No time to rig a powerful transmitter. No time for anything but drastic measures.

Not time enough, he was afraid!

Chapter 19: SQUEEZE PLAY

“SOUP’S ON!” MORRIE GREETED him as he came hurrying into the Wotan. Cargraves started shucking off his suit as he answered.

“No time for that — no, gimme a couple of those sandwiches.”

Morrie complied.

Ross inquired, “What’s the rush?”

“Got to see the prisoner.” He turned away, then stopped. “No — wait. Come here, guys.” He motioned them into a football huddle. “I’m going to try something.” He whispered urgently for a few minutes. “Now play up. I’ll leave the door open.”

He went into the hold and prodded von Hartwick with his boot. “Wake up, you.” He took a bite of sandwich.

“I am awake.” Von Hartwick turned his head with some difficulty as he was trussed up with his ankles pulled up toward his wrists, which were tied behind him. “Ah, food,” he said cheerfully. “I was wondering when you would remember the amenities in dealing with prisoners.”

“It’s not for you,” Cargraves informed him. “The other sandwich is for me. You won’t need one.”

Von Hartwick looked interest but not frightened. “So?”

“Nope,” said Cargraves, wiping his mouth with his sleeve, “you won’t. I had intended to take you to earth for trial, but I find I won’t have time for that. I’ll try you myself — now.”

Von Hartwick shrugged under his bonds. “You are able to do as you like. I’ve no doubt you intend to kill me, but don’t dignify it with the name of a trial. Call it a lynching. Be honest with yourself. In the first place my conduct has been entirely correct. True, I was forced to shoot one of my own men, but it was a necessary emergency military measure-”

“Murder,” put in Cargraves.

“-in defense of the security of the Reich,” von Hartwick went on unhurriedly, “and no concern of yours in any case. It was in my own ship, entirely out of jurisdiction of any silly laws of the corrupt democracies. As for the bombing of your ship, I have explained to you-”

“Shut up,” Cargraves said. “You’ll get a chance to say a few words later. Court’s in session. Just to get it straight in your head, this entire planet is subject to the laws of the United Nations. We took formal possession and have established a permanent base. Therefore-”

“Too late, Judge Lynch. The New Reich claimed this planet three months ago.”

“I told you to keep quiet. You’re in contempt of court. One more peep and we’ll think up a way to keep you quiet. Therefore, as the master of a vessel registered under the laws of the United Nations it is my duty to see that those laws are obeyed. Your so-called claim doesn’t hold water. There isn’t any New Reich, so it can’t claim anything. You and your fellow thugs aren’t a nation; you are merely gangsters. We aren’t bound to recognize any fictions you have thought up and we don’t. Morrie! Bring me another sandwich.”

“Coming up, Captain!”

“Now as master of the Galileo,” Cargraves went on, “I have to act for the government when I’m off by myself, as I am now. Since I haven’t time to take you back to earth for trial, I’m trying you now. Two charges: murder in the first degree and piracy.”

“Piracy? My dear fellow!”

“Piracy. You attacked a vessel of UN register. On your own admission you took part in it, whether you gave the orders or not. All members of a pirate crew are equally guilty, and it’s a capital offense. Murder in the first degree is another one. Thanks for the sandwich, Morrie. Where did you find fresh bread?”

“It was canned.”

“Clever, these Nazis. There was some doubt in my mind as to whether to charge you with first or second degree. But you had to grab the gun away from me first, before you could shoot your pal. That’s premeditation. So you’re charged — piracy and first-degree murder. How do you plead? Guilty or not guilty?”

Von Hartwick hesitated a bit before replying. “Since I do not admit the jurisdiction of this so-called court, I refuse to enter a plea. Even if I concede- which I don’t -that you honestly believe this to be United Nations territory, you still are not a court.”

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Categories: Heinlein, Robert