do.

There was blood on his shirt, mud caked on his trousers and jacket. His

appearance brought to mind the outcasts of Bill’s Bar & Grill by the

railroad freight yards. It was nearly two thirty in the morning, but

such places stayed open most of the night. The blue laws were only

conveniences for them, not edicts. He reached College Parkway and descended

the hill to the yards.

He brushed his damp clothes as best be could and covered the bloodstained

shirt with his jacket. He walked into the filthy bar; the layers of cheap

smoke were suspended above the disheveled customers. A jukebox was playing

some Slovak music, men were yelling, a stand-up shuffleboard was being

abused. Matlock knew he melted into the atmosphere. He would find a few

precious moments of relief.


He sat down at a back booth.

“What the hell happened to you?*

It was the bartender, the same suspicious bartender whom he’d finally

befriended several days ago. Years … ages ago.

“Caught in the rainstorm. Fell a couple of times. Lousy whisky…. Have you

got anything to eat?”

“Cheese sandwiches. The meat I wouldn7t give you. Bread7s not too fresh


“I doet care. Bring me a couple of sandwiches. And a glass of beer. Would

you do that?”

‘Sure. Sure, mister…. You sure you want to eat here?. I mean, I can tell,

this aiet your kind of place, you know what I mean?”

There it was again. The incessant, irrelevant question; the dangling

interrogative. You know what i I nwan … P Not a question at all. Even in

his few moments of relief he had to hear it once more.

“I know what you mean … but I’m sure.”

‘It’s your stomach.” The bartender trudged back to his station.

Matlock found Greenberg’s number and went to the foul-smelling pay phone on

the wall. He inserted a coin and dialed.

“I’m sorry, sir,” the operator said, “the telephone is disconnected. Do you

have another number where the party can be reached?”

“Try it againl I’m sure you7re wrong.”

She, did and she wasn’t. The supervisor in Wheeling, West Virginia, finally

informed the operator in Carlyle, Connecticut that any calls to a Mr.

Greenberg were to be routed to Washington, D.C. It was assumed that whoever

was calling would know where in Washington.

But Mr. Greenberg isn’t expected at the Washing- 328 Robert Ludlum

ton number until early A.M..” she said. “Please inform the party on the


He tried to think. Could he trust calling Washington, the Department of

justice, Narcotics Division? Under the circumstances, might not

Washington-for the sake of speed-alert someone in the Hartford vicinity to

get to him? And Greenberg had made it clear -he didn~t trust the Hartford

office, the Hartford agents.

He understood Greenberg’s concern far better now. He had only to think of

the Carlyle pohce-Nimro&s private army.

No, he wouldn’t call Washington. He’d call Sealfont. His last hope was the

university president. He dialed Sealfones number.

“Jamesl Good Lord, jamesl Are you all right?l Where in heaven’s name have

you been?F

“To places I never knew were there. Never knew existed.”

“But you~re all right? Thats all that mattersl Are YOU all right?1”

. “Yes, sir. And Ive got everything. I’ve got it all. Herron wrote

everything down. les a record of twenty-three years.”

“Then he was part of 0′

“Very much so.’

“Poor, sick man… I don’t understand. However, that’s not important now.

That’s for the authorities. Where are you? I’ll send a car…. No, Ill come

myself. We’ve all been so worried. Ive been in constant touch with the men

at the justice Department”

“Stay where you are,” Matlock said quickly. ‘111 get to you myself-everyone

knows your car. It’ll be less dangerous this way. I know theyre looking for


me. IT have a man here call me a taxi. I just wanted to make sure you were


“Whatever you say. I must tell you I’m relieved. IT call Kressel. Whatever

you have to say, he should know about it. That’s the way its to be.”

“I agree, sir. See you shortly.”

He went back to the booth and began to eat the unappetizing sandwiches. He

bad swallowed half the beer when from inside his damp jacket, the short,

hysterical beeps of Blackstone’s Tel-electronic seared into his ears. He

pulled out the machine and pressed the button. Without thinking of anything

but the number 555-6868 he jumped up from the seat and walked rapidly back

to the telephone. His hand trembling, he awkwardly manipulated the coin and

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Categories: Robert Ludlum