Robert Ludlum – Rhinemann Exchange

the north country, and wipe out every Haganah fanatic in the hills. Those

I don’t kill, I’ll expose…. Put on your coats and get out of here. Take

a room at the Alvear under the name of … Pace. E. Pace. I’ll be in


‘Our weaponsT asked Feld, pulling his light grey overcoat over his


‘I’ll keep them. I’m sure you can afford others…. And don’t wait for us

outside. There’s an FMF vehicle cruising for me.’

‘What about “Tortugas”T Asher Feld was pleading.

‘I said I’ll be in touch!’ shouted Spaulding. ‘Now, get out of here! …

Pick up the Hawkwood girl; she’s around the comer in the Renault. Here are

the keys.’ David reached in his pocket and threw the keys to Asher Feld’s

companion, who caught them effortlessly. ‘Send her back to California.

Tonight, if you can. No later than tomorrow morning. Is that clear?’

‘Yes…. You will be in touchT

‘Get out of here,’ said Spaulding in exhaustion.

The two Haganah agents rose from their chairs, the younger


going to the unconscious third man and lifting him off the floor, onto his

shoulders. Asher Feld stood in the front hallway and turned, his gaze

resting momentarily on the dead bodies, then over to Spaulding.

‘You and 1. We must deal in priorities…. The man from Lisbon is an

extraordinary man.’ He turned to the door and held it open as his companion

carried out the third man. He went outside, closing the door behind him.

David turned to Lyons. ‘Get the designs.’



When the assault on 15 Terraza Verde had begun, Eugene Lyons had done a

remarkable thing. It was so simple it had a certain cleanliness to it,

thought Spaulding. He had taken the metal container with the designs, opened

his bedroom window and dropped the case five feet below into the row of

tiger lilies that grew along the side of the house. The window shut, he had

then run into his bathroom and locked the door.

All things considered – the shock, the panic, his own acknowledged

incapacities – he had taken the least expected action: he had kept his

head. He had removed the container, not tried to conceal it; he had

transferred it to an accessible place, and that was not to be anticipated

by the fanatic men who dealt in complicated tactics and convoluted deceits.

David followed Lyons out of the house through the kitchen door and around

to the side. He took the container from the physicist’s trembling hands and

helped the near-helpless man over the small fence separating the adjacent

property. Together they ran behind the next two houses and cautiously edged

their way toward the street. Spaulding kept his left hand extended,

gripping Lyons’s shoulder, holding him against the wall, prepared to throw

him to the ground at the first hint of hostilities.

Yet David was not really expecting hostilities; he was convinced the

Haganah had eliminated whatever Rhinemarm guards were posted in front, for

the obvious reason that Asher Feld had


left by the front door. What he did think was possible was a last-extren-dty

attempt by Asher Feld to get the designs. Or the sudden emergence of a

Rhinemann vehicle from some near location – a vehicle whose occupants were

unable to raise a radio signal from 15 Terraza Verde.

Each possible; neither really expected.

It was too late and too soon.

What David profoundly hoped he would find, however, was a blue-green sedan

cruising slowly around the streets. A car with small orange insignias on

the bumpers that designated the vehicle as U.S. property. Ballard’s

‘playground attendants’; the men from the FMF base.

It wasn’t cruising. It was stationary, on the far side of the street, its

parking lights on. Three men inside were smoking cigarettes, the glows

illuminating the interior. He turned to Lyons.

‘Let’s go. Walk slowly, casually. The car’s over there.’

The driver and the man next to him got out of the automobile the moment

Spaulding and Lyons reached the curb. They stood awkwardly by the hood,

dressed in civilian clothes. David crossed the street, addressing them.

‘Get in that goddamned car and get us out of here! And while you’re at it,

why don’t you paint bull’s-eyes all over the vehicle? You wouldn’t be any

more of a target than you are now!’

‘Take it easy, buddy,’ replied the driver. ‘We just got here.’ He opened

the rear door as Spaulding helped Lyons inside.

‘You were supposed to be cruising, not parked like watchdogs!’David climbed

in beside Lyons; the man at the far window squeezed over. The driver got

behind the wheel, closed his door and started the engine. The third man

remained outside. ‘Get him in here!’ barked Spaulding.

‘He’ll remain where he is, colonel,’ said the man in the back seat next to

Lyons. ‘He stays here.’

‘Who the hell are youT

‘Colonel Daniel Meehan, Fleet Marine Force, Naval Intelligence. And we want

to know what the fuck’s going on.’

The car started up.

‘You have no control over this exercise,’ said David slowly, deliberately.

‘And I don’t have time for bruised egos. Get us to the embassy, please.’

‘Screw egos! We’d like a little simple clarification I You know


what the hell is going on down in our section of town? This side trip to

Telmo’s just a minor inconvenience I I wouldn’t be here except your

goddamned name was mentioned by that smart-ass cryp! … Jesus!’

Spaulding leaned forward on the seat, staring at Meehan. ‘You’d better tell

me what’s going on in your section of town. And why my name gets you to


The marine returned the look, glancing once – with obvious distaste – at

the ashen Lyons. ‘Why not? Your friend cleared?’

‘He is now. No one more so.’

‘We have three cruisers patrolling the Buenos Aires coastal zone plus a

destroyer and a carrier somewhere’s out there.

Five hours ago we get a blue alert: prepare for a radio-radar ~1*ackout,

all sea and aircraft to hold to, no movement. Forty-five minutes later

there’s a scrambler from Fairfax, source four-zero. Intercept one Colonel

David Spaulding, also four-zero. He’s to make contact pronto.’

‘With FairfaxT

‘Only with Fairfax…. So we send a man to your address on C6rdoba. He

doesn’t find you but he does find a weird son of a bitch tearing up your

place. He tries to take him and gets laid out…. He gets back to us a

couple of hours later with creases in his head and guess who calls? Right

on an open-line telephonel’

‘Ballard,’ answered David quietly. ‘The embassy cryp.’

‘The smart-ass 1 He makes jokes and tells us to play games out at Telmo I

Wait for you to decide to show.’ The marine colonel shook his head in


‘You said the blue alert was preparation for radar silence

. and radio.’

‘And all ships and planes immobilized,’ interrupted Meehan. ‘What the

hell’s coming in here? The whole goddamned General Staff’? Roosevelt?

Churchill? Rin-tin-tin? And what are we? The enemy I I

‘It’s not what’s coming in, colonel,’ said David softly. ‘It9s what’s going

out…. What’s the time of activationT

‘It’s damn loose. Anytime during the next forty-eight hours. How’s that for

a tight scheduleT

‘Who’s my contact in Virginia?’

‘Oh…. Here.’ Meehan shifted in his seat, proffering a sealed yellow

envelope that was the mark of a scrambled message.


David reached across Lyons and took it.

There was the crackling static of a radio from the front seat followed by

the single word ‘Redbird!’ out of the speaker. The driver quickly picked up

the dashboard microphone.

‘Redbird acknowledge,’ said the marine.

The static continued but the words were clear. ‘The Spaulding intercept.

Pick him up and bring him in. Four-zero orders from Fairfax. No contact

with the embassy.’

‘You heard the man,’laughed Meehan. ‘No embassy tonight, colonel.’

David was stunned. He started to object – angrily, furiously; then he

stopped…. Fairfax. No Nazi, but Haganah. Asher Feld had said it. The

Provisional Wing dealt in practicalities. And the most practical objective

during the next forty-eight hours was to immobilize the man with the codes.

Washington would not activate a radio-radar blackout without them; and an

enemy submarine surfacing to rendezvous with a trawler would be picked up

on the screens and blown out of the water. The Koening diamonds – the

Peenerniffide tools – would be sent to the bottom of the South Atlantic.

Christ I The irony, thought David. Fairfax – sonteone at Fairfax – was

doing precisely what should be done, motivated by concerns Washington – and

the aircraft companies – refused to acknowledge! It – they – had other

concerns: three-quarters of them were at Spaulding’s feet. High-altitude

gyroscopic designs.

David pressed his arm into Lyons’s shoulder. The emaciated scientist

continued to stare straight ahead but responded to Spaulding’s touch with

a hesitant nudge of his left elbow.

David shook his head and sighed audibly. He held up the yellow envelope and

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Categories: Robert Ludlum