Roger Zelazny. Coming to a Cord

…And for that matter I didn’t know the location of their apartments, save for Merlin’s, Brand’s, Random and Vialle’s, and Martin’s—which Merlin sometimes visited. Random and Vialle’s would be hard to reach, with all the work that was going on. So I headed off in the direction of Martin’s rooms and slithered under the door when I got there. He had rock posters on most of his walls, as well as the speakers for a magically powered CD player. He, alas, was absent, and I had no idea when he might return.

I went back out into the hall and slithered along it, listening for a familiar voice, checking under doors, into rooms. This went on for some time before I heard Flora say, “Oh, bother!” from behind a door up the hall. I headed in that direction. She was one of the ones privy to my existence.

Her door was closed, but I was able to make my way beneath it into a highly decorated sitting room. She seemed in the process of mending a broken fingernail with some sort of goo.

I crossed the room to her side, maintaining my invisibility, and wrapped myself about her right ankle.

Hello, I said. This is Frakir, Merlin’s friend and strangling cord. Can you help me?

Following a moment of silence, she said, “Frakir! What’s happened? What do you need?”

I was inadvertently abandoned, I explained, while Merlin was under the influence of a peculiar spell. I need to get in touch with him. I’ve realized something he may need to know. Also, I want to get back on his wrist.

“I’ll give his Trump a try,” she said, “though if he’s in the Courts I’ll probably not be able to reach him.”

I heard her open a drawer, and moments later I listened to her fumbling with cards. I tried to tune in on her thoughts as she manipulated them, but I could not.

“Sorry,” she said, after a time. “I can’t seem to get through to him.”

Thanks for trying, I told her.

“When did you get separated from Merlin?” she asked.

It was the day the Powers met in the back hall, I said.

“What sort of spell did Merlin get caught up in?”

One that was hanging fairly free in Brand’s quarters. You see, Merlin’s and Brand’s rooms being next door to each other, he’d entered out of curiosity when the wall fell during the confrontation.

“Frakir, I don’t think that was an accident,” she said. “One Power or the other probably arranged for things to be so.”

Seems likely when one thinks about it, Princess.

“What do you want to do now? I’ll be glad to help,” she said.

I’d like to find a way to get back to Merlin, I said. He’s had a general aura of danger about him for some time—to which I am particularly sensitive.

“I understand,” she said, “and I’ll find a way. It may take a few days, but I’ll figure something.”

All right. I’ll wait, I said. I’ve no real choice in the matter.

“You’re welcome to stay with me till that happens.”

I’ll do that, I said. Thanks.

I found a comfortable-looking table and wrapped myself about one of its legs. I went into stasis then, if one needs a word for it. It is not sleep, as there is no loss of consciousness. But there is no thinking in the conventional sense either. I just sort of spread out my awareness and am, until I am needed.

How long I lay coiled in this position, I have no way of telling. I was alone in the sitting room, though I was aware of Flora’s breathing next door.

Suddenly, she shrieked. This time, I just loosened myself and dropped to the floor.

As I began hurrying toward the room I heard another voice. “Sorry,” it said. “I am pursued. I had no choice but to drop in without invitation.”

“Who are you?” she asked.

“Well, I’m a sorcerer,” he said. “I was hiding in your mirror, as I have every night for a long while. I have this crush on you and I like to watch you as you go about your business.”

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