Roger Zelazny. The Great Book of Amber. The First Amber Pentology – Corwin’s Story: Book 1. Chapter 5, 6

Then I watched a while longer, and I saw that strange shapes moved among the lights. I wondered then as to the nature of his army.

Whatever, it was more than I possessed.

I made my way back to the table and poured me a final drink. Before I quaffed it, however, I lighted a taper. In its light, I withdrew the pack of cards I had stolen.

I spread them before me and I came across the one depicting Eric. I laid it in the center of the table and put the rest away.

After a time, it came to life; and I saw Eric in his sleeping garments and I heard the words, “Who is it?” His arm was bound.

“Me,” I said, “Corwin. How are you?”

He cursed then, and I laughed. This was a dangerous game and maybe the whisky had contributed to it. but I continued: “I just felt like telling you that all goes well with me. I also wanted to advise you that you were right when you spoke of the uneasy head. You won’t be wearing it long, though. So cheerio! Brother! The day I come again to Amber is the day you die! Just thought I’d tell you, since that day is not too far off.”

“Come ahead,” he told me, “and I’ll not want for grace in the matter of your passing.”

His eyes focused on me then and we were close.

I thumbed my nose at him and passed my palm over the card.

It was like hanging up a telephone, and I shuffled Eric in with all the rest.

I wondered though, as I approached sleep concerning those troops of Bleys which occupied the defile below, and I thought upon Eric’s defenses.

It would not be easy.


The land was known as Avernus, and the assembled troops were not quite men. I reviewed them the following morning, walking behind Bleys. They were all of them around seven feet in height, had very red skins and little hair, catlike eyes, and six-digited hands and feet. They wore garments that looked as light as silk, but were woven of something else and were mainly gray or blue in color. Each bore two short blades, hooked at the end. Their ears were pointed and their many fingers clawed.

The climate was warm and the colors bewildering, and everyone thought we were gods.

Bleys had found a place where the religion involved brother-gods who looked like us and had their troubles. Invariably, in the terms of this mythos, an evil brother would seize power and seek to oppress the good brothers. And of course there was the legend of an Apocalypse where they themselves would be called upon to stand on the side of the surviving good brothers.

I wore my left arm in a black sling and considered those who were about to die.

I stood before a trooper and looked up at him. I asked him, “Do you know who Eric is?”

“The Lord of Evil,” he replied.

I nodded and said, “Very good,” and passed on.

Bleys had custom-made cannon fodder.

“How large is your army?” I asked him.

“Around fifty thousand,” he replied.

“I salute those who are about to Give Their All,” I told him. “You can‘t take Amber with fifty thousand men, even providing you can get them all to the foot of Kolvir intact—and you can‘t It‘s silly even to consider using these poor bastards against the immortal city, with their toy swords and all.”

“I know,” he said, “but they‘re not all I‘ve got.”

“You‘ll need a lot more.”

“Then how do three navies sound, half again the size of Caine‘s and Gerard‘s fleets put together? I‘ve a way.”

“Not yet enough,” said I, “and barely a beginning.”

“I know. I‘m still building,” he said.

“Well, we‘d better build a lot more. Eric will sit in Amber and kill us as we march through Shadows. When the remaining forces finally reach the foot of Kolvir, he‘ll decimate them there. Then there will be the climb to Amber. How many hundred do you think will remain when we reach the city? Enough to be dispatched in five minutes, at almost no cost to Eric. If this is the best you‘ve got, brother Bleys, I have misgivings concerning this expedition.”

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger