Roger Zelazny. The Great Book of Amber. The First Amber Pentology – Corwin’s Story: Book 1. Chapter 5, 6

“Eric has announced his coronation in three months‘ time,” he said. “I can triple my forces by then—at least. Perhaps I can even have a quarter of a million Shadow troops to lead against Amber. There are other worlds like this one, and I will penetrate them. I will raise me such a force of holy crusaders as has never been sent against Amber before.”

“And Eric will have had the same time to intensify his defenses. I don‘t know, Bleys . . . it‘s almost a suicide run. I didn‘t know the full situation when I came here—”

“And what have you brought with you?” be asked. “Nothing! It is rumored that you once commanded troops. Where are they?”

I turned away from him.

“They are no more,” I said. “I am certain.”

“Could you not find a Shadow of your Shadow?”

“I don‘t want to try,” I said. “I‘m sorry.”

“Then what real good are you to me?”

“I‘ll go,” I told him, “if that‘s all you had in mind, if that‘s all you really wanted me around for—more bodies.”

“Wait!” he cried out. “I spoke hastily. I don‘t want to lose your counsel, if nothing else. Stay with me, please. I will even apologize.”

“That is not necessary,” I said, knowing what this thing means to a prince of Amber. “I‘ll stay. I think I can help you.”

“Good!” and he clapped me upon my good shoulder.

“And I‘ll get you more troops,” I added. “Never fear.”

And I did.

I walked among Shadows, and found a race of furry creatures, dark and clawed and fanged, reasonably manlike, and about as intelligent as a freshman in the high school of your choice—sorry, kids, but what I mean is they were loyal, devoted, honest, and too easily screwed by bastards like me and my brother. I felt like the dee-jay of your choice.

Around a hundred-thousand worshiped us to the extent of taking up arms.

Bleys was impressed and shut up. After a week my shoulder was healed. After two months we had our quarter million and more.

“Corwin, Corwin! You‘re still Corwin!” he said, and we took another drink.

But I was feeling kind of funny. Most of these troops were destined to die. I was the agent responsible for much of this. I felt some remorse, though I knew the difference between Shadow and Substance. Each death would be a real death; however, I knew that also.

And some nights I dwelled upon the playing cards. The missing Trumps had been restored to the pack I held. One of them was a portrait of Amber itself, and I knew it could bear me back into the city. The others were those of our dead or missing relatives. And one was Dad‘s, and I skipped it over quickly. He was gone.

I stared at each face for a long while to consider what might be gained from each. I cast the cards several times, and the same thing came up on each occasion.

His name was Caine.

He wore satin that was green and black, and a dark three-cornered hat with a green plume of feathers trailing down behind. At his belt there was an emerald-studded dagger. He was dark.

“Caine,” I said.

After a time, there came a reply.

“Who?” he asked.

“Corwin,” said I.

“Corwin! Is this a joke?”


“What do you want?”

“What‘ve you got?”

“You know that.” and his eyes shifted and lay upon me, but I watched his hand, which was near to his dagger.

“Where are you?”

“With Bleys.”

“There was a rumor you‘d shown up in Amber recently—and I wondered at the bandages on Eric‘s arm.”

“You‘re looking at the reason,” I said. “What‘s your price?”

“What do you mean?”

“Let us be frank and to the point. Do you think Bleys and I can take Eric?”

“No, that‘s why I‘m with Eric. And I won‘t sell out my armada either, if that‘s what you‘re after—and I‘d imagine you are.”

I smiled.

“Perceptive brother,” I replied. “Well, it‘s been nice talking to you. See you in Amber—maybe.”

I moved my hand, and he cried out.



“I don‘t even know your offer.”

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger